On 12/27/2020 at 11:24 AM, a.noctilux said: On 12/27/2020 at 12:24 PM, a.noctilux said: Survey: Third-party Lenses for Leica M-Mount , Umfrage: Dritthersteller Objektive fr Leica M-Mount , https://www.overgaard.dk/Leica-M-Type-240-aka-Leica-M10-digital-rangefinder-camera-page-44-Focusing-the-Leica-M-with-Manual-Focus-EVF2-Visoflex-Electronic-Viewfinder.html. The renderings are quite good as a whole, and this feature is not contained in the M10 which relegates one to only the lens filter option.Card Writing Speed. And thats pushing it. The M262 was the stripped-back camera that came after the M240 and before the M10 and as regular readers of this website will know, I do like a stripped-back camera.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Leica must have listened to some of their users who felt that they didnt need a lot of the features that the Leica M240 offered them, and created a camera that felt a little more like a natural progression from the M9. Without even thinking about it, I started using the live-view. The better a device's color depth the more color nuances it can distinguish. BTW the battery life of a charge is awesome. So I am very glad I got the 240 version. I know youre right, I often talk about the bullshit involved in the upgrade path but it has an iso dial! Since receiving a closer focusing lens though Ive noticed that actually the M10 rangefinder goes down to about 0.58m and the M262 goes to about 0.65m. The M240 is a bit slow on the uptake, but I generally leave the camera on while on photo walks so not a real issue.Lock-ups. This is the reason I was so keen not to be without one for a few months so when the M240 didnt initially seem all that different to the M262 I was really pleased!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_12',181,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-4-0'); This relief quickly turned to intrigue. A blessing in some ways, though frustratingly its taken the edge off a feature Ive enjoyed more than I expected to. I have an M246 where just holding down the ISO button, turning the thumbwheel to change it then releasing does the job. Clear editor. As @Jeff Skindly pointed out (when I asked about the M262), this might be a better place to seek views and opinions on this model. A m262 is limited to the lens choice as it rangefinder view only. After the M11 released though, used prices of the M10 dropped and I decided to get one. It's slightly lighter than the 240 and I have no use for video nor live view in a Leica. To me this feels ever so slightly clunky as its also continued to catch me out over the time Ive used the camera. I just recently bought a Leica M262, interestingly I read your blog and it actually helped encourage me to buy it. Thank you for it. Im not sure about the iso dial though, I feel like thats a feature that would really suit me. You shouldnt be so hard on yourself, Pera. That said, I dont shoot Leicas for rapidity.Start Up. ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); The fact is, I really like them as cameras, but largely speaking they just function for me. Adjusting colours always feels like a headache, but is one Ive broadly avoided with this camera. Help us by suggesting a value. Quick charge with automatic constant current control prevents battery from overcharging, short circuit, and electronic shock Your link has been automatically embedded. I just picked up a Leica M-P Typ 240 to compliment my new M9-P I bought a couple weeks ago. Thanks a lot for all your helpful comments. I am very pleased to be in a forum withso many helpful people. My guess is that many of the Leica purists won't be bothered at all by this decision. Shooting with the Leica M262 in manual ISO takes 3 commands to change and set the ISO. Sadly, that is the way of digital cameras my friend, a never-ending hamster wheel of upgrades. Im used to focus peaking from shooting video with the Sony cameras, so it was such a short leap to press the LV button and take photos in a way that felt familiar. Press and hold, select ISO, and release to lock in the setting. Loomis77December 27, 2020 in Leica M (Type 240 / 262). I will investigate that. Read full post here: In this buying guide weve rounded up all the current interchangeable lens cameras costing around $2000 and recommended the best. TheLeica M (Typ 262) has a pared-down feature set, an extra quiet shutter unit and a lower price than theM Typ 240. The focus motor moves the lens in order to autofocus. It was that feeling that having less kit would do me good This became the excuse I needed to change up to the M10. But nope, they included a hardly useful flourish, that as you say, looks like it was thought up but a marketing department. It was designed and released after the M240 to offer an option to photographers who didnt need the bells and whistles the M240 had to offer. Most of the digital M bodies are going to offer a satisfactory experience for the average first time Leica user. Epson RD1 style I loved my RD1! Im really enjoying this site since discovering it! I have found that the shadows in the M10 can be pulled forever, which is great, because both cameras have about the same capacity to blow highlight details. Ive read all too often from M10 owners how much they miss an M9 or M8 variant because of the simplicity and CCD image quality. (and more M ) when I look at results, there is no difference as they share same sensor. Funny thing that while the M10 launched, I ordered one early 2017 thinking this may be the M I waited for. Image Quality. That said, even in the