You would expect the surface currents to flow across the Earth's surface in a straight path, but they do not. Click the icons and bolded terms (e.g. a. Sulfur and nitrogen cycles Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed in a physical or chemical reaction Which of the following would NOT increase biological oxygen demand (BOD)? There are two main driving forces for ocean currents; surface wind and the (horizontal) gradients in temperature and salinity. The results presented above can be concisely summarized using a regime diagram to illustrate circulation direction as a function of three variables: mean temperature, equator-pole temperature gradient, and equator-pole salinity gradient ( Fig. All of the above a. less; less d. Subduction 2 Ocean Currents. b. subduction zone This type of ocean circulation is called thermohaline circulation (therme=heat, halos=salt) because the vertical movement is caused by differences in temperature and salinity (the amount of salt in water). e. developing national parks of adequate size and with sufficient wildlife corridors, The San Andreas fault line that lies in California is the result of what type of plate boundary? which best describe chlorofluorocarbons (cfcs), volcanic eruptions release them into the atmosphere , they were targeted for banning in 1987 as a part of the Montreal Protocol, which of the following best describes the mechanism of the greenhouse effect in the earth's atmosphere, infrared radiation from the earth's surface is absorbed by gases in the atmosphere, which of the following greenhouse gases does not exist naturally, increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the troposphere will reduce heat radiated back to space in the form of, which of the following energy sources is a chief contributor to greenhouse gas emissions as well as increasing environmental mobility of mercury, which of the following molecules is not considered a greenhouse gas, which best describe the impact of atmospheric carbon dioxide and stratospheric aerosols, both carbon dioxide and aerosols contribute to global warming, Anthropogenic water vapor does not contribute significantly to global warming because, water vapor has a short residence time in the atmosphere, Terrestial biomes vary in net primary productivity due to, the suns radiation provides the energy for, plant growth, ocean currents, hurricanes, and plate tectonics, phytoplankton are most abundant in the upper few hundred feet of most bodies of water because, sunlight does not penetrate to great depths in water. a. leaching of organic nutrients from topsoil horizon and removal of humus using sustainable agricultural practices Some of this water gets so cold that it freezes, leaving its salt behind in the remaining water, further increasing the density of this water. Most of the sunlight absorbed by water on Earths surface gets stored in our oceans as heat, and heat from the atmosphere is also absorbed by the ocean, which increases the oceans temperature. e. suppressed thermocline in the Pacific Ocean, All of the following are examples of non-point source water pollution EXCEPT d. Nitrous oxide a. increased recreational use of Lake Erie That is why it is easier to float in the ocean than in a fresh-water swimming pool or lake, and fresh water floats on top of salty ocean water. d. Soil A An ocean gyre is a large system of circular ocean currents formed by global wind patterns and forces created by Earth's rotation. San Andreas Fault in California, Ap Environmental Science - Plate Tectonics SA, AP Environmental Science Self Check: 4.6-4.9. Population size can be estimated using the formula, According to the theory of demographic transition ,rapid growth occurs during phase, Which of the following best describes acid mine drainage, The leakage of water containing toxic materials from coal and metal mines, Which of the following elements constitutes the highest percentage in the earths crust, Which rock type is paired with its correct mode of formation, What is the difference between weathering and erosion, Weathering is the breakdown of rock , erosion is the removal of sediment, Topsoil,a mix of decaying organic matter and underlying soil is the, Select the correct order of physical size of sediment particles from largest to smallest, Which of the following represents a positive feedback loop in the Artic that is associated with anthropogenic climate change, Artic ocean ice melts- ocean surface water temperature increases- more ice melts, Andrew Friedland, Elisa McCracken, Libby Jones, Nat Draper, Rick Relyea, Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationships, Oceanography-Chapter 16- Oceans and Climate C. d. size of the population Discover why the climate and environment changes, your place in the Earth system, and paths to a resilient future. Other observable results of short-term plate movement include the gradual widening of the Great Rift lakes in eastern Africa and the rising of the Himalayan Mountain range. a. herbivore Solar heat absorbed at the equator causes water to expand. This study applied eigenvector-based time-decomposition and spatial-decomposition techniques to examine mechanisms through which the positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) sea surface temperature (SST) pattern can influence the patterns of summer rainfall over southern Africa. A particular country has a Total Fertility Rate equal to replacement level fertility and emigration equal to immigration. a. the melting of Arctic sea ice, resulting in increased solar radiation absorption and even more sea ice melting Creating efficient waste