Through editorials or columns, these editors spoke out and became voices of sanity in a period of political abdication from national responsibility. Although the right of dissent is clearly set forth in our Bill of Rights, he wrote, there are those who would deny this right to others who view U.S. involvement in Vietnam as a grim and unending tragedy.. Not failure, but low aim, is crime. Maximum: 375 words. In what was to be his last public address he said, This country cannot be the country we want it to be if its story is told by only one group of citizens. Perhaps we should date Kay Fannings leadership moments from that day when she walked away from her desk in the news library at the Anchorage Daily News to take over for the editor and publisher, her husband, who had just died at his desk in the newspaper office. Yet, this ex-Marine would not be intimidated by real or imagined threats of civil or criminal liability. An accomplished unconventional leader and proven status quo buster, he has successfully led several multi-billion dollar transformation efforts and his award-winning work has been featured in a wide variety of articles and journals, including the Harvard Business Review. My Pastor is a faithful man of God. You're such a humble person, you are a great preacher, teacher, person and most of all a great man . Some of the others Harry Ashmore, the Arkansas Gazette and Ralph McGill and Gene Patterson of the Atlanta Constitution became more than Southern leaders. Many of the worlds leading newspaper owners were circling National Airport just waiting for an invitation to land and talk to her about buying her newspaper. In a mentorship capacity, leadership was delivered contemplatively and reflectively. Meanwhile, those 89 character mobbers can go to hell, collectively or singly, and wait there until I back down. Managers control, leaders build and accomplish.. The good leader is he who the people revere. Presidents, prime ministers, monarchs and leaders around the world have paid tribute to the life and service of Queen Elizabeth II, many of them reflecting on a 70-year reign that encompassed. When people believe their leader is more others-centered than self-centered, amazing things happen. Two of the most courageous editors were father and son, Hodding Carter, Jr. and Hodding Carter III of Mississippis Delta Democrat Times. He was educated in the Chicago public schools and later attended Pittsfield Academy in Pittsfield, MA. Biography of John Gardner and John W. Gardner Center provide information and links related to a great teacher of leadership.. 10 Concise Qualities of Great Community Leaders is an Infographic by Mother Nature Network. Through city planning, he gained notoriety, winning him awards in the field of planning and Architecture. 1974 was any citys worst nightmare and any editors greatest challenge. - Dale Carnegie, author and motivational speaker. Let me share a couple nuggets from the Chiefs career that help reinforce my pointall taken from his performance reports. A church leader needs qualities that influence and morally support the congregation, the volunteers, and others within the community. She was born black and she was moving against Southern custom and tradition, but with the law right on up to the United States Supreme Court on her side. Now to be fair, I could focus on all of Mikes many awardsAirmen, NCO, SNCO of the Year, wing, NAF and MAJCOM level awards, but I wont. (I recently had the tremendous privilege of officiating the retirement of Chief Master Sergeant Mike Klintworth, a friend and warrior leader I served with in Afghanistan. While the worst racial turmoil in more than a decade flared and politicians from city hall to the White House ran for cover or poured gasoline on the flames, Tom Winship put The Boston Globe literally in the line of fire with nothing more than the highest of journalistic values as the arrows in his quiver. Being a community leader is not an easy task. "Senator Harry Reid was a true lion of the Senate. For this, as John Kennedy said of courage, each editor must look into his own soul. And lets face it, few of them thought that Katharine Graham had the guts and leadership to pull it off. But in this case, the radio and television stations spoke as one. He should have grown up to be, like others in those circumstances, a cautious man who would never stray far from home. And in 1979 my father became the first African American editor of a major metropolitan newspaper. They always seem to know how to help them to overcome . A staff of more than 50 people, some of us already wasted by Watergate, was mobilized and organized for duty on a multi-angled story that would break in the middle of the pivotal post-Watergate political year. Great leaders. Great leaders have values. "Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. Champions in Action is an innovative program launched in 2002 by Citizens Bank: Personal Finance and Online Banking and WMUR-TV to recognize and support nonprofit organizations that are making a difference in the community.. Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Thank you, Mike. EULOGY TO A COMMUNITY LEADER. Online Resources. None of what I have shared with you is new. The answer has to be nothing, that is if a mob disagrees with you and the courts., (Read A Flower for the Graves by Eugene Patterson.). A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be." Rosalynn Carter "Be willing to make decisions. A Tribute to Phyllis Harmon Greene - March 1, 2010 - Temple Israel - Columbus, Ohio Have you ever been asked to do a favor and without thinking much about it you said, "Of course," and then twenty years later, you actually had to follow-through on your promise. All Rights Reserved. We historians countered that we couldnt let a New York judge decide what a Washington paper was going to print, and Katharine Just Call Me Leadership Graham backed her editors. But after that, her first decision that required enormous courage that I can remember was her approval of the landmark legal defense that the Washington Post lawyers had crafted to answer a subpoena by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew for all the documents we had supporting stories that eventually cost Agnew his job. Tribute to a Great Servant of the Lord. Nine months before he died, the economic realities of another recession forced my father to sell the paper. After another heated conversation, Kelsch again refused to run the story. Five years ago at a dinner for the Committee to Protect Journalists, my father recalled both the pride and apprehension he felt as The Times worked its way toward a decision to publish. He entered his office in the corner of the newsroom and closed the door. [Deceased name] was a bold and God-fearing man. Not merely to manage, but to lead a newspaper as well as a city. The easiest way to see why I believe this to be true is to simply substitute a leader for love in the above quote. First, I want to pay tribute to Diana myself. Today, I hope that all of us will commit to making my fathers goal a reality. I just thank God for bringing you to Williams Chapel. Because closing schools, he said, was something beyond secession from the Union. He had a gift of innovative thinking, a visionary spirit, and the tenacious patience required to successfully lead meaningful educational reform. Greatly begin! I am grateful for your mentorship. As any of us who have reported from the U.K. knows, this would have severely restricted our readers ability to know what their elected representatives were doing for them or to them. Community leadership is the courage, creativity and capacity to inspire participation, development and sustainability for strong communities. He loves his flock and feeds them the word of God. If this charge were true, it would make me well qualified to serve in that body. Like I always say, no editor, no reporter, no publisher, can ever match the power and determination of an owner. Today, however, we have the privilege of celebrating someone who epitomizes leadership someone whose life reflects a heart of service and commitment to faith, family, friends, and certainly those who wear Air Force blue. He would not pull a single editorial punch in cajoling a community to face its darkest angels and be better. They will make it a "day on" and participate in community service projects in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Four years later he became the first African American to own a major metropolitan daily. The newspapers and organizations listed for each of the speakers was accurate at the time they gave their speeches; many have since moved on. 2 newspaper to chart a course designed for minimum boat rocking. The fact is, we have too few examples of great leadership. With the change in administration, I fear this legislation may be reintroduced. Activists are volunteers who spend several days a week helping homeless animals or the elderly. Leaders should strive for authenticity over perfection." Sheryl Sandberg "A leader takes people where they want to go. I had no doubt but that the American people had a right to read them and that we, at The Times, had an obligation to publish them.. He was the lone opponent of the war in the group. I'm going to be honest. Two reporters, Jeff Marx and Mike York, discovered credible evidence that players were on the take and that their coaches were involved and it had been going on for years. He is without a doubt the most observant, attentive and knowledgeable man I have met. Falling leaves, the smell of burning crosses.. Leadership is often confused with management. Johnsons patience allowed people to learn their lessons in their own time. Paul J. Johnson - A Tribute to a Passionate Community Leader Paul J. Johnson was a man of many facets - Altruist, Leader, Philanthropist, and Doctor of Laws are a few titles he garnered through his life's work. He noted that this closing schools might be worse even than what had befallen the nation during the Civil War. But having strong beliefs, being able to stick with them through popular and unpopular times, is the most important characteristic of a great leader. A trend all but invented by the USA Today newspaper that Al founded. Great leaders. She was born black and she was moving against Southern custom and tradition, but with the law right on up to the United States Supreme Court on her side., When the University of Alabama expelled