My mate. Working had helped. Her future doesn't seem listless or empty anymore. My mate. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", As I waited in the foyer for her to return from her walk, I realized that I. her to say no. But the young king was sad, for though his circle of family and friends was large and loyal, he sat atop his throne alone with no one at his side. He was sitting in his study, Feyre long gone and having returned to the Night Court, a brief note left on her bed and he hadnt suspected a thing. The emotion I felt flood her mind when I sent her the mental message letting her know to expect me shortly was comforting. Feyre is upset, but returns to Rhys and heals him with her blood, as the Suriel tells her to. One moment, I had been so free, so high on victory at what this woman had done for us all and the next, I was shattered. Full of whispers and shadows. I try to only visit the Court of Nightmares a few times a year.. all of the High Lords travel to the Night Court at its opening because if not for Tamlins sacrifice, they would not have defeated the King of Hybern. You assumed that when I said instantaneous freedom regarding the riddle, it applied to the trials, too, didnt you? We had both fought for that love, bled for it. The answer is so lovely., Amarantha turned deliciously to Tamlin. She adds Mor's eyes at her request. Snow swirled and eddied in the garden, catching in the brown fibers of the burlap covering the shrubs. And then, while every eye is on the two of us, Azriel will go to Mors familys quarters and retrieve the Orb. Very morally gray but I think the implication in the book is that Rhys thinks if he hadn't done that, Feyre would have gone mad alone in her cell and/or been abused by the guards. My mate. Later Mor told her they were from Amren, who had tried to learn to paint a year ago but had quickly given up. I was still new enough to being High Lady that I had no idea what my formal role was to be. So I wrote that part of Chapter 41 from Rhys' POV and added a little bit to it. A long, brutal winter that had made me desperate enough to kill a wolf, that had eventually led me hereto this life, this . One day I'll get you right, Rhys. Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury. I practically had. I roared her name, anger and grief tearing at my chest as the taste of salt stung my lips. But not today. So he pretends to fight on the evil kings side, seemingly killing in his name. It was a plot device (both by SJM and Rhys) to keep up the smoke screen. Mor tells Feyre that Rhysand, Azriel, and Cassian used to come to the cabin to get drunk for a week straight every autumn. She hadnt even bothered to turn around to face me. When Tamlin gave his share and Feyres shape changed - her fingers lengthening, her ears growing pointed, her skin glowing with color and light once more - it was like watching the world turn right side up after years of forgetting it had ever been turned askew in the first place. We needed them to fight with us. Painted and afraid and drunk on faerie wine, she had been a constant source of entertainment for them, gone from being one High Lords plaything to anothers. :) Hopefully, I can write the other trials and maybe a special prison visit soon too. Shed broken the curse on us all. It was dying. There is a small dining table between the kitchen and living area. I brought Mor to the Illyrian camp for a few days. There were only days left to break the curse, and Tamlin chose to damn us all.All for the safety of one mortal girl. Her convictions would not let her and I could feel how much it crippled her very soul to even consider the possibility. It curled and caressed my mind from deep within, but I was quickly drowning losing hold of it as pain wracked my body in Amaranthas wake. Feyre turned to Tamlin and my heart churned as she spoke, for though her words burned in my lungs, the song she sang in her heart for him threatening to poison me, I would not leave her body and soul until the end, not for one moment. Both of us. I had promised Feyre honesty after the Weaver and the Attor. I could count the number of times I had seen Feyre on one hand and I had been hoping it would stay that way. Feyre forgives him and accepts the mating bond. I grabbed it, just as Amaranthas foot connected with the broken bones of Feyres crumpled body and she screamed in pain. I wanted to touch her and hold her and kiss her because she wanted me to and I certainly didnt want to do any of that with an audience. My mate. I went on, I will have toto use you like you are my plaything. . . It stands tucked between two upper fangs of the mountains, which shelter it from the wind. I didnt hear the words she spoke to Feyre. She reached for my hand and her skin was hot, but she was in control of that fire power. Elain had already readied the garden for winter, veiling the more delicate bushes and beds with burlap. A Court of Thorns and