collection and management systems in communities e. Toxic sediments in the delta of a major river, Which of the following is an example of kinetic energy? e. simple sugars, A resource that can be replaced in a human lifetime is known as a e. subduction zones, Generalized pyramid energy flow has only a 10% efficiency, while 90% of the energy is lost to the environment as heat. b. Phosphorous and nitrogen cycles The activity below the ocean surface shows a strong subsurface wave of warm anomalies, also known as a Kelvin Wave, expanding from the west. This pattern of change in vegetation is primarily the result of, An increase in both mean annual temperatures and mean annual precipitation. I trust what the observations tell us, Hu says. c. promotes eutrophication when agricultural practices allow it to get into waterways AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER. 4 & 7 Other (more local) causes are the lunar tides and river/ice-melt flow from the land. At the ocean surface, currents are primarily driven by winds. a. coals seams With our present atmosphere, Earth's mean surface temperature is approximately +15C. d. subsidence e. sediments, The phenomenon causing global warming occurs primarily in this region of the atmosphere a. the number of trophic levels of ecosystems near plate boundaries e. political and governmental support are required to ensure sustainable societies, Process by which plants lose water from the leaves to the atmosphere However, it is an important job considering that these waters affect Earths climate, as well as habitats for plants and animals, even on land. a. aquifer And given that the speedup is driven by the steady drumbeat of warming, it means these trends are likely to continue in the futureas long as human emissions of greenhouse gases continue. And so we tend to see the sinking water at the poles, the water rising back up at the equator, and if you connect the two together, what you have is an overturning that is deep in the ocean. d. estivate as needed As the oceans absorb more heat, sea surface temperature increases, and the ocean circulation patterns that transport warm and cold water around the globe change. This freshwater is less dense and would not sink, causing the global flow of ocean water to slow, drastically changing Earths climate. This process is known as upwelling. It occurs along the coasts, as well as in the open ocean. These are more massive but move more slowly than surface currents. The Earth system model below includes some of the ways that human activities affect, or are affected by, ocean circulation. Which best illustrates point-source pollution? 6 & 9 b. Scientists have found new evidence that the Atlantic Ocean's circulation has slowed by about 15 percent since the middle of the last century. TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason provide a new tool to enlighten these topics by offering more than 10 years of continuous altimetric series. e. grazing sheep in a private park, Which soil indicated on the soil triangle above would most likely have the highest water-holding capacity? c. Subsidence e. scavenger, All of the following influence global air circulation EXCEPT a. a. oceanic trenches If Earth had no atmosphere, the mean surface temperature would be approximately -15C. c. carry diseases that infect native species e. Carbon is concentrated in igneous rocks, A species that a generalist faces _____ competition for resources and has _____ ability to adapt to environmental changes than does a specialist. e. Carbon is concentrated in igneous rocks, Formed when pre-existing rock is exposed to high heat and pressures Underwater currents mix the ocean 's waters on a global scale. The animation also shows another feature of the global ocean circulation: the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Surface oceanic circulation results most directly in the distribution of heat from tropical to temperate and polar regions major anthropogenic sources of nitrogen pollution include natural fertilizers, vehicle exhaust, industrial air pollution and The movement of the world's major ocean gyres helps drive the " ocean conveyor belt .". c. The carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is reduced by cutting trees a. producer the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 1958 was 310 ppm and rose to 390 ppm in 2009 . a. saltwater intrusion d. decomposer e. chlorine from sewage treatment plants along Lake Erie's shoreline, An El Nino will result in all of the following environmental effects except fordham university counseling psychology; surface oceanic circulation results most directly in the d. important resource What this means is that the density stays constant since the distance between the molecules remains unchanged. Energy is neither created nor destroyed in a physical or chemical reaction Ocean waters are constantly on the move. d. strip mining in a national park or national forest A global "conveyor belt" set in motion when deep water sinks and circulates around Earths ocean basins. Thermohaline circulation occurs because winds move warm surface waters from the equator towards the poles, where the water cools and increases in density. e. Small isolated islands provide opportunities for a greater diversity of species. In oceanography, a gyre (/ d ar /) is any large system of circulating ocean currents, particularly those involved with large wind movements. c. scavenger b. runoff from farm land Some span hundreds to thousands of miles across vast ocean basins in well-defined flows. d. drought in Indonesia Low frequency variability in the tropical Atlantic is complex and hard to witness due to the weakness of this signal compared to the dominant seasonal one. a31 road closure alton; cdw insurance for rental cars; hygro cotton bath towels; Hello world! October 20, 2021. b. Formaldehyde Change 5, 475-480 . Categories . A=4261039,B=220341202,C=514037, D=[610],E=[134]D=\left[\begin{array}{l}6 \\ 1 \\ 0\end{array}\right], \quad E=\left[\begin{array}{lll}1 & 3 & -4\end{array}\right] d. Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis c. Soil C Wilson and Robert MacArthur in 1963, has many implications for a. b. proteins It then flows southward deep along the ocean floor of the Atlantic Ocean through the Indian Ocean, eventually mixing with the surface currents in the Pacific Ocean. Which of the following must be true? b. a. runoff from city streets and other developed areas b. species of the grass d. cooling and hardening b. increased Atlantic coast hurricanes a. decreased upwelling events LIke temperature, the salt in the ocean affects its density (the amount mass per volume). a. increased hurricanes in the southern United States b. Is the following assignment statement valid or invalid? -2 & 0 \\ Currents can be broken down into two forms of circulation. Both salinity and temperature work affect the density of water at thesame time, so things can get complicated. As the world warms due to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from human activities, changes in ocean and atmospheric circulation patterns will alter regional climate and ecosystems around the globe. d. Small isolated islands have a lower availability of resources. c. copious amounts of urine e. an increase in predators, resulting in fewer prey, All of the following are methods to reduce the impacts of floods EXCEPT b. evaporation But a new modeling study fingers another culprit: the oceans own tendency to warm from top to bottom, leading to constricted surface layers where water flows faster, like blood in clogged arteries. c. lipids surface oceanic circulation results most directly in the Absorption of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases b. deserts is the transfer of heat through direct contact between the surface and the atmosphere. c. B Being both cold AND salty makes it really dense, so it can sink very far. Subscribe to News from Science for full access to breaking news and analysis on research and science policy. a. deciduous forest -> chaparral -> grassland -> desert e. Exosphere, Primary productivity is highest in which of the following ecosystems? b. any solution has both advantages and disadvantages 4 & 10 \\ e. weathering of parent material, freezing/thawing, and growth of tree roots, Which cycle have humans disrupted by burning coal and extracting metals from rock that contains large amounts of this element? Carbon dioxide The patch is actually comprised of the Western Garbage Patch, located near Japan . \end{array}\right] \text {, } Warm Vs. b. energy and oxygen Marine microbes and wildlife could be subjected to shallower, hotter, and faster surface waters. Surface currents involve large masses of water moving horizontally on the surface. e. desert, When logging is carried out in a watershed, a likely effect on the local streams is b. large ears to give off excess heat Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a measure of: During an El Nino-Southern Oscillation event, which of the following best describes conditions in the eastern part of the tropical Pacific Ocean (e.g., near Peru and Ecuador)? 2. c. formerly large habitats are reduced to many small fragments Ocean surface currents resemble Earth's long-term average planetary-scale wind patterns. a. low, but still higher than that of other ecosystems of the world b. Oceans hold onto this heat for longer than the land does and ocean. c. upwelling events that occur along the coast of South America e. decreased input of sediments, Which two cycles are directly related to acid deposition? b. Each of these characteristics of ocean water, salinity and temperature,areimportant for the role of oceans in Earth's climate system. To test that hypothesis, Xies team turned to a climate model of all the worlds oceans. on this page to learn more about these process and phenomena. Cold winds blowing over the oceans chill the waters beneath them. Sites on islands or coasts benefit from the moderating effect of the ocean and have "maritime" climates (like San Francisco). c. desert -> savanna -> scrubland -> tropical forest e. Country D, Exotic species damage ecosystems because they Ocean circulation patterns, the movement of large masses of water both at and below the surface, are determined by atmospheric circulation patterns, variation in the amount of sunlight absorbed with latitude, and the water cycle. Most of the earthquakes and volcanoes around the Pacific ocean basina pattern known as the "ring of fire"are due to the movement of tectonic plates in this region. e. dystrophin. A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other. Both temperature and salinity impact where the water goes as it circulates throughout the globe. Like the warm surface currents, they are driven mainly by the wind. d. warm temperatures, acid precipitation, and occasional wildfires As water currents move this heat, they affect climate patterns, local weather, the cycling of gases, and the delivery of key nutrients to marine ecosystems. a. d. troponin b. temperature differences in oceanic currents The researchers increased either winds, saltiness, or surface temperatures, while holding all other variables steady. A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other (collide). For which of the following reasons do small isolated islands have a greater rate of species extinction than larger, less isolated islands? a. Mesosphere Thermohaline circulation (THC) is a part of the large-scale ocean circulation that is driven by global density gradients created by surface heat and freshwater fluxes. d. aquifer c. boreal forest Gyres are circular currents that typically appear towards the western side of each ocean basin. a. are specialists that die out fairly easily a. Surface currents can flow for thousands of kilometers and can reach depths of hundreds of meters. For instance, during the winter months at mid-latitudes winter storms mix the surface water more than in the summer, creating a deeper mixed layer. Fungi secreting enzymes into a fallen tree are able to cycle the nutrients from the tree back to the soil. The great grasslands of the world have which of the following primary characteristics in common? e. The average temperature for tropical rainforest is constant throughout the year, The sinking of land due to the overpumping of ground water supplies Earth's rotation results in the Coriolis effect which also influences ocean currents. d. a kingsnake has coloration similar to the dangerous coral snake Earth system models about ocean circulation, How human activities influence ocean circulation, Global change drove the evolution of giants. Environmental Protection Agency. a. the location of the continents that ultimately determines the direction and flow of ocean currents Scientists think that if the conveyor slows or stops, the warmer surface water would not be propelled back toward the north Atlantic through the Gulf Stream. Seafloor spreading happens when two oceanic plates diverge, forming a crack where magma oozes up, which creates a mid ocean ridge. a. 2 & 3 & -2 \\ b. The gazelles are a food source for cheetahs. b. compete with native species for the same resources Like the heated air in a hot-air balloon, heated water expands. Though shallow, they are extremely important in determining the world's . e. primary consumer, All of the following are means of improving water-use efficiency in agriculture EXCEPT: The top few meters of the ocean store as much heat as Earth's entire atmosphere. e. potential energy, The temperature of the lower troposphere can be influenced by atmospheric gases that include: a. use of herbicides and pesticides by industrial agriculture in California e. Sulfur and carbon cycles, Which of the following world regions contain the greatest area of rain forest? C High Low Its recent melting has caused the soil to sink damaging roads, houses, and other structures Multiple mechanisms conspire to increase the density of surface waters at high latitudes. 0 & 1 & 2 d. water e. a layer sometimes found in a soil horizon that is created by elevation, Island biogeography theory, developed by E.O. d. carbohydrates One notable exception was the Gulf Stream, which is likely slowing for an unrelated reason: As Arctic ice melts, it dilutes the sinking, salty water in the North Atlantic that pulls the current northward. Ocean water is constantly moving, and not only in the form of waves and tides. c. deposition from the atmosphere b. some intraspecies; greater The oceans are mostly composed of less dense water near the surface over more dense water in the ocean depths. a. renewable resource These are winds that drive the system of surface currents in the ocean. 2023 American Association for the Advancement of Science. These surface currents do not depend on weather; they remain unchanged even in large storms because they depend on factors that do not change. Exotic species damage ecosystems because they d. The rate at which the resource was being recycled. e. The prevailing winds in the tropical Pacific weaken and change directions, All of the following are associated with an El Nino event EXCEPT If Earth had no atmosphere, the mean surface temperature would be approximately -15C. Two species each occupy a smaller niche when they live together than they would if they lived alone. surface oceanic circulation results most directly in the. The ocean conveyor belt circulates ocean water around the entire planet. Heat makes water lighter, or less dense. e. Methane, A modern day example of the "tragedy of the commons" would be \end{array}\right], \quad B=\left[\begin{array}{rrr} They also affect the routes taken by ships as they carry goods and people across the sea. Ocean Sci. d. hydrologic cycle c. sunlight d. oxygen and sugars They can damage property Between 30 o and 60 o lie the Ferrel Cells , composed of sinking air at 30 o and rising air at 60 o (Figure 8.2.3). Country C 33 5.5 Image Credit:Major Ocean Currents (source: US Navy Oceanographic Office). d. Using incineration of waste thereby reducing the volume of solid waste and moving the pollution to a smaller air pollution problem b. sustainable resource Which of the following is true of the Ogallala aquifer? c. collagen d. ecological equilibrium Why or why not? A process known as thermohaline circulation, or the ocean conveyor belt, drives these deep, underwater currents. \end{array}\right], \quad C=\left[\begin{array}{rr} Water flows in a circular pattern--clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. e. Strengthen and deepen streams (channelization, Which of the following is a limiting factor for a grassland biome? In fact, the North Atlantic Ocean tends to be the saltiest, much more than the Pacific. It is water drenched soil which remains frozen throughout the year a. one of the primary causes of desertification if present in excess