Autherine Lucy, a black student of the school for only three days, after riots by student and race-hater groups, Buford Boone of the Tuscaloosa News took on the university and the mob. "There is evidence that the honoree [Leonard Cohen] might be privy to the secret of the universe, which, in case you're wondering, is simply this: everything is . When facing a problem the great leader says, Let's find out, while the wannabe says that nobody knows. The greatest leaders recognize this and choose to focus less on what they have to lose or what they have to offer and more on the gifts and strengths they can liberate and highlight in others. Johnson carried out green space revitalizations in the community as privately and humbly as possible. He said that just that day, a few hours before I talked to him, that a new Pentagon directive had come down into his office, and that that directive allowed for the publication of original classified material. Experience - Is It Really the Best Teacher? Great leaders are role models in life."-Adam Grant; 10 quotes on how brilliant leaders deliver results. Best: 350 words. Pete McKnight of the Charlotte Observer, Bill Baggs of the Miami News; Caro Brown of the Alice, Texas Echo; and John L. Harrison and Horance G. Davis, Jr. of the Gainesville Sun in Florida. I hope you find them as powerful, moving and inspiring as I have for the past dozen years. Carters reply in a front-page editorial was a classic. You are a good teacher, and so kind to others, you are the reason . 10 Qualities of Great Community Leaders. The notebook was where JSK spoke his mind with blunt honesty, often to the discomfort of his social peers at the country clubs and business peers in the boardrooms. To people in Kentucky, the wins and losses of the Wildcats are personal successes and failures and its impossible to overstate the visceral bond between the team and the people. I do not recollect my mom ever speaking ill of anyone or gossiping. They appreciate that a leaders arrogance and envy can paralyze a whole organization. In fact the two are going in opposite directions. We broke those childrens bodies, he wrote in his Atlanta Constitution. As a young editor, I turned to my publisher. In 1967, public sentiment was building against the war in Vietnam. But I was wrong, he said later. Tribute to Late Mother-in-law. When needed by her children, a mother's love will shine. A boss creates fear, a leader confidence. He tackled environmental responsibility and was true to his word. Wishing you all the very best. Callum Gowar October 24, 2017 33 1. Both are legitimate . It was, he said, secession from civilization. He's written some great songs. He wrote a column saying that as a native Kentuckian, he expected the furor, but nevertheless he was disappointed. By early 1967, he saw the war as a quagmire and wrote with passionate indignation, Either our government has no well-defined policy or stands guilty of lying to the people or both., In August, Knight was one of 23 Americans appointment by President Johnson to observe the national elections in South Vietnam. A mother's love is endless. The communication style of leaders helps us distinguish great leaders from the wannabes. Well, we did that. Please travel back in time with me across a generation of Americas racial divide. All of the references in the tribute are fictional but the tribute and annotations will give you a guide in developing your own special speech or written citation. But she lived to see the fruits of her endeavors in Anchorage. Not just any love, however. They never lost their ability to laugh or their sense of outrage at racial injustice, particularly the organized brand pushed by the white citizens councils. But its all tested and true. Ry Cooder for me is a master, a great master that has a wonderful feel for Cuban music. If LBJ thought the experience would soften his criticism, it did just the opposite. The Herald-Leader made so much money that Knight Ridder would often send promising young executives to Lexington to see how it was done. It is not true. Mothers dedicate their lives to caring and providing for their children both physically and emotionally. Thats the most sickening thing I ever heard. Boston just became a majority minority city. Ira Harkey, Jr., editor and publisher of the Pascagoula Chronicle in Mississippi became a pariah in his town and, ultimately, felt compelled to sell his newspaper. According to Coach Oscar . Top Gun Leadership: The Fine Art of Delivering Corrective Action. After Hodding Carter, Jr. wrote an article for Look magazine detailing the dangerous menacing spread of a white citizens council, the article was branded on the floor of the Mississippi House of Representatives as a quote, Willful lie by a nigger-loving editor. And the House then voted to censure Carter. The same year her newspaper won Alaskas first Pulitzer Prize, she was forced to lay off 40 percent of the staff and appeal to the community for contributions to keep publishing. Now I get were more likely to hear the passage quoted at a wedding than a battlefield or boardroom, but I am convinced it belongs there too. Americans pay tribute to a leader's legacy.. For many Americans, Martin Luther King Jr. Day isn't