People do you KNOW the WORD as it WAS in the day of your Deliverers Life? Remember, he escorted YHShua (Jesus) to the midnight trial. I have also (By the way, if you want to know what I think of Logos . The physical dimensions are also a factor. ), Thanks. Statistics (sta&bulltis&bulltics) is a noun that can be used with a singular or plural verb. I'm pretty sure that's a unique threshold outside of Old . And, talking about Psalm 119, did you know it is an acrostic Psalm with 22 sections with eight lines. When using the KJV, there are 929 chapters and 23,145 verses in the Old Testament and 260 chapters and 7,957 verses in the New Testament. All rights reserved. One topic about the Bible that differs among its many translations is the word count. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Thanks for doing the legwork and sharing it. Count words and characters, correct spelling and grammar, and check keyword density. you see now why there are so many word counts floating around? Yes He crawls on His belly after the DESCENT but so does the grape vine which brings forth the grape of holy promise and which is the metaphor of the blood of our savior surely you wont die! 2. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. The truth is there are 31,102 verses He got the dot for his house and the HEY which means behold. They Ask then and only then will I speak. Consider that Matthew and Luke both have over 1,000 total verses.Matthew has 28 chapters, and Luke has 24. Both the . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Here is a list of most of the prayers in Scripture, excluding many in Psalms (may be added later) by Gods grace. Once I chose my Bibles, it was time to start getting word counts. Christians see the Bible as the Word of God. Which religions followers will go in Paradise, If there is God then why so much injustice around, Determinism and Freewill: Scientific and Religious Analysis, Quantum Field theory, we are all connected, A Brief Summary Of Events In Human History As Per Bible. The truth is always better It is Showing Only TheUnique Words Per letter. Find out more, Bible Facts Figures Regarding Verses, Words, Letters And Their Usage With Animations And Graphs. This serves as a valuable reference and concordance for the King James Bible. their website: So I used one of Logos Bible Softwares not-so-famousfeatures: Word Lists. I have an old Strongs Hebrew, Greek concordance I am always looking up everything. You can view the number of pages, paragraphs, and lines in your document, as well as the number of characters, either including or excluding spaces. The Nachash is not a prophet because He only speaks about what he sees in conversation not as a town crier or messenger to the peoples. Of course, thats just looking up the English word. Aba Aleph Bet. The average of Words per verse in OT is 27.6 and in NT its 22.2.. For the longest word in Bible there are two candidates with 18 letters each; one is Jonathelemrechokim in Psalm 56 and 2nd is Mahershalalhashbaz in Isaiah 8:1 and 8:3. Very interesting, I didnt know that Jeremiah and Genesis had more words than the Psalms! That might make for a fun tutorial video to do sometime. answer should be obvious: with honour and respect. started off with a faulty statistic. The number of words in the Greek New Testament are also provided in a link below. I used the Lexham Hebrew Bible and theNestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graecefor these word counts. there are. SUMMARY OF KING JAMES BIBLE STATISTICS: Total Books - 66 Total Chapters 1,189 Total Verses.31,102 Total words in the 31,102 verses - 788,258 (not including the Hebrew Alphabet in Psalm 119 or the superscriptions listed in some of the Psalms) Total words in the Hebrew Alphabet in Psalm 119 - 22 Wow!!! Ezra 2:2-67. Basically, I cut and paste an entire book into Microsoft Word, then used the word count feature. The book name in the Christian bible is not Torah Hebrew and was created thousands of years after Torah was given. I just started learning the Hebrew alphabet a little bit here and there 6 months ago, when God revealed to me Psalms 12:6 The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Since then, I learned that Hebrew is his pure word, and life as I know it has now been flipped upside down! The physical size differences mean that there are a different number of words per page for almost any edition. If it is alright, I will pass on this information to our homeschool co-op. Hey but it gets even worse. He will expel ungodliness from Jacob. COUNT, n. 1. It shows the Lord (the Holy Word) you TRYING to KNOW him. The Old Testament has 39 and the New Testament has 27. 15,551 and 15,552 (Psalms 103:1-2.). Im curious what the conversion rate would be though. The hits command should search for those words in your chapter across the Hebrew bible. There are twelve The same is true for other versions of the Bible. Ill walk you through my process step-by-step. It * Bible manuscripts into English. I used my favorite Bible study tool, Logos Bible software, to do research that made this post possible. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. in the King James Bible. In the Beginning WAS the WORD and the WORD was WITH G-d and the WORD was G-D! When Aramaic is spoken, we can sit at the holy meal and some of the conversation is private. In this case, of course, it is the first letter of each line. Old Testament: 592,439 words. Opps forget link to Letters of Light The Bible word count is: Old Testament: 593,493 New Testament: 181,253 Total: 774,746 My answer is not to say that either Ianfranco or zbeckabee is wrong. John took the Spirit of Wisdom, the DOVE that settled upon Him as He stepped out of the WATER/TORAH to bring us home. So in the the spirit of Luke 14:28, I offer the below table of milestones that will hopefully give us a sense of how long it will take to get through the Old Testament. and on several websites. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Romans 11:25-27. It's It's time to solve Bible puzzles and collect God's words with friends and family NOW! 31,175 verses in the King James Bible and that's not true. Word Counter - Word Count Tool is a word counter that provides an extensive statistics about the word count, character count, the number of characters without spaces. However, another source, Bible Believers, states that the 1611 King James Bible has a word count of 788,280 words. in some of the Psalms), (the You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Eighty but still I get that special feeling when I help someone find Jesus! coming from the two center verses of the Book. including the Hebrew Alphabet in Psalm 119 or the superscriptions listed That was easy. I too was wanting the number of words by chapter, specifically Philippians, where Paul starts Chapter 3 with finally. I write notes for a Sunday School group in a Baptist church, and I said for Paul finally doesnt mean anything. However, another source, Bible Believers, states that the 1611 King James Bible has a word count of 788,280 words. I have heard it on tapes. Longest Book of OT and of Bible is Psalms with 150 chapters 2,461 verses. Those debates are exacerbated by the fact that there are more than a hundred translations of the Bible from its original Hebrew, even translations of translations. would be Psalm 104:16. Allows instant real-time searches, with an autocompleter droplist to assist with words which come next. Then they direct you to the middle two words The Latter-day Saint edition of the Bible in English is the King James Version, with footnotes and study helps. perfection doubled. doubled-checked his counts with a manual count in 10 of the 66 Books Forty years a pastor, several years in religious education, ONE trip to a college in India (wow), etc I will NOT be called on much to speak, but if so I will be prepared; even more so since I met your work! And a 28,000 word manuscript is more like a booklet or novella of 90 pages. SwordSearcher is a registered trademark. They old HAS to remain the SAME. The Last Dialogue| 2023 All Rights Reserved | Designed & Developed by|, ALL ANALYSIS OF BIBLE DATA IS AS PER KING JAMES VERSION, PLEASE TOUCH THE BARS TO SEE THE INFORMATION, The Graph Below Shows The Usage of English Alphabets In The Construction Of Bible. Books are not in Torah. coming from the two center verses of the Book. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: John 10:27. I dont see the link to the Letter of Light videos??? There are twelve manner of I was fascinated by the word count of the books in the Bible. The website Open Thou Mine Eyes lists the New International Version as having a word count of either 727,969 words or 726,109 words, the English Standard Version having 757,439 words and the New American Standard Bible 782,815 words. words on one side of this phrase and twelve words on the other side. Go know the LORD. If you use the full titles as in the 1611 edition -. So words on one side of this phrase and twelve words on the other side. Heres a taste the first verse has all the Letters but 12! A translation is a human trying to describe what another man has said using not that mans experience but his own and in a different language and life time of experience no less. times the word "PSALM" is listed - 150, Total A lemma is a words dictionary form. In order Old Testament, The New Testament), Total again that's twice as many words as in the imaginary center. Salvation comes from the Jew Holy Hebrew is all they have that the world doesnt have. I compare the Koran and Bible to show that it is more difficult to Memorize the Bible because of the sheer volume of words. These would be verses 3. The middle verse of the Bible is said to be, in some calculates and translations, Psalm 118:8, but this source, citing the KJV, suggests it is Psalm 103:1-2. Weve collated a number of word counts on this page,, (Yours is at the bottom, not as a sign of its importance, just due to the chronology of adding it today!). You should because you will see the creation of the Father in the progression and movement and association of the Letters where two or more are, there He is, there the WORD IS! What else would you expect in the center of God's Holy Bible? For instance, there are approximately 175,000 words inside the Lord of the Rings trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien. Good question, though the answer is a little tricky. the Bible, and it is, then how do you think we should treat it? Hope its helpful or at least interesting. On the other hand, if you are counting the NASB (I like it, too!) and they all match perfectly. In Torah the Aleph Tav is an undefinable WORD that is used only to show that what follows this Ahtah is G-ds OWN. For the time being, its the same code running on both sites. Cant learn what you cant SEE and FEEL spiritually. Quran in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish And Urdu. What a cool idea! Just the fact that there are different amounts of words in the modern versions should make one suspicious of their content. verses in the King James Bible, Total Heres an example. Is there a place I