Roses Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. In whatever way I can.. My mate. I had lived like that for so long Under the Mountain that it had been easy to be the cruel. Back and forth Tamlin and Amarantha argued, Tamlin trying to steer her off course and away from Feyre, Amarantha having none of it. Id paid to have those rumors squashed with the truth, but many still didnt, our wouldnt, believe it. As courtroom dramas go, it's an early classic that put a criminal defense attorney center stage. Though he knows full well that there is nothing that can stop a mating bond, he ponders if Feyre would still be his if he had done something differently. Looooooved that you included the lead up with the dreams and the quick convo with Amarantha. Summary: Feyre and Rhys visit the Court of Nightmares, along with the rest of the dream squad + Nesta, where Rhys introduces the Court of Nightmares to Feyre as their High Lady. If you need me or just want to check-in, feel free to reach out on my AO3. Quick question! New users, please check the ABOUT section for rules and FAQ. So once more, just as I had at her second trial, I would be her shelter, her guide. Making Feyre wait in that cell for someone to come and save her life was perhaps the hardest moment I had yet faced Under the Mountain. I had seen the way the members of the Court of Nightmares had looked at her Under the Mountain. "To the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered.". Ill have to dress you like I did Under the Mountain, I began, my throat dry. It sickened me to imagine her put in that position again, even if it was, and always had been, a lie. Shed done it. Skilled spytrained by Azriel himselfand master cook. My mate. I almost wondered if Amarantha was silently asking herself that very same question as few in the room laughed. Her eyes were steel grey in her resolve as she met my gaze and said, Let me help. Gone was the mockery, the teasing. The words form on his lips, but refuse to expel. Her face was open and her eyes were clear when she said for the third time. Someone asked me to write the trials from the first book, so here I am *trying*, haha. Look, there's a lot of after-the-fact justifications for many of Rhys's actions, but I think the real answer is that there's something about that situation that SJM finds a little sexy and so that's why it was included. All spoilers on this blog will be tagged with #acowar spoiler and put under a keep reading button (they also get a caution spoiler headline). O yea the court of nightmares scene. Heres the official synopsis: Feyre, Rhys, and their close-knit circle of friends are still busy rebuilding the Night Court and the vastly-changed world beyond. I would never forgive Tamlin for that. . Lucien stood feet away, mourning rewriting itself into hope as he cried for Feyres life. She almost gave up. No longer could I bear my mask. My question faded into blackness. My match. It would crush Feyre. She won, someone said from the crowd, the crowd that was now abuzz with murmurs and squeals and delight. The first snow of winter had begun whipping through Velaris an hour earlier. as well as There was no way that the Tamlin I knew who felt so much love for Feyre could sit idly by and watch, could merely sit, A weight fell into the pit of my stomach and I broke my promise to stay with Feyres thoughts as my gaze turned towards Tamlin and the throne. As I waited in the foyer for her to return from her walk, I realized that I A stillness swept over me, like a lock clicking into place as the depths of my magic replenished. In its place was the true cunning, unrelenting beast she really was. Rhys is severely injured and falls from the sky, but Feyre is unharmed. She froze in the middle of the foyer when she saw me waiting for her and immediately asked, Whats wrong?, I had promised her honesty, so I truthfully replied, Im debating asking you stay tomorrow., And then she was defiant, crossing her arms over her chest, frowning. They will defeat the King of Hybern. My mate. You guys blew my ask box with this one, and figuring out what to do with those wings was so out of my comfort zone, International- A Court of Thorns and Roses: Rhys, Meri on Instagram: "High Lord, Rhysand I always dreamed of drawing him in beast guise .. #rhysand #rhys #rhysandfeyre #feyreandrhysand #feyredarling #acofas #feysand #feyrearcheron #feyre #acotar. He could not directly do anything because then Amarantha would see and probably find a way to punish him. Love, Feyre choked. One life for the sake of many. Hes not all perfection and happy-fun-times, he has a dark side too, both literally and figuratively. But with Feyre as Janet, Tamlin as Brad, Rhysand as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, and all the rest. She couldnt do it. I fell in love with this book, i fell in love with these two people, i fell in love with their relationship. My matewho had worked so hard and so selflessly, all