Obtuse has an ancestor in the Latin obtusus, meaning "blunt; dull." Mala pituita nasi Nasty nasal drippings! Youre draining my energy, Debbie Downer! Learn more about other conversation starters! The 28-year-old is a complete professional who can defend, attack and score, having bagged nine goals . Latin is a dead language , no proper pronunciation known today . adventurous than they are today. Because, frankly, putting this list together, I wasnt offended personally so much as insulted by the sheer stupidity and lack of creativity of these words. "Straight from Shakespeare: 'I wish we could become better strangers.'". ", Mally, Anton Karl. Border Bunny, Border Hopper, Border Rat - words related to being from the border or crossing it Cans, Bans - words related to the ending of Latinos' countries of origin, such as MexiCAN, cuBAN, etc. Like Bad Bunny, Rosala, and Turizo, who are predominantly urban and pop artists, acts such as El Alfa, Myke Tower s, Natti Natasha, and Maria Becerra have also not shied away from tapping into . It's been used by such notables as Ralph Waldo Emerson ("It is a pusillanimous desertion of our work to gaze after our neighbours"), and the disgraced Vice-President Spiro Agnew, who called journalists "pusillanimous pussyfooters. , Mally, Anton Karl. Use this insult (from Plautuss play Pseudolus) to accuse someone of being a grave robber, a criminal occupation thought to be among the lowest of the low in the ancient world. Kill yourself with a spoon. 1. lpa , ae, f. lupus, Mills, Northwestern University, Charles W. "Comparing Black People to Monkeys has a Long, Dark Simian History", The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Social Media, Discrimination and Intolerance in South Africa: A Lexicon of Hateful Terms, "Etymology of Selected Words of Indian Language Origin", "Obama Signs Bill Removing 'Oriental' and 'Negro' From Federal Laws", "La "Turcofobia". [1][2], Ethnic slurs against Macedonians are often used in an attempt to deny their self-identification.[187][188]. Take a look at more funny insults! Any ideas? irrumator technically means: one who forces others to suck dick. The ten worst words in ancient Latin centered on bodies and sex. One moose, two moose. You can also get creative to pack a little extra punch. Sunt qui Larentiam volgato corpore lupam inter pastores vocatam putent; inde locum fabulae ac miraculo datum. I dont have time for a shithead like you! Dont let the door hit you on your way out! Pediculous. Nobody says these things. Ests pero si bien pendejo. Stand aside plebeians! Being called a nerd is not really an insult. 3, 8; Liv. I have a degree in this language. Just remember to keep things light and casual so that no ones feelings get hurt. I think what an axxhole in Latin might be QUALIS PODEX. You complete idiot! might be a fine translation. The word probably comes from the Latin crepare, meaning "crack, creak, break," a root it shares with crevice. Please do tell me more about your amazing life. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved, thought to be among the lowest of the low. (LogOut/ These insults are mean, clever, and funny which makes them very entertaining whether you like it or not! Ep. 2. Khan, Razib. Next time, pull out these fancy insults and class up the joint while you twist the dagger. A. Battaglia, Salvatore (1961). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Es ocurrente y visual. Thanks . I didnt use these in a disrespectful way. 3. jewminican 2 yr. ago. Check out our collection of articles full of tips, tricks, and ideas to help get the conversation flowing! Xanthodontous. It sounds a little provocative nowadays, but it actually just means that one person is sucking up to another person. Worthless, consisting of trash. Its quite obvious that whoever compiled this list doesnt actually speak Latin. Commodum habitus es You have just been owned, Canis matrem tuam subagiget Dog has desecrated your mother, Hic erit in lecto fortissimus He is Hercules in the sack, Asinus Stultissimus Dumbass (lit. having or showing a complete lack of courage : very cowardly, It was one of themostcraven, cowardly acts in professional sports, only of course he didn't see it that way. Palladium-Item (Richmond, IN), 26 Aug. 2022. head of shit), Cupio te meam mentulam sugare I want you to suck my dick. Latin is a language that we shouldn't let fade away completely, even if we only remember a few words here and there. . Bibe semen meum e poculo a baculus is a staff. Faex is the dregs of wine. When Hamlet angrily orders Ophelia to, Get thee to a nunnery!, Shakespeare is counting on his audience to pick up the double entendre of nunnery/whorehouse. Literally one who digs through walls, perfossor parietum is another way to