He has since retired to the quiet hills of South Carolina. Two snake hunters driving by in an auto, Jack Shumaker and Wilbur Simmons observed Hepburn's assault of Clay and joined the chase. At the same time, the geographical limits of Colored Town were expanded after much discussion as to whether to do this 'by custom' or by law. Others also served. Persons living in the neighborhood later notified police that shortly after the shooting, one of the gunmen, dragging a confederate, showed up at a filling station at NW Eighth St. Rd. (Miami News- 5/23/1935). Collins, Gerald Baldwin, S.A. Tanner, Hubert Coleman, Cal Davis and R.G. (334 words). Rogers, J.W. Coleman, John F., November of 1905 -May of 1906. (This chapter relates a story about the Mayors driver, Officer Charlie Parker, SR.) (259 words), An unrelated October, 1941 story described a driver's license check where Parker had to show his license to a Highway Patrol officer while driving the mayor. He was fired in 1930 by Safety Director McCreary. In front of Saunders store, Driggers could see four men armed with rifles and shotguns and they had him covered when one of them issued the command for him to retreat. (Jack) Clinton was suspended but then sued to regain his job. Tom advised, "Your partner, Joe Catell, handled it for you and the bad guy got 60 days in the stockade. In 1928 he was rolled back to the Captain rank when Chief Reeves took over the department. The suspect fired three shots at these officers and Hayes shot back possibly striking the suspect as a trainman advised the suspect ran past him bleeding from the neck and shoulder area. (This WW2 hero went on to be one of the most well liked MPD officers in history. Crews, E.H. Hanlin, Pat Baldwin, Charles Stanton, Lt. J.O. The surviving veterans who served in this unit and attended our emotional reunion can always be quite proud of their association with this unit. To my knowledge I thought this place was uninhabited. (The author relates in this chapter just how danger can come at an officer from WITHIN the department.) Campbell sped toward a burglary call. security policies. (MPD records). Others may have entered the service previously or entered at a later time during the war. Jacobs was later convicted of reckless driving by running a stop sign and striking Burlinsons police unit. Papy striking a prisoner with his fist, Officer John Suggs (now in Navy) for striking another prisoner and Officer Nick Muslin for roughing up a prisoner and not acknowledging that it was an improper action. The Miami News reported on June 5, 1911, that a citizen named Schmid criticized Officer Thomas Caswell and was struck with a billy club. A year later Ken volunteered to return to the Marines to help his buddies out and was killed. The shooter, Willie Garrett, a known black militant, opened fire as Lane exited the rear door shooting the rookie in the back, knocking him to the ground, then fired three more times as Lane was laying on the ground. He was highly praised by his bosses. (MPD Records, Miami Metropolis/News-1/1913). Huttoe, and Ray Tanner, all controversial during their career. Callaway was thrown to the ground and sustained injuries that caused his death three days later, January 10, 1927. A 21 year old rookie officer had planned to take his young girlfriend to a prom that evening, May 23, 1970, but was shot and killed at 3AM in the alley behind the sleazy Imperial Hotel on NW 8th, just off Miami Avenue. The detention of the juvenile sons of a prominent resident over the alleged scalping of tickets at the Orange Bowl caused quite a commotion and the reduction in the police officers work week from a seven-day week to a six-day week occurred in this period. That announcement was made Friday by Police Chief H. Leslie Quigg at the Dade County Law Enforcement meeting in the courthouse. The Grand Jury began looking into the altercation, calling in Headley, Det. While attending the police academy, MPD Class #70, Lane was the Cadet Commander. Prior to confronting the suspect, who was allegedly armed, the four detectives planned their apprehension. Photo of a MPD officer directing traffic downtown wearing shorts was printed in the local newspaper. Authors Note: Many years later, in 1973, the author was promoted to Captain and assigned to command Patrol's day shift where Officer Bowles was a member. Officer D.D. The fourth offender