} if(m !== null && m.length === 1) { zoom_observer(); return false; }; } padding: 0; var isWoodStaxProduct = ! }); border-width: 0; ${trustSealText} Upon return and inspection of the StewMac product, StewMac promises to provide a replacement product of the same or equal value subject to the following conditions, exclusions, and limitations: var $self = $(this); } As my progress on my actual build came to a bit of a halt due to a lost shipment with bindings (Thanks a bunch FedEx four lost packages in a week, yet you refuse to let me talk to the driver) I decided to try my hands on making a binding jig. img.remove(); }. if (giftForm != undefined && giftForm.length > 0) { }); return (cF.replace('{0}', to_price)); }); var virtual_dom = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('virtual'); z-index: 2; document.querySelector('.tmx-pdp-buttons-container') && border: solid 1px #ccc; You can also follow the thread in the community. WebYou can dig the simple and easy to use features of this shop built tool. WebKMG. The plans were published in an issue of American Lutherie. fn_killswitch && fn_killswitch() && observer.disconnect(); WebThe Ultimate Binding Jig takes one of the most difficult tasks in lutherie and simplifies it. Read more about our PrivacyandCookiesPolicy.

If your StewMac product was not purchased from StewMac, this voids the warranty. window.translatePrice = function(p) { 'Learn More' : ''} max-width: 500px;

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PDP - Variant Zoom top: 0; check() && (disconnect && observer.disconnect(), code()); The Jig is This limited warranty may be void and StewMac may refuse to provide a replacement, in its sole discretion, if the StewMac product is damaged due to abuse and misuse by You. || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/tuning-machines/') patterns, binding layout, custom rosettes are a part of this class. fds.type = 'text/javascript'; setTimeout(wait_for_header, 50); Binding cuttercan be used to cut channels on classical and steel string guitars. e.classList.add('active-variant-border'); height: 100% !important;
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max-height: inherit !important; e.preventDefault(); name: ( $("#zero-quantity").removeClass("d-none"); position: relative; Many other products out there but these plans are of great detail and easy to build. wait_for_quantities(); } $(".pdp-product-variant").each(function() { @media (max-width: 991px) { setInterval(function () { essexguitarteacher(verified owner) August 31, 2016. Available in 50 countries!
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var calculateTotalQuantity = function() { ); This creates an overlay at the top of the page when an item is added to cart. $(".tmx-cart h1:contains(Cart)").parent()[0] } childList: true, new_img.setAttribute('class', 'img-fluid'); var observer = new MutationObserver(check); display: flex; @media (max-width: 1599px) { e.preventDefault(); if (e) MagicZoom.start(e); Copyright 2021 TLC Guitar Goods. })(); } opacity: 1; .cart-slideout .cart .btn-grp { $('.js-add-to-cart-slideout').on('click', function(event) { ) .cart-slideout .cart { gap: 20px; .cart-slideout .cart .btn-grp { if(avail !== '0') {

var wait_for_quantities = function() { Using a carriage which supports a plunge router, the depth of the router bit can be adjusted easily and $oldContainer.addClass('tagged'); }
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if (isTesting) console.log(event); axle which is normally used for smaller wheels. This is using a combination of CSS and JS to make the existing control header sticky. `; #stewmax-learn-more p { ), Die technische Speicherung oder der Zugriff ist fr den rechtmigen Zweck der Speicherung von Prferenzen erforderlich, die nicht vom Abonnenten oder Benutzer angefordert wurden. #stewmax-learn-more .hdr { Guitar Tuner Drill Jig for Slotted Headstocks, TrueChannel Binding Router Jig with Guitar Body Cradle and Binding Bit Set, TrueChannel Binding Router Jig with Binding Bit Set, TrueChannel Binding Router Jig with Guitar Body Cradle, To give you a faster and more personalized shopping experience, our site uses cookies, View All All Hardware + Parts by Instrument, View All WOODSTAX - Shop Tonewood by the Piece. function code() { var canonical = ($("link[rel='canonical']").attr("href") ?? var last_scroll = 0; html.mz-expanded-view-open body, } You need to take care of a flat work top, body carriage base, the assembly and a router bit. max-width: 100%; })(); /*Change Headline of Login Page when coming from Checkout. var variant = 2; 'src', data_srcset ? } Die technische Speicherung oder der Zugriff ist erforderlich, um Nutzerprofile zu erstellen, um Werbung zu versenden oder um den Nutzer auf einer Website oder ber mehrere Websites hinweg zu hnlichen Marketingzwecken zu verfolgen. .mz-expand .mz-figure img[src*=".svg"] { Thanks, zbiegien(verified owner) October 15, 2018. You can slightly adjust the spring tension by adjusting their vertical position. Want Free Shipping? cursor: pointer; This will require having to drill 4 holes and screw in the threaded inserts supplied. e.addEventListener(s, function() { The iStewMaxProduct = ! var isCategory = (document.querySelector('.tmx-category-page .js-products') !== null); }; `); top: 0; return; display: none; margin: 0 0 10px; This article introduces you to my interpretation of a guitar neck contour jig inspired by the original idea of Bill Scheltema. ${variant === 1 ? fds.async = true; 3M Stikit self-adhesive abrasive can help to increase friction between the two parts. }); #stewmax-learn-more .close { I used some scrap wood which was left over from a shelf. childList: true, I used oak for most of the wood construction. if (
var csBanner = document.querySelector(".customer-service"); }, 200); align-items: center; var observer = new MutationObserver(check); var cE = currencyExchange.value; .cart-slideout .cart { !$('#js-pdp-image-container').data('is-stewmax'); || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/banjo-parts/banjo-bridges-and-tailpieces/') Thingiverse is Download Neck Rest AdapterTechnical drawing or SVG file of the adapter. }; } ) { ), gap: 10px; z-index: 2000; WebThese plans are very useful and free for your use. addStyling(); padding: 10px; @media (max-width: 991px) { }); width: 1100px; Received it nice and promptly. cssArray.push({ desc: "", css: `` }); Keep the router bit center the same as plans when making the changes and everything will work as planned. $([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({ font-family: "jaf-bernino-sans-condensed", sans-serif; justify-content: space-around; .cart-slideout .close-x { } let headline = document.querySelector("main > div.tmx-page > div > h1"); }); The one on the pictures has a length of 900 mm. 'Learn More' : ''} return ( dataLayer.push(event); By cutting channels parallel to the sides rather than perpendicular to them, the Ultimate Binding Jig ensures you get true, full depth channels around the entire perimeter of the instrument regardless of any pitch changes in your sides.

childList: true, ) && (code(), observer.disconnect()); window.MagicZoom It was easier than I had expected. // Added the following to handle impersonation sessions from customer service team The larrive+apprentices jig is my preferred option, also $300ish, though I don't have one. FreshworksWidget('hide', 'launcher'); );
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