slander someone by suggesting theyre a thief. You can use them to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. Tell this to douchebags who keep pestering you even when you tell them no. That means that they won't be able to type them into Google to figure out what the heck you were trying to say. That's 32 insults applied 1,693 times to 245 different targets. It's short and sweet, which means that it's easy to memorize. As classicist and translator Laura Gibbs points out, derivatives like scelerum caput (chief of crimes!) and sceleris plenissime (most full of crime!) work great as well. Please feel free to ask me anything about Latin Grammar, Syntax, or the Ancient World. Why is fish a good substitute for meat Paris color le stylo smoky shadow smoldering plum Paris stylo smoky eye shadow glistening Paris riche stylo smoky eye glistening Paris color riche stylo smoky eye shadow skirt Utinam Barbari Spatium Proprium Tuum Invadant. Delivered to your inbox! 3, 66; Aur. . Soif im wrong, please feel free to make corrections or add your own!! Common sense is relative! Okay, so I need to use the fairly vulgar phrase weve got shit to do, but in this sentence, it isnt meaning anything except things or work or obligations to be done. The name of a dog, Col. 7, 12, 13. Association for the Study of African American Life and History. Flaky, dandruff-covered. "Piefke | Nachtrge. Orig. Well, anyways this was a great site to find these on, thanks for making it! Theres a reason why American people love watching RuPauls Drag Race. When you don't want to be mean, but you just can't help yourself, you can just say something rude in another language. Catullus used this cruel epithet to malign poor Ameana, the mistress of his nemesis, who was the subject of not one but two of his insulting poems.Puella defututa unkindly translates as worn-out whore.. How every letter can be (annoyingly) silent, Helping you navigate the linguistic road ahead. But the benevolent smile lurking under the pre-World War I mustache is deceiving: The man is asanctimoniousprigwho siphons all the fun out of life. The New York Times, 5 Mar. Is this a quote thats been cut off? Get to know how to talk to anyone anytime, anywhere! Genshin Impact: Which girl is your soulmate? The American Negro and the South African Cape Coloured: A Comparative Study of a Class of Human Phenomena. Im glad that Im the only person in school who took a advanced class in Latin. Yes, Rick Riordan does his research, but he is not the be all and end all. This list of ethnic slurs and epithets is sorted into categories that can defined by race, ethnicity, or nationality. People of mixed races in South Africa are referred to a Coloured with no derogatory connections. And Other Considerations", "Audiencia en caso Mapuexpress: Querellante pidi censurar al medio a cambio de retirar la demanda", "On David Friedman, the 'kapo' smear, and Jewish honor", "In Buenos Aires, they think England are the 'pirates', "Traveling Smart: 7 Offensive Words To Avoid Abroad", "Dictionary of the Scots Language:: SND:: teuchter", "Sardegna, italiano di in "Enciclopedia dell'italiano", "wop - Origin and history of wop by Online Etymology Dictionary", "Trent'anni dopo, riecco il razzismo antisardo. Thats why I dont talk to a lot of people. From Greek xanthos (yellow) and odont- (a combining form for tooth). Semper in excremento, sole profundum qui variat. In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags. Sapere also gave us savor, savant, and sage. That way, no one will have any idea of what you've called them. If you've ever seen Forrest Gump, then you've heard this phrase before. If you cant take the heat, just leave. I could make some stylistic corrections, but these were the structural ones that felt glaring to me. Given that insulting language is usually directed at another person, it gives you practice with the vocative and different noun forms. Otherwise, they might tell mean jokes about you too! This means, "an ass to the lyre," which basically means "an awkward individual." 147-152) Available at: Goulding, G. J., & Joshua, F. P. (1953). Slight a Roman, . Who hasnt heard of the infamous Karen?! Dont believe the stereotype! I would assume that they wouldnt call a goddess (especially the one the became the mother of the founder of Rome) a slut. If youre looking for a creative way to tell someone they stink, you might borrow this insult from the novelist Apuleius, which translates as stench of a sewer bottom.. And they are rude and crude and . Puto vos esse molestissimos I think that you are very annoying. The Cambridge classicist Mary Beard became briefly notorious in 2009 (though not for the first or last time) when she was bleeped at length on NPR for quoting an ancient Roman poemin Latin. May you die! The word's Latin root - the fatuus we see in ignis fatuus - is also behind the word infatuate, which once meant "to make foolish," but which now usually means "to inspire with foolish love or admiration. submits to fellatio) fututus et mori in igni f**k off and die in a fire. It's great to use when you see the teacher's pet cozying up to your professor. Or regular names of people can be used as insults too in the right situation. Rom. 2004. Keep up the great writing. : How expatriates experience a word - Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates", "gringo. 