just a "day off" from school or work. A liberal Democrat; a friend of labor leader George Meany; Georgetown social leader; blah-blah-blah, and only a woman to boot. In a state where the Teamsters Union had clout equally prevalent in the Legislature and the marketplace, she insisted on a thorough and an honest examination. If her jaw hadnt been set, nothing would have happened. Thank you for sharing your selfless brand with the world at a time when it is needed most. In 1967, John S. Knight was 73 years old and still writing The Editors Notebook, a Sunday column he had started in 1930 at the Akron Beacon Journal, which now reached a national audience. A contemplative man by nature he took family, business, and community to the heart of his existence. It is a privilege, therefore, 15 years after the fact to express this public word of gratitude to my old publisher, Creed Black, (Listen to John Carrolls tribute to Creed Black), Anchorage Daily News(Presentation by Howard C. Weaver, the Sacramento Bee). Dave had left behind a newspaper job in Newport, RI and Susie had left behind her business in Newport. One of my personal favorite lines is ALARMINGLY INTELLIGENT leader this from a Captain who must have quickly realized he would be very smart to watch, listen and learn all he needed to know about leadership from Airman Klintworth. A tribute can also be uplifting and offer reassurance that the deceased coworker's contributions and legacy will live on, according to AARP. Tribute is the best way to show your respect, admiration, or gratitude to someone you feel is so important to you in life. Minimum: 25 words. There may never have been a time in national history when a small group of editors became as important or as influential as in the South during the Civil Rights Era. At one of its annual conventions, the American Society of News Editors paid tribute to some of the newspaper industrys greatest modern leaders, honoring them with short Leadership Moments sprinkled for inspiration throughout the three-day program. He was a journalist, always probing for fresh information and new insights., Although the right of dissent is clearly set forth in our Bill of Rights, there are those who would deny this right to others who view U.S. involvement in Vietnam as a grim and unending tragedy., Knight recorded extensively during his Vietnam trip. A word of caution is in order. Without any apparent soul-searching, he simply said pursue the story, and if you can verify it, lets publish it. And the result was one of the biggest nightmares a publisher can have. Over the past several months, the Tribute to Women Business Leaders Selection Committee, chaired by April Ancira, VP of Ancira Auto Group, has met to identify a cadre of worthy leaders to honor for their accomplishments. Her lawyers were telling her that we couldnt publish because a federal judge had already found that the New York Times, in the New York Times case, the Pentagon Papers did in fact represent a threat to national security. And when we thought we were winding down, he made us all assemble an encyclopedic reconstruction of that first year more than 150,000 words that dug out all the stories wed missed the first time around. As Creeds editor, I will never forget his steadfastness in the face of this difficulty. A tribute to all women who are the strength of life, the rock of her family, the gentle heartbeat to her children, the tears to her parents, the joy to her soul mate, the inspiration at her work, the support and love of her friends, the mystique in society, the leader of love, life and the apple in Adams eye. His word or two, and then comes night. Thereafter, when he received harassing phone calls at home, McGill would say, So you want to speak to Rastus? and point the receiver at the dog and the dog would bark away. (Listen to Michael Gartners tribute to Al Neuharth), DAVID OFFER(Presentation by Robert F. Brandt of Newsday). P.S. Kay Fanning, the first woman President of ASNE, left the Daily News in 1983 to edit the Christian Science Monitor and she died last October in Boston. Often Paul used his own resources to steward environment preservation in the community. Station executives who had never been on television before took to the air to denounce the papers treachery. Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Involvement and expertise in a wide range of pursuits has coined him a renaissance man. Paul J. Johnson we honour and cherish what you have done for the landscape of our rocky home and recognize your life stretching out in the hearts of our province and it is without further ado, that we bid you adieu. You need to enact a vision from the onset through daring to "claim the sky." "His wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing." One enduring symbol of his leadership were the bullets fired into our building on two occasions by nightriders. One of the major dilemmas they face is the conflict between responding to the needs of their own family and the collective needs. But when the Post finally got their own copies of the Pentagon Papers five agonizing days later talk about courage, just waiting five days was courage after the Times had been enjoined from future publication, she was faced