short time Ive owned a Leica M240, its confused me with what seems like an obvious short coming, changed my mind about one feature that I had written of as pretty much useless to me, proved that another one of its highlight features is indeed something I have no interest in, and perhaps unfortunately (since I cant afford one) left me with big a chunk of Leica M10 GAS. I realised Id only used it once in the last 6 months. By As such, it felt like itd be the perfect camera for me. And I like the grainy renderings for some scenes.Live View. Using an M this way does not give me the same fundamental photography pleasure as the M8 or M-9P do, but, what it does give me is the ability to scratch the inevitable itch that eventually comes to every M8/9/ME user the desire to use their M for other tasks theirs just cannot do (macro work, adapting other lenses for example). And given the choice between keeping the M262 and the M240, despite what the Leica M240 brings to the table, it doesnt win out over M262. It was designed and released after the M240 to offer an option to photographers who didn't need the bells and whistles the M240 had to offer. At0.68 magnification itll be hard to push to 75mm without a magnifier eyepiece x1.25 or x1.4. The M240 is wide and bulky. The fact that Ive somehow managed to rationalise my way out of that opinion doesnt change how good the M262 really is, and indeed how well suited to me I once felt it to be. I then had a feeling that Im sure a lot of people who have too many cameras have once in a while You might know it yourself? A personal taste thing of course, but youd think that a Leica camera would have a screen that was at least mostly accurate to the end photo? Dont get me wrong Hamish, if I didnt have to give the Taxman an additional sum equal to a Leica M10 last Spring, Id have been tempted! I wish I did. The maximum resolution available for videos shot with the main camera. Afternoon all and best wishes for a happy 2021! I so rarely hit the menu button on this camera, it practically doesnt need to be there for my purposes, and Id imagine most users find the same. First you have to press the ISO button, then use the thumb dial to scroll to the ISO you want, then finally either press SET or the INFO button to lock it in. The 262 probably has a more stable power management, resulting in less banding and thus better high ISO performance. Ha!Have you ever read my Fuji X100f review I think you might enjoy it.https://www.35mmc.com/14/10/2017/fuji-x100f-fuji-lost-sight-elegant-original-concept/. Mostly because of the need for a screen that I allude to. In reality, Ive been saving for this m10 for a long time. And the EVF is a very helpful feature sometime. Image quality will be essentially the same. Also for helping critical focus wide open at close distance. Ive had it for a month now. Its funny, the M262 seems to be the Leica camera that people forget. Good thing, I don't need to upgrade further, as those are plenty enough for many years to come. Live-view with any lens I liked was fun. After more than a month of use it is apparent the M 262 Image quality is better than that of the M-240 (which i have used since it became available). With ACR, my standard daylight setting for the M240 is 5300/10, while with the M262, it is 5000/0, both with embedded profile. It is certainly one of the most economical full frame digital Leica M cameras out there, however, still a very expensive camera, even used. Something about the idea that it had all these weird and wonderful features made me expect a camera that felt different. Unfortunately, this isnt something thats fixed by the M10 either though I am definitely looking forward to how much the M10 improves manual ISO control for me. Cant quite stretch to the Summicron or Summilux at the moment All the best and, no doubt, I will be on here again soon with myriad questions! You mirror my sentiments about the camera to a t! These capable cameras should be solid and well-built, have both the speed and focus to capture fast action and offer professional-level image quality. Expanded ISO allows you to go beyond the native ISO. "MM-P""" Leica M Typ240MM-P Typ240 Equally, if I dont find anything particularly bad to say, thats got to be a good thing too, but it doesnt really help in the process of finding things to say. There are two things to be separated here. Thank you @Jeff Sfor this and also your sage comments re not having to use video and not having to use LV on the M240. One review even suggested that the M10 should be called the M11, with the M240 rightfully being the M10. I got the m262 because it has everything i need and nothing i do not need. The type of viewfinder that the camera has. We think it rises to the challenge. Last thursday I thought for a few moments about selling my complete gear because of the new Q2, but then I thought about my beloved Summicron 90 from 1973 and my Tele Elmar 135 from 1963 and my Summilux 50 from 2017 and then I said to me: No!, I cannot sell them, I am not a fan of 28 mm.The only tiny shortcoming is for me the limitation of the maximum shutter speed (60 sec) and sometimes I miss an autofocus. In the setup menu, the most used setting is white balance. The top plate of the M262 feels slightly more hollow than the M240 not it a way that you can feel it, but you can sort of hear it if you tap it, and even sometimes when the strap rattles on it. Which is the better buy? This might be the better screen, or it might be residual live-view-denial telling me that the more simple M262 is a better camera for me.