1. Available anytime, anywhere, on any device. When you dont want to bother arguing with someone whos way older than you. We are linking to this great content on our website. Don't be ashamed of who you are. Potes meos suaviari clunes You can kiss my a**. Bye Felicia! Just tell them, Ok boomer. If you ask me, you can go and st on yourself. : rabidae tradis ovile lupae, Ov. Grande dizionario della lingua italiana, UTET, Torino, V. XVII, p.577, Battaglia, Salvatore (1961). Classicist Kyle Harper points out that adultera meretrix, meaning adulterous prostitute, doesnt make perfect sense, but might come close to something like the vulgar English slutty., Marcus Tullius Cicero tended toward more high-class insults, including this one for a Roman senator he called the dry nurse of all seditious men.. Latin Language Swearing & English Translation. Here is really the only thing Ive retained after my 3 years of Latin. Thoughts on Black Americas new favorite racial slur, critical thought, and groupthink, " Habshi Meaning Hindi Habshi Matlab English Habashi Arth Paribhasha Vilom ". If someone tells you this, get back at them with, Wow, youre such a clever person! Theyll have to figure out if youre being sarcastic or not. Even celebrities have used it during their late-night talk show appearances. Edit them in the Widget section of the, I'm posting on both blogs for reasons of latin curses, cane bitch (this isactuallyreferringto a dog, however, and not the femalederogatory), filius canis son of a bitch (literally son of a dog), fututus et mori in igni fuck off and die in a fire. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Maybe youre showing a twisted sense of affection to your friends or youre really angry and want to hurt someone with your words. He also chases his tail for entertainment. Just as buddy is believed to be a baby talk alteration of brother, twee is a baby talk alteration of sweet. Latin Insults. The history of this word is far from insipid. Strepere also turns up in the etymologies of the unusual terms strepitant and strepitous, both meaning "clamorous; noisy; boisterous. ), Podex perfectus es Youre a complete asshole, Stercorem pro cerebro habes You have shit for brains, Caput tuum in ano est You have your head up your ass, Caput stercoris shithead (lit. A list of insults in Latin. Mulatto. Stop fooling around. lupa, lupae N (1st) F [XXXDX] lesser "Herkunft und Rolle eines sterreichischen Spitznamens fr den Preuen, den Nord-und den Reichsdeutschen. To contact our editors please use our contact form. 2022. There are countless ways to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.You can dive into one of the best books written by Hispanic authors (lookin' at you, Isabel Allende).If you're looking to treat yourself, splurge at a Latinx-owned business.Or, at the end of a long week, settle in for a Spanish TV show binge, and work on those language skills if you're in the process of learning. I suppose that still works, though not in the way you meant. Lice-infested. Morologus es! Youre talking like a moron! We have more mean insults that will burn your frenemies! head of shit) "Mentulam Caco" - I shit on your prick "Obesus porcus" - Fat pig "Cupio te meam mentulam sugare" - I want you to suck my dick . Available at: "Cotton-Picking, Cotton Picker." Its Latin ancestor translates very loosely as "without wisdom, good taste, or good sense." Dictionary.com. 167190. also, dead language means that it is not the official language of any country. That way, your parents can't yell at you for watching television, because they'll be too impressed over the fact that you've been learning a little bit of Latin. Spanish-speaking sports fans really get into the spirit of competition, so it is not uncommon to hear fans at a sporting event insulting the ability, strength, or lack of courage of a player. ), 5 Sept. 2022 I wouldnt have wanted to leave any great candidates off the list! 21, 55; Liv. That means youre a lesser man and your words dont even matter. It looks like a lot to memorize, but the plus side is that the person you insult will never be able to remember the exact words you said.