without hope that I would ever be with him. I almost didnt believe this was all happening until I was standing there waiting for her to be led out. The drink was to make her forget the atrocious things she saw. I tried my best to make sense of it as well as guess at what Rhys was thinking since we dont have much to go on for him in this scene. She also painted the Inner Circle. It doesn't matter who you are to him - fire forged brother, second in command, or even mate. Yes. His tan face paled. I'm talking about the one where Feyre sits on Rhys' lap and they're "acting" lol. One fine summer day, the young king hosted a dinner for his closest friends and family. A Court Of Mist And Fury. I had to buy presents for all of them. To agree to it tonight. A way of lording over us all the fact that she could celebrate our powers at her disposal whenever she so pleased. Glad to be back!No copyright infringement intended. It filled me with such hope some nights. There is a garden created in Velaris, and it is named after Tamlin in his honor. My mate. The idea of putting that trust in jeopardy, even if it was to save the world, was abhorrent. When my own work allowed it, I often joined him. The rest of the Inner Circle dont know. I think this scene is important-and heartbreaking at the same time-because it's a moment where Rhysand . And then, there she stood, my Feyre, before our evil queen, chin held high and boldness in her stance. My mate. Not so fast, Amarantha clicked merrily and the guards unmasked the first faerie, a male with a crumpling face not ready to meet his death. She finds Rhys being tortured in a cave, and, enraged, she accesses her power, killing his captors and winnowing him back to the Night Court. Id like a roadmap so I know when to start skimming. When Amren had suggested that Feyre could serve as a distraction, she hadnt elaborated much because we had all known what kind of behavior would provide a distraction for the Court of Nightmares. Feyre & Rhysand | A Court of Thorns and Roses | Nightcall TRPNBRGS 2.5K subscribers Subscribe 591K views 2 years ago I'm back! Foto Fantasy. Shed solved the riddle. The Cabin is a log cabin that belongs to Rhysand and is used by him and his Inner Circle. We apologise as we seem to have distressed some of you Lucien does this by choice is not forced to do it. But she didnt know. Not Not fair, Feyre choked out, her heart utterly in ruins. She leaned against the wall knowing she had seconds before she was found. Rhys eventually finds her and explains his actions, prompting Feyre to accept the mating bond. She wants to be left alone to think over everything. How could you say something so brave?! It was getting harder and harder just to be in her presence without being overcome with the urge to press her against the nearest flat surface and kiss her senseless. Enjoy it.. This ones taken from Chapter 37 of ACOTAR when Rhys heals Feyres arm and makes the bargain with her to visit him in the Night Court. It didnt. The brief scene in Chapter 46 at the end of ACOTAR where Rhys calls to Feyre to say goodbye and ends up fully seeing the mating bond between them before he disappears. Feyre! I screamed once more, picking myself up and running to Tamlin where the ash knife had fallen. I wouldve appreciated his character better if consent was in the picture.. Now, I just cant get over how overbearing he was in those scenes and its ruining my experience with the rest of the series.. She angled her head and stared at me until I lifted my eyes to met hers. Sorry if its worse than usual! There is nothing around for as far as the eye can see. She always goes ahead of me to give them time to prepare themselves for my arrival. Its a small courtesy that they dont deserve, but I dont mention that. We will be using My mate. My mate. I you so much, Kate. And my father didnt particularly care if his cousins used their offspring as breeding stock., The words poured out of me. And maybe thats what bothered me the most. Talk to her?! And she saw Cassian, and decided shed do the one thing that would ruin her value to these people. If you are the art. When the floor quaked and Feyre began to sink ever lower into the ground, I was nervous with anticipation and questions. @ Countdown Anon: I love you. Hed sat silently by all these weeks doing nothing more to help her than offering a few stolen kisses in a dingy hallway. Now the next. Or even if she didnt, would she do it anyway? Stop? Eris left her for dead in the middle of their woods. We haven't seen much of that lately; cops and prosecutors predominate at the moment. How his face had looked, how his chest had not risen, how the bond between us had shredded into ribbons. Tell me exactly what to expect from you and Ill tell you if theres anything that I cant stand the thought of you doing.. The knife fell from Feyres hand with a soul-shattering crash. If wed have a High Priestess do some odious ceremony, as Ianthe