can take a look at the occurances of words in each specific bible book? Both verses start with "Bless the LORD, Now let's count the words in these Length of the arm from elbow to the end of the middle finger, almost 18 inches. This is why it is tricky to read your daily portion of bread every day. At Wasai we are committed to building awesome digital products for all. as many words (12) on each side of it. A patch cannot be sewed onto a prayer shawl. But the New American Standard Bible (NASB), the NET Bible, The New Living Translation (NLT) and the New Century Bible have fifteen versesone more verse. I have the data on handIll tackle this next month. I do see, however, that you didnt distinguish between Hebrew and Greek, which makes comparing OT and NT books rather difficult if you want to compare length, given how on the one hand Hebrew is an agglutinating language, while Greek likes to multiply its articles for example. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. If you let me have the wording that will be great. Make or made Statistics is mentioned in the Bible 13 times and in the Quran seven times. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. King James Bible. Shortest book of the Old Testament is Obadiah with 1 chapter, 21 verses and 670 words, and of New Testament and of Whole Bible is John 3 with 1 chapter, 13 verses and 299 words. again that's twice as many words as in the imaginary center. We create research-based articles and handy infographics to help people understand the Bible. The game features: A bible word unscrambler game contains Bible word games and Bible Stories Numerous word connect puzzles that challenge brain Colorful illustrations and interactive contents of Bible Stories Educational Bible games for both adults and children Modern Hebrew is NOT Torah Hebrew. Continue reading"Bible word count statistics" This has many on the KJV. They did, and they finally CAUGHT what they were fishing for. This Temple was famous as Herods temple and was destroyed by Titus in 70AD as Prophesied by Jesus in Matthew chapter 24. I love stuff like this. The King James Bible is the oldest version of the text, and as changes occurred in subsequent editions it is no wonder that sources report . Many New Testament books have more words per verse than Old Testament books. and they read "the Lord". were counted because they are scattered throughout this Psalm (Chapter.). Your word-count of the Bible is an excellent gift to the world, including this grey-haired retired pastor; THANKS . verse in the King James Bible, None I went with the following three Bibles: The NA27 Greek New Testament The Lexham Hebrew Bible The New American Standard 1995 Update(for the little slivers of Aramaic) The Holy Bible KJV has over 780,000 word, making it 10 times longer than the Koran. Thank you for compiling this list of books, as Im looking to memorize the shortest so I can claim to have memorized a multitude of bookslike 3 John! Note that these calculations will vary slightly based on the Bible translation you use. I have very limited and basic knowledge of the 22 letters, their number valve and the pictogram meaning, also I now know of the musical aspect of it too. In law, a particular charge in an indictment, or narration in pleading, setting forth the cause of complaint. fourteen epistles of Paul are, because The Christ also said before you can rise up, you first must DESCEND. The estimated measurements are not helpful. Once Apparently Receive our messages by Email Kabal is nothing more than the 4th layer or spiritual layer of torah (instruction of the WORD of G-d). : Maher-shalal-hash-baz, 2nd son of Isaiah.] However . So immediately below is a sortable table, showing the number of chapters, verses and words in each book of the Bible. There are 8,674 various Hebrew words scattered throughout the King James Version of the Bible, as well as 5,624 Greek words and 12,143 English words. Number. Find out more, Condensed Summary of Main Topics and Theme of each Book of Bible Philip was taught this and still did not understand until the Christ walked THROUGH the WALL. Out of 1189 total chapters 929(78%) chapters are in Old Testament Books and 260(22%) chapters in New Testament Books. When people were feasting, having parties, getting married and getting engaged but not putting ANY effort into learning Aba or His Word. also. I have checked and We've got 100 helpful prompts to help you get kickstarted on your next writing assignment. The New International Bible and the English Standard Bible are modern versions that, according to a few sources, have removed verses and words found in the King James Bible. That is around 1/8th of the word count in the King James Bible, New International Version or New American Standard Version. Here's the problem. The above figures for the total number of words per book include both the "shorter ending" and "longer ending" of Mark's Gospel (16:9-20), as well as the story of the adulterous woman (John 7:53-8:11), but do not include the other verses listed in the previous note. Verse 2 concludes The difficult, less traveled path is where He has called us too. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Some of them seem to disagree with The values were hand entered into the Excel spreadsheet, while a macro in the spreadsheet Logos Bible Software 10 review: Do you REALLY need it? One fascinating aspect of Bible study is looking at word counts. Word Counter is a clean and simple web interface for counting words, characters and pages, checking grammar and spelling, keyword density and more. Heres what it looks like: NowI have a list of every Hebrew lemma in the book of Ruth. You could be one of the 144000 points of Light that travels around and around with the WORD. subscriptions at the end of each letter. How many words are in the King James Bible? all that is within me, bless his holy name. verses in the New Testament, Middle Width of four fingers pressed together, almost 3 inches, End of the thumb to the little finger when spread, almost 9 inches, 2 Drachma. for Psalm 118:8 (the 15,968th verse in the KJB) to be the middle The Words property counts all the text on slides and notes pages. These cookies do not store any personal information. [Ed. If Here : ). Wiki has a wonderful site to the Jewish perspective of Holy counting to compliment this wonderful study we see on the page. I will post your website and name on the top of each page, so they can explore the source as well. Nevertheless they did not I wanted to support that statement with a word count, because Paul did not write in our verse/chapter divisions. to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Philip, have I been with you for so long now and you still do not know that the WORD and the Aleph Bet are One I am (Word) in the Father Aba and the Father Aba is in me (the Word). by Theological Research, a department of The Believers Organization. Devarim takes place the last 36 days of Moses life when he began to talk and did not stop talking until the Lord lead him to the mountain top to die. They are credited to Euthalius, a bishop Verse 1 continues - and all that is within me. There are millions of Bibles in print. The global population is expected to reach 8 billion by November 2022. Luke 2:2. I will make an icon for this website for my easy find. Using the Ribbon Tabs. Count words in slides and notes pages. Open another pane with the Hebrew Bible. Select a Bible from the dropdown list. have: Can Devarim is a retelling of all the other 4 books, and what is too come including the blessings and curses yet to happen. He appeared to them, John recognized his VOICE because John was a practicing Jew who was friends with the High Priest of that time. On top of all and then selecting Word List from the options. Simple. For bears with very little brains (but a fascination with numbers!) Therefore there is no single middle verse. These Words are distributed as 602,580 (77%) in Old Testament and 180,551(23%) in New Testament Books. It is Showing Only The. to the 1769 edition of the 1611 King James Bible: All word counts are the work Well done. This book outlines words used in a matrix which have the statistical probability of occurring randomly about 1 chance in 9 trillion! what a verse to be right in the middle of your Bible. Moses: The Old Testaments Greatest Prophet. When you do an analysis on that it will list the words you want with the count across all books. (B) Type a reference in the box, such as 1 John. Using the information on this site and its analysis of the NASB, there are 622,771 words in the Old Testament and 184,590 words in the New Testament, making a total of 807,361 words altogether. I exported each Word List as a CSV spreadsheet. Thank you for your efforts in performing this statistical feat. This version of the bible includes both the Old and New Testaments. That should probably count as another step. The shortest words in the Bible are a, I and O. Links People look at the Bible in different ways. Ever beginning of a NEW idea begins with a Vav or what in English would be the word AND ironic that the new is connected to whats to come after it. According to Open Thou Mine Eyes the King James Bible has a word count of 783,137 words. words in the Hebrew Alphabet in Psalm 119 - 22, Total An acrostic is a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which certain letters in each line form a word or words. Now i am going to add up all the words in Acts thru Revelation for those who think the Holy Spirit left out a lot on how the NT church understood the gospels. In order They already have the word count for a passage range available, since they display differences. uses it a lot in his word. Blessings to you dear brother but apply the thanks an glory to Whom who SENT THE WORD out of Torah to Aba! Other people see the Bible as just a historical text. this I have heard my two most favorite preachers proclaim it from the pulpit. the number seven. Snake is H8577 man decided to translate what the Torah called the Seer into a snake. I love your research and methodology. This means that in the end, each word will be a (word, int) value, where int is the number of times that word was seen in the map phase. David, you can read that here: Subscribe to our Twitter Feed, Book Reviews Thanks. Your personal statement is arguably the most important part of your college application. Do you know Aba who reveals Himself through the WORD. A third way to verify the word count is to use the tabs at the top of the Word doc itself by following these steps:. There are some variations between versions with included/excluded text and verses, however, for the purpose of establishing the relative lengths of each book, these counts are very helpful. Aleph Letters means Hidden power and strength of G-d and the Tav means Owner/Authority! A Reply To Dan Gibson. The following statistics apply Luke 2:3. I have all the data on handIll tackle that next month. It turns out 14 Greek words are translated free in the New Testament, and sometimes theyre used elsewhere and translated differently. Total numbers of Letters/Alphabets in Bible is 4,106,717 out of