escaped. Brigman was survived by his wife Pearl and was buried in Chesterfield, S.C., where he was raised. (This chapter relates the details of Dades first padded cells.) The courtroom had a nice laugh but I was completely embarrassed. Davis, a farmer, and his daughter Elsie Davis, were murdered in their home while they slept, four miles west of the city, the previous Saturday night. Additional annexation will come about in 1925. September 12th -The paper noted that General Electric put on a demonstration of a television. Riblet, John R. On job 1914 Killed in June of 1915. Also that day, it was reported that Officer W.F. (Miami News-7/9/1941). He refused the alcohol test and was not convicted of the DUI charge, which had been down graded from manslaughter. In 1925 he was the Chief of Detectives and was promoted to Assistant Chief. Fortunately, the desperado's bullets went wild and Bob only suffered minor wounds. Ed Barrick and Sgt. This was one of Chief Whitman's then-progressive steps to improve the department. At 945 PM in the evening, Roosevelt arrived at Pier #1 near downtown Miami, greeted by a crowd of dignitaries and driven to a well lit Bay Front Park along Miamis Biscayne Boulevard. After the shooting, the two suspects fled the Miami area in an auto, heading north through the Everglades. New York police advised MPD that an Arthur Longaro was en route to Miami on the train and was allegedly involved in the huge robbery. Nationwide, detectives receive a median annual salary of $62,110 as of May 2009, according to the BLS, with half of all detectives earning annual salaries between $47,070 and $83,650. In the aftermath of that great Hurricane of 1926 that ravaged the south Florida area, the Sheriff of Dade County, Dan Hardie and Chief Leslie Quigg announced. Smith, and Dade Sheriffs Deputy Barnes, who lived across the street from Saunders store. ), In 1926, there was a chain of seven grocery stores in Miami named Saunders Markets, with the main store located at 918 NW 7th Avenue, near downtown Miami. The median annual salary for MPD police officers is $49,575 and $63,000 for criminal investigators. Willford advised that between twenty-five and forty thousand dollars in cash is usually kept in the store over the weekend. Cefalu-- broadcasted over the police radio. 1948, at Flagler Street and NE 2nd Ave. A truck had backed into the rusted utility pole which broke off, bounced off a taxi cab and stuck Officer Wichman. Chief Guy Reeve took over a soiled department following the arrest of Chief Quigg and others back in 1928. Stevens, E.V. On Sunday afternoon, September 25th, 1927, 40 year old MPD Officer Albert Johnson was accidentally shot and killed while on duty at N.W. (Miami News- 1/10/1937). Crews. He told me that he saw this police car pull a car over and the skinniest policeman he ever saw got out just as the driver of the other car got out and ran at the officer with his fists clenched. Our sources said he joined the Army and later was convicted of assault when he was allegedly trying to put the move on another guy and ended up serving a term in prison. Officer Schel, a three year veteran, pulled up his zone car alongside a subject on foot when the man abruptly wheeled and shot Officer Schel through the right shoulder. After years of legal arguing over Garrett's mental capacity, he was finally sentenced to life imprisonment plus 10 years by Judge Ellen Morphonios. (Police were not equipped with radios at that time). After his military service, Coplin joined the MPD and served many years, most of which as a detective in the Burglary Unit. C.O.Huttoe, who was Vice Squad commander during most of 1940 and 41, seemed bent on embarrassing Chief Quigg. The Desk Sgt will inspect the officers daily to see that they are neat and clean and that their firearms are in working order. In the early 1940's he was again demoted and an attempt was made to discharge him due to the fact that he originally joined the department under a name other than his birth name. (At times, there is more danger from inside than on the street -even for the Chief.) The suspect was booked for Armed Robbery. He was promoted to Sergeant ten months ago. Cecil Knight, Woods partner in the chase, was Captain Cecil (Hamp) Knight, who was one of the most famous Auto Theft detectives in the nation for many, many years. Editor's Note: Officer L.G. The investigation was led by