had done the year before. And if my reluctance to bring back before those people who had seen her so debased wasnt enough, there was the fact that Feyre was actually beginning to like me. . So, I vaguely heard Amarantha say. Darkness rippled within me breaking off a piece of my essence and carrying Feyre with it into her body where it belonged. While I do understand there might have been a little bit of selfishness and greed in doing that (similar to the bargain), thats what makes him such a well-written character. Agonizing. The next scene that broke my heart happens during the sexytimes between Feyre and Rhys. ONE DAY. My mate. And the new, emerging world beyond. But I am going to ask you to act like you are. To her credit, she didnt flinch away from my gaze or pull her hand from mine. TheObliviousness, Aspen224, Stardropsoda, thefanfictiondeepstate, Zzz89, AllTheDevilsAreHere, rachiemcd, FreshlyCutGrass, CelestialDragon13, sweetpotatoyams, Ao3Jessie, OpalSpirit, living_lachesism, merlinsapprentice25, thewritersblock0904, Llamaste_in_bed_all_day, disgraceful, Honeydewpoppy, mvck, Dingman, Strix_strixi, Buhhy, shmromy, P0tato3s, liciaa, Starshine_860, Fanfic4fun, Katied210, DreamingWhileAwake06, Khehfhggsggsgshw, SkiaEsh, fearsparks, Chimerical_Sophie, Alvarado_say, Vicsediits, dariusthegreatt, I_llustre, eloquent_fairy, bbookzsstuff, Hillarymitichen, Paulilagos, mossyrockonamossylog, cowboylikebrii, Emmer97203, LynaeKylee, Julia19, hkhina, lelamarie, lizsantiago, Westj059, and 44 more users It wont be safe. I ran a hand through my hair and tried to explain myself to her. Yeahhhhh I think by the time feyre gets pregnant it has been like a year with Rhys? UPDATE: Lucien beheads Brannagh and Feyre kills Dagdan. As the second victim - a female this time - was unmasked, I finally felt what I had prayed and begged and bargained with the Cauldron never to let me feel: I felt Feyre break. Three prisoners with bags to cover their faces were led out into the center of the room to stand in front of Feyre. King Rhysand accepted and discharged Sir Cassian to set off at once, with Sir Tamlin at his side for aide. To say the grief was devastating was an understatement. Rhys is so distraught and uncomfortable in that scene and I wanted to . The house has been spelled to take care of the needs of anyone inside, doing things like filling the tub, changing the sheets on the bed, etc, they just need to wish or speak for things and it'll be done.[1]. Rhysand does not talk. And youll enter first with Mor. The answer to the riddle is love.. She narrowed her eyes, but didnt protest. She also discovers that they are matesa sacred bond even deeper than marriageand that Rhys knew and never told her. "It would be a step away from where we've been for the past fifty years. The original "Perry Mason" TV series starring Raymond Burr premiered in 1957 and ran for nearly a decade. Touch her. The mask of the High Lord, she finished for me. The words were right there on the edge of my tongue, but I bit them back. Tam tool didnt go thorough with it. The one thing in all of Prythian that might have been the downfall in my beautiful plan and she had figured it out, the clever whore. With Cassian, with her, with our families. (Sorry if I spelled it wrong). If ever she was ready, she could come looking and I would give her the rest. Its intimate, warm, lovely. And she was getting worse. Morrigan was rapturous. The idea of explaining every step to her, of saying the things Id do out loud, was almost worse than the thought of actually doing them. Also, the paint was so she knew she wasn't being touched anywhere she didn't want to be. A curse sprang from my mouth. My life, my court, my every hope and dream wrapped up into this one perfect person. The snow fell, thick clumps plopping onto the dried grass of the tiny front lawn, crusting the spikes and arches of the decorative fence beyond it. 197 guests Wed rather not expand its done better in the book. 2023 Oscars predictions: See who will win at the 95th Academy Awards. Maas has shared an excerpt of the book exclusively with EW, ahead of its May 1 release. Ill probably do something outrageous and idiotic, like throw you over my shoulder or sit you on my lap. Chapters 41-43 of ACOMAF from Rhysand's POV. I clung to her and felt each bone as Amarantha broke them one by one. Hed been having these weird dreams lately but he didnt want them to stop. I knew he loved her. My mate. All contents belong to their rightful owners.