which 3,165,193 (77%) in OT and 941,524(23%) in NT. This however is mans accomplishment. The Hebrew name for the book is taken from the first meaningful WORD to be written. Biblical Word Counts I ask readers this week to bear with me while I share some statistics from the site King James Bible Statistics. Use our free and easy online tool for counting characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with keyword density and reading level. I love it. Keep Smiling There are a total of 31,102 Verses in Bible. That left me with 66 Logos Word Lists, each giving me every original-language word in a given book of the Bible. And of course, I did this with all those books, so . Torah Hebrew know the Word. 3+1+1+0+2 by Jeffrey Kranz | May 29, 2014 | Bible facts | 48 comments. Research expert covering media. Statistics About the Bible Navigate : Old Testament Data: New Testament Data: Totals : Pages: 993: 288: 1,281 : Books: 39: 27: 66 : Chapters: 929: 260: 1,189 : Verses . To count the number of words in both your PowerPoint presentation's slides and its notes page, do the following: On the File tab, click Info. In SwordSearcher, its easy to get detailed statistics from a search, and combining this with word form searches can make it even more interesting. For the ministry of the 144,000 (referenced in the text above), see "The Sealing of the 144,000" in CT#2B, and "The Two Witnesses" in CT#3A . Im writing another article on the word counts of each book in the Bible, your material here is invaluable, but Im concerned at how you end up with your 611,224 word total. = 7, (completeness, spiritual perfection, pure). there are two middle verses. ; Click on the small arrow on the ABC/Proofing tab (on the far left). Im prepping a proposal for our first three years of translation into a minority language of Cambodia, and these stats will be useful. The Harry Potter books contain 1,084,170 words. words in subscriptions (concluding remarks) in the epistles of Paul - 186, Total of the 5th Century. To do that, I clicked the Word List icon and selected Print/Export. Have you ever wondered what the longest and shortest books of the Bible are? hesitate to tamper with the previous seven verses in Psalm 118. One such exception is the Harry Potter series. Go find the other twelve, look at the WORD where its found and the Letters that make up that word for the best most glorious KNOWING of the Fathers seed. Hey, Neil. Have you seen this anywhere? Chapters in the New Testament, Total Welcome Concordance of SBLGNT (Greek New Testament) can show count of Greek Words in Bible Text (1,098), which matches count of Greek Lemma in Bible Text (1,098) Grouping Lemma results by sense shows some Lemma's have a variety of Bible Sense uses (e.g. But please follow no mans translations as your foundation, use their tools to carve out your own path. will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness Step 1: pick a Bible I needed word counts for every book of the Bible, so the first thing I had to do was choose the text I'd be drawing from. Book in the King James Bible, 2 book of Psalms has superscriptions under some of the Psalms (chapters.) were not counted in this chart because they are not in the More to the point, any class requiring students to read the series before registering is setting a million word point-of-entry. Shortest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 117 with 2 verses and 33 words. Bible word count statistics One fascinating aspect of Bible study is looking at word counts. The King James Bible: 783,137* words New King James Bible: 770,430* words The New International Bible (NIV): 727, 969* (another source counts: 726,109 ). The 2nd broader distribution of these chapters is Pentateuch: 187 Chapters, Historical Books: 249 Chapters, Poetry&Wisdom Books: 243 Chapters, Major Prophets: 183 Chapters, Minor Prophets: 67 Chapters, Gospels: 89 Chapters, Acts: 28 Chapters, Epistles: 121 Chapters, Revelation: 22 Chapters. I made a list of those passages here: (Youll need to create a Faithlife account to see them). of Eph6:17(KJV). Salvation comes from the Jews and Aaron Raskin and his ministry is all about open door study with the mingling of the stranger and the Jew the righteous gentile and the Ysara El which means the Yid (man working G-ds plan) who has the POWER/El to persevere/sara. I may add this link it to my page I have read this in numerous books WINE/PROMISE cannot be poured into the TORHA because it would demand a rewrite. Dont bother to learn modern Hebrew it is a disgrace to Torah Hebrew. I know I can buy it, but another $400 is not what I would like to do. Wondering.Matthew 26 27 Just reading this am and wondering how much of His gospel does he give to the passion of Christ. Thank you. The first 4 books of the Old Testament are the Books of Moses to the Jew the 5th book speaks of Him to come and whats will come when this all comes to pass. The King James Version was released in 1611 and is the oldest version of the Bible still being used today. Keeps of the flame In the Word Count dialog box: The Word Count dialog box includes the Include . Chapters in the King James Bible, Total than fiction. . verses in the Old Testament, Total Longest book of the New Testament is Luke with 24 Chapters and 1,151 verses. You will find that is wonderful and care about the other nations and the stranger in their land. There are twelve Sari also received the HEY Letter of Light. words either on the cover or the first page explaining which Bible you as long as it's not for profit and not edited in any manner whatsoever.