This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. She is also a mother, pastors wife, and author of 17 books, includingWhen Women Walk Alone (more than 150,000 copies sold),When God Sees Your Tears, Letting God Meet Your Emotional Needs,andWhen a Woman Overcomes Lifes Hurts. By the power of Jesus Christ (or the title you refer to as God), I command all spirit fragments that do not belong to ______________(Name of person) to immediately return to the creation of your original spirit. God of grace and mercy, you heal all diseases. Respect your medical diagnosis and plan of care. Give me a measure of your strength so that I might not give in to discouragement, deception, and doubt! I thank you God, for my radiologist who was quick to notice the spot, and for my doctor who was quick to schedule this biopsy. Ian W. Pray, PhD 1,2,3, *; Laura Ford, . I had prayed for this exactly so I was so grateful to God, of course. It also isnt unusual for negative entities to plant curses, spells, and/or dark devices, therefore, it is necessary to alleviate all the negative curses and devices by offering a prayer to get rid of curses while focusing on light. The worry you may have is valid and you can bring that worry to God in prayer. No matter how bad the matter might seems to be, there is something to be grateful about it. I pray for salvation for Steven, Jerron, Kendrea, and Michael. Prayer For James Prayer for a healthy negative test result James please pray for my brother James E Dennis. It needed to be done but prayers up that the results come back negative. Reveal even the sin I am not aware of, Lord. To REMOVE NEGATIVE THINKING & NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. Heres how to pray Psalm 42:5 to stop your own negative spiral downward: Lord, why am I feeling (insert your emotion)? Instead, pray that the tests were accurate and that the treatment will work. When to pray for negative test results?When you receive a negative test result, it can be difficult to feel confident about your diagnosis and future. The prayer for a positive day should be made before the sun rises. The optimistic approach with which you go through the day will be strong whenever you say this prayer. Add a spoonful of salt to a glass of water, then add a squeeze of lemon juice. Amen! Virgin Mary, turn your merciful eyes toward us amid this coronavirus . In Psalm 13, David was on his face in pity, thinking the very worst about his circumstances. It should be prayed from midnight to early hours of the morning, (12am-3am) for not less than seven consecutive nights to achieve instant result. If you are someone who is waiting on test results, or if you have received a negative test result, prayer can be a powerful tool to help ease the stress of the situation. I pray for your miraculous blessings and I pray for strength to help me get through the stress of waiting for the results . If you have been faced with disappointments for long, this prayer will put an end to it. Do you want to receive good news regarding health, money or even employment? I knew should have used sunscreen more when I was young, Lord! Suddenly negativity is sabotaging your day by dictating to you what to fear and how to feel. 1) Smudging Prayer To Remove Negative Energy From Home. Give me strength today dear Lord. If the energy is not positive enough, you cannot enjoy any positive outcome. A Prayer for Those Who Are Ill with Coronavirus Father God, You are the ultimate Healer. Join over 10.000 ChristiansTT members receiving Prayers and Devotionals twice weekly. I pray to you today, Our Lady of Fatima, to help me receive good news, to help me take all the bad luck out of my life and to attract only positive energies. However, with positive energy, it is only a matter of time before you begin to see positive results around you. The prayer for a positive outcome is important because it takes away every form of disappointment from your life. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Singing praises to him to show your gratitude for his goodness over your life and the matter (s) you want to pray about. I pray to you God and ask that for good biopsy results to come back. My brother is due to meet with the doctor regarding his test results from a mass removed from his colon. And help me to attract only happiness, peace and harmony. In verse 3 he prays: Consider and answer me, O Lord my God; Enlighten my eyes, or I will sleep the sleepof death. Lord, please rest your healing hands on my husband next week while he undergoes a lung biopsy. Secondary outcomes were any major event and mortality. 5 Fear-Reducing Prayers for a Colonoscopy. You can combine the positivity short prayer with the prayer for positive energy. In Jesus name I submit this prayer. May You give me the strength to control my thoughts. I need your help God, so I pray this and ask this in the strong name of Jesus Christ, Amen. My prayer is that my court proceedings go smoothly and Quickly, I receive both of my dogs and my life afterwards is good. final four 2022 euroleague tickets. Prayer can be used for both positive and negative test results. He clipped them and will send them off to be reviewed. Thank you for hearing my prayer through Jesus Christ, Amen. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Instead of thinking, Well, I guess theres not anything I can do about it, say, I can do somethingI can pray!. Now that I finally received that magic email, I need to cancel it due to medical issue. How long am I to feel anxious in my soul, with grief in my heart all the day (verses 1-2 NASB). Lord, i pray that you will glorify your name as you do a healing. It is a way to clean out all the energy of previous owners they haven't met. I pray that todays message and prayers have been a blessing to you. You can also be strengthened by the truth behind this scripture: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Have a blessed day. Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. 