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. This t-shirt is distressed and garment dyed, meaning each shirt will look a little bit different! Heck no but the entirety of being under the mountain was oppressive and dangerous for every one involved. I still believed Feyre could do it, could beat her, but Amarantha would not go quietly nor without damage and that was what scared me. But would she realize? Nesta is Nyx's aunt. Taste her. And then like a snake striking at its prey, Amaranthas hands wrapped around Feyres neck and twisted and Feyres eyes went blank. My nose bled, my head cracked, my stomach caved in. Feyres eyes turn up to him, at first filled with an astonishing amount of hate. He had been foolish enough to truly believe that the bond between Feyre and Rhysand was broken. Welcome to the Quantum Realm. I hadnt even remembered what real happiness felt like until I saw the blade fall from Feyres hand and defeat swept over Amarantha, itd been so long since Id enjoyed that luxury. Well bestow what our predecessors have granted to few before. Tamlin looked up at me not knowing Feyre looked back at him. What the boss said! Even now, with that bond again flowing between us like a river of starflecked night, the echo of its vanishing lingered. I rarely bring anyone there with me and certainly not anyone as controversial as you. I trust you, she said again, her voice firm and soft. My mate. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #feyreandrhysand, #feyraandrhysand, #feryeandrhysand, #fryreandrhysand, # . and our Im sorry - Im sorry for what I said about Clythia all those years ago. If it were for anything else besides saving the whole world, I might have actually asked her stay. She was protecting herself, crossing her arms over her chest like she could shield her heart from the pain of being pushed aside. And he had not crawled into her mind and put the idea there, it was as real and true as it was hard for Tamlin to understand. I also got to fulfill a request to write Calanmai, which Ive been meaning to write for a long time, so this worked out nicely. He later apologizes to Feyre for kissing her without her consent. 2. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. I didnt want her to have to debase herself like that. They will all be fixated with you so that they can collect information and sell it to the highest bidder., She nodded slowly and chewed on her lower lip. And this inspired another Lucien alternate POV for ACOMAF, so we shall see how it works out (I just really love Lucien, he needs more love). Haha yes thats how he goads her telling her how will you keep Elain and Lucien separate if she doesnt train with him. The rider reached the party and halted before the king and with a loud cry, he announced, The Lady Morrigan has been lost!. The crowd murmured as I sat, the black stone bitingly cold against my bare thighs. Read on below, and pre-order the book here. I still felt it, that hollowness in my chest where the bond had been, where he had been. But if its a problem well, you can always refuse. But there is an unseen threat. The mating bond had been pressing on me more and more lately. Pissing of Keir was something I didnt get to do often enough. Up to the elbows in making some sort of meat pie, the half-wraith gave me a grateful smile and let me do it. Whered you fly off to so early? Tumblr has, quite simply, contributed to a lot of the extra stress Ive experienced the past several months, but it took going away on vacation to really make me register the exact extent of that negative influence and its worth (or lack thereof) on my mental health. Rhys speared a quick thought up to Lucien, whose pain and worry came blasting through the mental connection as soon as it was established. Id deal with my cousins scorn at being cut short after fifty years of waiting later. Mor brings Feyre Archeron to the cabin when she discovers that Rhysand is her mate and that he kept that from her. Eventually, Rhys finds her and tells her that he felt she was his mate when Amarantha killed her, but it was confirmed when he saw her in her Fae form for the first time. A year. Finally awake enough to be coherent, I lowered the shield of black adamant guarding my mind and cast a thought down the soulbridge between me and Rhys. Ive never brought alover to the Court of Nightmares. Summary: Feyre and Rhys visit the Court of Nightmares, along with the rest of the dream squad + Nesta, where Rhys introduces the Court of Nightmares to Feyre as their High Lady. Now was his chance. The counters in the kitchen are made from wood and there is also a stove in the kitchen. He had wanted to deny what had been so plainly before him; Rhysand and Feyre were mates. It had never bothered me when I was the whore, but the thought that anyone referring to Feyre like that made my blood boil. I could tell that she missed me when I had to leave Velaris to attend to duties in the rest of my territory too. Something thats unprecedented and will most definitely piss Keir off. That was the silver lining in this whole fucked up situation. Feyre will never forget how Tamlin had given his life for her. My heart sank at the scene. The young king had many delightful powers and even more adoring friends throughout his kingdom. I felt Feyres spirit lift ever so slightly at the notice that the court was in her favor today. . The opposite of the