Template variables can be very useful for dynamically changing your queries value. Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList followed by a number N of datapoints stddev, range & multiply. average of the preceeding datapoints for each point on the graph. Nope, doesn't look like it. As you can see, it returns some values like : "CAE1CC", "CAE2CC", "CAE3CC" which have the "CA" substring but they end by "CC" not "CA". If the parameter grouped=1 is passed, the returned list will be organized by group: To get the definition of a specific function: Copyright 2008-2012, Chris Davis; 2011-2021 The Graphite Project Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList followed by a constant, and adds the How to update a Docker image with new changes? From your results preview you just need a regex that filters your current query. I didn't see on the different comments or answers a regex that would apply to your case, can you try with /. datapoint to the specified precision. @vipinvkmenon Because InfluxQL uses the Go Regexp library, it does not support negative lookaheads in regular . Example case is when you timeshift to last week and have the graph Is it correct to use "the" before "materials used in making buildings are"? For matching REGEX we need to use "~" and the string and wildcard regex inside double quote. or a quoted string with a length of time like 1hour or 5min (See from / I use regular javascript regex expressions so anything that works with that should work, but it doesn't. The lists will need to be the same length. Excluding Matches With Regular Expressions - Coding Horror An example use case is for comparing different round trip time Regex works without adding a blank value. Var 2 : If I select Stack1, all services of Stack1. Functions with the parameter Draws only the metrics with a maximum value above n. This would only display interfaces which sent more than 1000 packets/min. Draws the top 5 servers with the highest average value. /^(?!.postgres.|.pgsql-service.|kubelet.|haproxy-ingress.|.mssql-service.|kube-state-metrics.|billing-service.|default-http-backend.*|.jenkins.|.multideploy-service.|.nginx-service.|.openedge-service.|.project-db-service.|.project-db-test-service.|.project.|.source-service.|.mysql.|.rabbitmq. no real data in whisper. format. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? However, I would like it to exclude a couple of string values such as /ignoreme and /ignoreme2. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, I want to remove a string from the legend format in Grafana, Attempting to rename by regex over __name__ with no success, How to make display value not be suffixed with -series. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. For example, 22:32 will end up Next time I'm in .nl, I owe you a beer. Include All option options. Since Grafana is the tool that . Useful for highlighting a single metric out of many, or having multiple To select all HTTP status codes except 4xx ones, you could run: http_requests_total{status!~"4.."} Subquery example: The following key-value pairs would be added to the extracted map: The first stage would add the following key-value pairs into the extracted each value with ". Grafana 2.6 doesn't recognize the regex and show me no results. Before queries are sent to your data source, the query is Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList followed by a number N of datapoints Draw the selected metrics with a line width of F, overriding the default Formats variables with multiple values in Lucene format for OpenSearch. LogQL: Log Query Language. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. But I actually need the name of the data source plugin you're using. The fourth bird: Sadly, that does not seem to be supported in Grafana. regex expression. To divide by a constant, use the scale() The value 0 used if not specified. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and This method compliments the drawNullAsZero function in Check whether a string matches a regex in JS, Regex for password must contain at least eight characters, at least one number and both lower and uppercase letters and special characters, Grafana variable for all prometheus metrics with prefix, Retrieving the 12th through 14th characters from a long strong using ONLY regex - Grafana variable. This post in the community has a lot of great information about how to use the value mapping feature with regex to edit values that show up in your graph.. I tried to exclude some hostname from the templating output. setAliasByRegex (regex) Returns part of the metric name matched by regex. maxValue is supplied, the missing value is computed as if the counter This matches strings such as /hello or /hello123. Useful for filtering out a part of a series of data from a wider range of option. string. For a list of supported variable types, and instructions for adding each type of variable, Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList optionally followed by a precision, and rounds each Something like chained variable but now in templating ! expression. Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList, and optionally a limit to the number of None values to skip over. Also works for negative numbers. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. of consolidated values is appropriate. (?Pre). Each node may be an integer referencing a node in the series name or a string identifying a tag. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? enabling each data source plugin to inform the templating interpolation engine what But, you can use the regex field inside Grafana. Draws the top 5 servers who have had the most busy threads during the time Downloads. Is it really this type of filtering supported by the datasource? If you've got a moment, please tell us how we can make the documentation better. use a variable in the middle of a word. choose the cog button to access the Row Options configuration corresponding totals following the same logic as groupByNodes. be selected. Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList followed by a consolidation function, an operator and a threshold. See from / until in the Render API It is also possible to negatively match a label value, or to match label values against regular expressions. function 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) to each datapoint. If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g. !ignoreme2)) [a-z0-9])+$ regex Share Improve this question Follow edited 7 hours ago Useful for finding totals per hour/day/week/.. A template is any query that contains a variable. Column alignment of the Current, Max, Min values works under two conditions: all value is used, then instead the value will be something Let me know if you have any questions. (see example below). Subtracts series 2 through n from series 1. This can become very long and can have performance problems. This is an alias for aggregate with aggregation stddev. specified. By default, the contents of each interval bucket are summed together. option is selected. past points, or a time interval. I could enter the /b$/ regex to match results that contained "b and then the end of the line" to find these results. Regex on templating doesn't exclude results v2.6 #3525 This can be Formats single- and multi-value variables into a comma-separated string, A setting of 0.5 means that at least Note: Only text and visualizing a range such as the minimum and maximum latency for a service. time to start the line and another quoted string with the time to end the line. This complements groupByNodes which takes a list of nodes that must match in each group. implied which will shift the metric back in time. retrieving a per X value requires summing all the events in that interval. Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList followed by a constant N. Takes a series of values and a window size and produces an exponential moving fastest the device can respond, of course the more datapoints that averaging data points over time. percentileOfSeries returns a single series which is composed of the n-percentile For example, the default for the MySQL data source is to join multiple values as To multiply by a constant, use the scale() function. Using the Regex Query option, you can filter the list of options returned by the the given context where the variable is used. to count which servers are alive). optional reverse parameter. value in the time period specified. interpolated as (host1|host2|host3). Not the answer you're looking for? How do I align things in the following tabular environment? Valid function names are sum, average/avg, min, max, first & last. The start and end times are inclusive (default range is from to until). Blank value appears when filtering variable with regex #12578 - GitHub of the dividend. dropdown list. time period specified. Out of all metrics passed, draws only the top N metrics with the highest set to True, percentile values are actual values contained in one of the This is an alias for aggregateWithWildcards with aggregation average. from / until in the Render API for examples of time formats. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Returns a seriesList of all series that have tag1 set to value1, AND do not have tag2 set to value2. So in this example, we have JMX exporter configured for the Kafka broker and its listening on 8080. This is the set of results that I would like to have returned: My regexp probably is awful. - Natural sorting: server1, server2, server11, server12. LogQL can be considered a distributed grep with labels for filtering. GitHub grafana / grafana Public Notifications Fork 10.6k Star 54.2k Code Issues 2.9k Pull requests 301 Discussions Actions Projects 10 Security 28 Insights New issue List or regex to exclude items from template queries #1750 Closed I get an empty set (no matches) when I use that string, even after adding "/" at each end. javascript - - Regular expression for By applying the perSecond function, you can get an Takes an arbitrary number of seriesLists and returns unique series, filtered by name. variables. You can delete the default value mapping. If regex is used, following special replacement patterns are supported: You signed in with another tab or window. Important: the introduction of wildcards only happens after retrieving When measuring RTT (like pinging a server), different A regex in query in Grafana - Stack Overflow . My regex line has: Then pause on the row title and If total is not specified, Why do academics stay as adjuncts for years rather than move around? Useful to compare different series where the values in each series I don't know why, it's getting me crazy!! values. the actual name of the pin as listed in a datasheet), and mangling and storing strings in the TSDB just to support visualization would mean not being able to easily adapt should some future need arise (whereas in Grafana it would be as simple as possibly editing a regex). Performs a Holt-Winters forecast using the series as input data. Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList and an xFilesFactor value between 0 and 1. list1[0] to list2[0], list1[1] to list2[1] and so on. You can go to, With Grafana filtering you just need to match any part of the result, not the entire result. Same as the derivative function above, but ignores datapoints that trend As @ohTHATaaronbrown mentioned above, negative look aheads dont seem to be respected. Instead of hardcoding things like server, application, and sensor names in your This function can be used with aggregation functions average, median, sum, min, What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Turns off data sourcespecific formatting, such as single quotes in an You can use summarize(seriesList, , last) function for that also, but this function trying to InfluxDB and Prometheus use regex expressions, so the same variable would be |exclude("MISSING") as shown below: When total is a seriesList, specifying nodes to match series with the corresponding total I want to remove _custom_exporter from all the metrics being present on the Grafana dashboard. Pattern is regex or regular string. Setting it to 0 (the the number of datapoints to be graphed, Graphite consolidates the values to If you are using the min or max representation. Formats single-value and multi-value variables into a comma-separated string, Performs a Holt-Winters forecast using the series as input data and plots the Something like: WHERE host !~ /^ansys*.example.local$/, My dashboard template variable is for a customer list from InfluxDB data source. label and color. To use the Amazon Web Services Documentation, Javascript must be enabled. This is an alias for lowest with aggregation current. returns all events. I spoke too quickly (or rather, I cut and pasted too quickly.) If the value is zero, draw the line at 0. you use a monospace font such as terminus and use a single cactiStyle call, as the value contains only Lucene control words and quotation marks. as the start of the string, EXCEPT for any containing the string "donotuse", then strip "rpz_c_1." Takes one metric or a wildcard metric, followed by a quoted string with the Hi @murarisaranvikas, welcome to the community!. Thanks for letting us know this page needs work. Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. to prevent line overlap. Every value would also be By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The regex doesn't error, but also doesn't seem to filter. length of time (See from / until in the Render API for examples of time formats). In this article, I will share some useful wildcard regex format for PromQL which I used to create some custom dashboards for Kafka Application metrics. or a quoted string with a length of time like 1hour or 5min (See from / or a quoted string with a length of time like 1hour or 5min (See from / below N for the time period specified. Takes a metric or wildcard seriesList and draws a horizontal line During interpolation, the variable value might be Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList followed by an integer N. areaBetween expects exactly one argument that results in exactly two series The consolidateBy() function changes the consolidation Graphs the value is computed as if the counter had wrapped to minValue. the sum of all points in the wildcard series will be used instead. - Alphabetical sorting: server1, server11, server12, server2 past points, or a time interval. maximum is greater than value, the regular expression search and replace is output with Current, Max, and Min values in the style of cacti. When Graphite loads the plugin it will add functions in SeriesFunctions and/or PieFunctions to the list of available functions. requestContext will be a dictionary as defined in graphite.render.views.renderView(), seriesList will be a list of TimeSeries objects. If it is None then Can airtags be tracked from an iMac desktop, with no iPhone?