30 Prayer Points For Good Medical Test Result 1. Lord, the Devil is scheming and I know he desires to keep me from spending time with you. It will take away every disappointment in your day, and cause things to align for your favor. Therefore, the result will not be different for you with this prayer. If you desire a change in the outcome you get from life, the fundamental thing to check is the type of energy you emit, and the type of energy around you. I will sing to the Lord, because He haslooked after me (verses 5-6). God Bless, Jerry Quote Link to comment Now that I finally received that magic email, I need to cancel it due to medical issue. Those who fish often practice catch and release. But in prayer, you can incorporate a catch and correct method and instead of releasing negative thoughts to keep running wild through your mind, you actually bind them by correcting them with the truth of Gods Word. He was able to end his prayer on his feet in praise: But I havetrusted in Your faithfulness;My heart shallrejoice in Your salvation. The prayer for a positive outcome will not only affect what you are praying for, but it will also affect your atmosphere and everyone around you. Negative Prayer by Negative Prayer, releases 10 March 2023 1. I thank You for the many blessings You have given me. Be healed by Jesus stripes! I pray that God will give me knowledge, wisdom and understanding what a Discerning spirit then he will give me the energy, mentally as well as physically, to complete all of my school work ,become a great student, so he will be able to use me one day to do the will of God. 1 - to Defeat all your enemies. Oh Prince of Peace, embrace me with your tranquility and love so that my mind can be at ease. Will I feel the Immediate effect of the Prayers? I ask God to bless as many as He can with negative biopsies and that He restores health to all who receive positive results. Once this prayer is made, you will begin to observe a massive turnaround in your life. Search results for "Hoodoo &Folk Magick; Rootwork, Conjure, Spells with Prayers &Protection to Banish Curses, Negative Energy &Psychic Attacks" at Rakuten Kobo. Amen. I understand shes trying to cover the spectrum of what this could be, but she was talking about lung cancer or pulmonary fibrosis. If your biopsy is not listed here, feel free to borrow the basic form of any of these prayers to help you pray for your situation. (Some of the early church fathers called these breath prayers because they can be uttered as often and naturally as breathing in and out.). Amen. This is the first prayer to make for a positive outcome. So I have to be awake all night with them and also go for job. While its not the immediate thought, getting a biopsy is a good thing in that a potential health problem has been spotted and is going to be investigated. Prayer can also help you to understand and accept your test results. tim petrovic career earnings prayer for negative result. Prayer can help ground you in the present and remind you that even though bad news might be coming, He is still with you. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ, The positivity short prayer can be used at any time of the day. Lord Jesus, help us all to be still and know that you are God. YOU Will have a Positive Day Daily if you Say this Prayer Daily Every Morning. You can easily modify the one that applies to you with the specific details you face. Therefore, whenever you sense a strong atmosphere of positivity around you, the positivity short prayer can be said to the universe. They now want to do a biopsy to delve further into it to discover what the cause is, and how to proceed. 10 czerwca 2022 40 prayers for good medical test results 1. But I failed to get a transfer and now I am even unable to pray. 1. 33 Days To Morning Glory Consecration Prayer, Is Hillsong United Part Of Hillsong Church, Why Did The Catholic Church Introduce Tropes, What Does The Bible Say About Non Denominational Churches, How Politics Poisoned The Evangelical Church, Why Church And State Should Not Be Separated. Will You forget me forever? Abba, today is very challenging for me, pls give me and my family your peace presence love. Father God, I have never felt so alone. DEACON: Let us pray to the Lord. Thank you, god, that you are with me in my joy, and in my sorrow. 1. I am praying for a negative result with your help. What took David from being on his face in pity to being on his feet in praise? PRAYERS: Ex 14:13-14 It is best prayed under fasting. God of grace and mercy, you heal all diseases. Or are you on the verge of embarking on one of the most important contracts of your business? God, send out Your light and truth (Psalm 43:3). I pray for a good result. In the Shiva Purana, it is said that Lord Shiva has the ability to create and destroy the universe. To heal him mentally, physically and emotionally. I was encouraged that, in his opinion of looking at them during the procedure, they didnt appear to be anything bad. Please help me with my addiction to drugs, alcohol,abusive toxic relationships, food my addiction to everything I have abused in my life!amen, Claiming this in the mighty name of Jesus ~ , Id really appreciate if you can pray for me as I am in a bad place, a person that I work with is trying to Destroy my life and I am not the only one that has had bad thinks happen to me at this current company they beat each other up he has been putting me down and judging me as if I am a dirt ball! There in no one like you. Prayer For Negative Test Results Covid Dear God, Thank you for giving me the strength to get through this difficult time. With the powers of Jesus Christ I will be positive. You can pray for a specific outcome, for your friends and family who are waiting on test results, or for yourself.Whatever your prayer focus, remember to keep it simple and personal. Lord, extinguish that. Cleanse me with the blood of Jesus. I thank You for the many blessings You have given me. Our Lady of Fatima, help me bring good news to my life! You need to use the prayer for a positive outcome and the prayer for good news. It can be helpful to pray this type of prayer if you feel like your test results might put yourself or others in danger.Prayer for GuidanceThe fourth type of prayer is prayer for guidance. In Jesus Name, amen. My mother see people and talk to them try get them to Leve her home but no one else see them what is the best and fast prayer to get rid of them please let me no thank you Christy. Make sure that you are praying with honesty and compassion for yourself, as well as the person or thing you are praying for. Prayers For Negative Test Results February 17, 2023 Post a Comment Prayers For Negative Test Results. So, what didi you think about the prayer for good results and good news and about the prayer for a positive outcome in your life? God does not work with prayers that have already been accompanied with talk of defeat . I pray that the spot be just a simple spot that is benign and not of concern in the future. Help me to have a happy day, help me to have a very peaceful day and help me to have a day without the interception of negative energies.