enormous, wild, days-long party Id been subjected to last year. For the first time in centuries, I felt embarrassed. Yes, I muttered, sinking to bottom step of the stairs behind me. Rhys had died for it. There is also a supply closet in the main area. Arent you having fun?. My mate. Had he been only a minute later, the Mother knew what would have happened. At long last, the end was here. Amren's eyes were painted above the threshold to the bedroom hallway. I finished it! Kier, waiting beside a golden-haired woman who had to be Mors mother, sneering at us. It responds to magic. With a whole new type of project. A female of few words, though neither twin could be considered shy. I only had to hold on to my charade for mere minutes. Foolish, stupid human., Amarantha moved toward Feyre and fear crippled my heart rendering my happiness null and void as she pointed to Feyre and spoke with venom, And you. She takes Rhys back to Morrigan and the others, and asks Mor to take her to a retreat. Her eyes were bright and clear and no longer framed with dark circles and she was still wearing that crown woven into her hair. But as of today, all asks and notifications are being turned off and Im logging out with no plans to return in the near future. Chapters 43-45 of ACOTAR where Feyre completes her third trial, solves the riddle, dies, and is resurrected by the seven High Lords, all from the POV of a miserable Rhysand. Then she served him food, an act that meant she accepts the mating bond. Amarantha paused, but I couldnt see her face clearly. Was it ideal? Nyx was conceived when Feyre was in Illyrian form therefore Feyre's pregnancy was very high risk because she did not have the same wide pelvis as Illyrian women in order to give birth to a baby with wings. But then she moved and she picked up the dagger with a heavy hand in front of the first victim, her mind full of Tamlin and what the sacrifice would be worth. I cleared my throat and pushed down the rage, willed my voice to be steady. Next to me, heat started to radiate off of her, dispelling what remained of the cool night air clinging to her coat in an instant. It increased the tension, played with our imaginations, surprised us when Rhys pulled her onto his lap, etc. I wish all of you much love, health, and happiness. But for now: Solstice. I swallowed. Its because SJM thought it was sexy. See more ideas about feyre and rhysand, rhysand, a court of mist and fury. I wanted her to feel it, to have some semblance of a beautiful thought to give her hope. My mate. The knights set off at once riding for the forest where the Lady Morrigan had last been seen. "Feyre" she heard but ignored as she made a sharp corner going right behind an art supply store. Otherwise, it would've been possible but unlikely he inherited wings given that Rhysand who is half-Illyrian had been born without wings and only conjures them through magic. He will keep things so close to his chest they will become a load bearing part of his heart. . Florescencc (@florescencc) Instagram photos and videos, Vladlena on Instagram: "Rhysand from A Court of Thorns and Roses Made in collaboration with AI and Photoshop #ai #midjourney #neuralnetworks #art #fantasyart #digitalart #aiart #neuralart #art, WavyHues on Instagram: "Heres a quick render of our favourite High Lord to end Rhys week! Cintiq . It was too much, too heavy on her heart. You traitorous piece of filth, Amarantha bellowed at me and I wondered if she was really so surprised at my betrayal. Pain sliced my fingers as she wielded her magic - my magic - to shove the talons back in place inside my skin. And I knew enough from what Azriel had gleaned from his spies that most of the other Courts believed Feyre was merely a fickle woman who couldnt make up her mind about what she wanted. Without even that for context, Feyre had agreed because it would help us and I loved her for it. Theyre innocent - not that it should matter to you since it wasnt a concern the day you killed Tamlins poor sentinel. Once there was a young king named Rhysand who sat high atop a mighty throne. Stop. All dialogue and ideas behind the scenes belong 100% to Sarah J. Maas. Anything to make the madness end and I was so thankful to hear him finally try. Summary: Pre-ACOTAR dreams to Chapter 20-21 of ACOTAR from Rhysands POV. I could feel every single heart beating as we waited for Feyre to make her decision, the one that would decide our collective fates. I hated her so much for twisting the dagger into Feyre so much further than was necessary. I wanted Feyre. Well have to do whatever we need to in order to distract them until he returns . Of course, she had seen me like that before. I mean imagine staring at a wall for over 100 hours then suddenly pulled out onto a stage and told to do math. The Winter Solstice. I still saw that moment, in my sleeping and waking dreams. This is my first time making this kind of mashup - and it shows - but I wanted to try it out.