Detective Bob Utes and his supervisor, Lt. Bill McClure. McDade, E.H. was appointed as a MPD officer in 1911. (Miami News- 9/19/1937). Auto Theft Detective James Frank Beckham, 29, was shot and killed by a bootlegger about 11 P.M. on February 3rd, 1928. No grounds were presented and the Court awarded him his job and rank back in May of 1930. The Chief said that a thin wire was laid along the seat portion of an ordinary chair with the wire connected to the car batteries. We recommend The locale of his home was actually within the city limits of Miami Beach. The suspect was chased to 14th street and the railroad tracks where Det. A sawed off-shotgun was found in the field off 7th Avenue during the day Monday. The pistol match team from MPD had the reputation during this era of being one of the finest in the country. (Horse drawn) His request was referred to a committee. (St. Petersburg (FL) Times- 2/28/1939), Mayor Williams was recalled in the city election along with two other commissioners. As I'm looking through a dirty window the building caretaker is in the inside looking out through the same window. In May of 1950, a police precinct was established at 480 NW 11 Street to provide a station house for black policemen and a courtroom for black judges in which to adjudicate black defendants. I now understand what happened to me that night and I can deal with it. He was survived by his wife Vera and was buried in his home town of Carrolton, Georgia. Stathers weapon, a .357 Colt Trooper, was missing. The MPD police radio system was split into two channels due the heavy load of traffic on the sole one. Gautier, all with minor injuries. OFFICER DeLEON KILLED IN HIGH SPEED CHASE. STILL HAS ELECTRIC CHAIR. The shoe was then put on the other foot as Capone was then charged with perjury for lying about the circumstances of the above arrest. Some of the individual retires requested that we withhold their identity and we have. September 15th -All MPD officers were required to take a job knowledge exam that covered subjects taught to them at the recent police school program. Please be Fortunately for all, the other guards gun was not loaded. Lt. Curry, back in the late 1910's, stepped in for the Chief of Police for several months while the boss was ill. Curry did an outstanding job, according to press reports at that time. Hope you enjoy their humor. A detective in one area would not venture into another's territory or case without being on the receiving end of unwanted grief. The other one started to climb back up and then decided it would be much smarter to wait for the firemen. On October 3, 1931, Officer Robert L. (Bob) McCormack, 29, was visiting Miss Dorothy Lager and her family in Miami, and had gone out on the porch to rest before dinner. Our faces come together at the exact same time separated only by the window pane.' His uniform had the triangle patch just above the Sgt stripes. Russell, Edward D. Appointed May of 1911. The NFL called a mid-field meeting before the coin toss to discuss possible crowd (80,000 plus) evacuation in case of chaos (bombs, etc) in the stands during the game. Sheriff Jimmy Sullivan, a former MPD officer, was indicted by the Grand Jury in Dade for aiding racketeers from the S. & G. syndicate. New video shows the wild confrontation and shooting that left an . Throughout its history, MPD has devoted a significant portion of their resources to handling the problems associated with alcohol. Patrolman Arthur Fairbrother, 31, was in Jackson Hospital today suffering from bullet wounds when he was shot by Patrolman Gillette. He called in two of his detectives and told them to arrest a pickpocket and beat him up real good and bring him to his office. Also this month, a 21 year old volunteer city fire fighter, John Thompson, was killed when his fire truck flipped over en route to a call just north of town. Owsley, Lt. Ken Parker and Lt. (later Chief) Garland Watkins were super. His remains were buried in Boston, Georgia. Other promotions noted were Forrest Nelson and M.E. (A blot on the MPD as rouge cops become the bad guys. Headley had been a MPD officer since joining in 1937. rifle and killed Hepburn instantly. (Miami News-1/24/1940). This fact has allowed us to track the progression of law enforcement in Miami from the incorporation in 1896, to the present. He passed away in 2008. Forrest Nelson, Ed Melchen, Lt Finch Cochran and Lt McCarthy. "Let the other fellow drive", he urged. Many residents of the area were asked (and complied) to take a polygraph test. WASHINGTON SHOT ON CHRISTMAS MORNING, (Story about the author shooting a crook (minor wound) named George Washington on Christmas morning. (Miami Metropolis- 7/31/1896), Marshall Gray made his first recorded arrest on Oct 14, 1896. Kavanaugh issued an order that allowed drunks to call the police for a free ride home if they thought they were too tipsy to drive. Zangara was returned to the court, pled guilty, and sentenced to die in Floridas electric chair. The crowd shouted Kill that man. (Miami News-4/23/1923, MPD records), The Miami Police had a superior Rifle team during this period. John Hepburn, 35, opened fire with a 45-caliber automatic toward MPD officers R.B. MPD Sergeant W. B. Poe was thrown from the motor as he escorted a 100 car motorcade of Klansmen from Miami to Homestead. McCarthy set up a citizen Secret Observers program for traffic infraction reporting. Our first stop on the afternoon shift was at Jeff's Bar, W. Flagler St and 12th Avenue. Guess who they all pointed to? The driver, Heanon Arnold, 25, was arrested for manslaughter but no case resolution was located in the records. Peoria Police Department. Burlinson, 26, a New Jersey native and a Korean War veteran, joined the MPD in 1954 with Academy Class # 29, three years before he died in the crash on March 8, 1958. It was about 3 AM on a night in 1958, assigned to Unit 610. Sources for this story were from interview and correspondence with retired MPD officer, Ray Parker, who passed away recently as the book was being published. (Miami News- 3/31/73), (Field officer tells of real street stories.) Wichman was survived by his wife, Vivian. The hall utilized by the black residents of Miami for many social and community events was bombed at 2AM, on a Sunday morning in July of 1917. ordered Reeve removed and replaced by Bryan on July 18, 1931. In 1914 a MPD Officer named W.H. Gingras, Lewis Appointed as a MPD officer in 1911. Forty year old Detective Robert Lee Jester, a 10 year veteran of MPD was shot and killed in downtown Miami on Saturday afternoon, November 18,1933, in a shoot out between two MPD detectives and two bank robbers. We had a dilemma. He was later a famous national wrestler and promoter in the 1930s and 1940s. His wife survived him by many years, recently passing away in Marathon, Florida at an age of 101. Detective Fred Rowland was placed in temporary charge of squad. A host of these leaders moved on to head other agencies, including Dick Witt being Chief of Hollywood PD and two others, Emory Putman heading up Mt. Brogdon of the Miami Beach police department paid a $10 fine in city court for speeding. Knight, a brilliant, hard working officer, had a reputation of a stormy figure in the department, with occasional judgment problems. Wilson was being held at the jail pending the preparation of insanity papers after his arrest the previous day. Suddenly, a muffled detonation was heard from the direction of 9th Street and 7th Avenue. (714 words), (Story about a 1972 Dixie Mafia hit on 3 people at Miami complex. (Pic shows about 30 MPD guys in a classroom. Ross Cefalu was not just a police officer. (Miami News-10/3/1950). A young officer, Jesse Morris, 24, was killed in the line of duty during a shootout on July 8, 1927. She then explained that she was preparing to bathe as she had a pressing appointment, and that I could let myself out after changing.' (623) 773-8311. Al Capone, notorious Chicago gangster, would frequently winter in Miami's warm sun. (This chapter describes details of organizing the M.P.D. (Miami News - 1/16/1950). It was also suggested in the above hearing that McCarthy refused to demote or suspend the three detectives as demanded by the Public Safety Director. 6/17/1938, Officers Harry Fouts and Carl Spense made a quick arrest via a radio BOLO, one of the first using the new two-way radio setup that MPD installed. The area was then expanded to the west, close to what is now NW 7th Avenue. 911. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; ), (Two interesting stories by Curtis Reeves, MPD Ret. After his release, he returned to his Miami Beach mansion in ill health and died in 1947 without suffering any additional arrests by the MPD. Plainclothes officers D.F. Many others served in Korea.