with her own dilemma. Mr Paul King Aryene (Rtd), the leader of the delegation expressed gratitude to the Speaker for the glowing tribute paid in honour of their paramount chief particularly also the immense support he . Good Christ, thats the most sickening thing I ever heard. I bet some of you forgot that, the full glory of that quote. And I believe that that is in large part a result of my fathers vision of a diverse newsroom that produced a paper that looked at the five fault lines of race, class, gender, generation and geography and so reflected its citys vision of itself. A Tribute To A Great Man and Life-Long Friend. N is for Never Setting Your Goals Too Low, V is for Visionary Leadership: Move the Ball Down the Field, A Tribute To Veterans - Solemnly Remember. Leo Buscaglia. I know you are hurting. How to Start a Speech Speech Examples His legacy lives and breathes kindness. Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow, But remember me in every tomorrow. It is the solemn obligation of a leader always to be a leader. Courageous men and women who, as John Carroll said about Creed Black, understood that people dont buy newspapers because the newspaper coddles them or because it seeks their permission before it runs a story, or because it panders to their prejudices. Today, our profession faces another version of this leadership moment. Be a little more visible. Its personal. The One Reason Why We Still Insist on Honesty, Business Wisdom Learned From Bomb Squad Experts And Their Commanders, How Well Are You Leveraging The Different Thinking Styles Of Your Teams, Business Management Lessons from a San Francisco Bus Driver, Any Job Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Right the First Time, Emotional Intelligence and A Call-Up to the Big Leagues, Generalship: 10 Traits Needed by Every Leader, Passing the Baton: Leadership in Transition. Thank you so much for sharing. He named his little dog Rastus and trained it to bark whenever a telephone receiver was pointed at it. As such, they can quickly become overwhelmed unless they exercise the perspective, self-discipline, and intrinsic motivation to bend but not break when things around them get tough. .people dont buy newspapers because the newspaper coddles them or because it seeks their permission before it runs a story, or because it panders to their prejudices. The greatness of his life we all celebrate today was built on godly principles and is worthy of emulation. CMS Mike Klintworth gave an hour presentation recently to Leadership Wichita Falls and it left me yearning for more of his wisdom. He was what we might call a purposeful leader - someone who has the ability to inspire others to act for the common good, to serve some greater cause, to pursue a larger goal, to believe in a higher ideal. But by then, Jack Knight had been warning against U.S. involvement in Indochina since 1954. In 1957 the two were married and Penelopi moved to the United States. God Bless you sir. Kelsch responded that he did not know if they would be allowed to do that. Our goal is to help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, love and happiness to your everyday life. You are encouraged to learn more about John at his website,, Register to become a contributor to, I could highlight his being selected as the, Or I could focus on the dozen of times he was singled out for his, In his second performance report as a young airmen, his supervisor writes: In 22 years and 9 bases I have NEVER seen this caliber of leadership., One of his early commanders writes, Most knowledgeable and dedicated Airman I have seen in my career.. But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? I'm a high school teacher, so I am used to public speaking. For a leader, you would commit a felony. God introduced us to Eve and although she wasn't perfect we are a tribute to her existence and stem from the power of a WOMAN. She learnt 3 languages on her own - English, Hindi and Bengali (the language mainly spoken in Kolkata). A Tribute To A Great Man, Who Also Was A Good Man December 8, 2013 by Elisa Spain 1 Comment Those of you who know me have heard me talk about my Uncle Leon as a model for a life well-lived. I spoke about ten to twelve days ago with Doug Clawson, who is the managing editor of Stars and Stripes. A leader is not arrogant or envious, they choose to give more than they take. So when I think about the lessons my father left, I think about vision, boldness and a commitment to excellence. Compassionate and humble, he represents the man I wish to be. The editors took great risk. A farewell tribute to a colleague who passed away is best organized by friends of the deceased. - Stephen Covey, author and educator. Tom endured barrages every day from every player in this drama because he backed us every night, in printing every verifiable element of every situation. There were four major trends in newspapering in the last half of the last century. Because it talks about the life of a particular person or a group of people. 3. (Listen to Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr.s tribute to his father), Akron Beacon-Journal(Presentation by Robert H. Giles, the Nieman Foundation). For a manager, you obey. I am Peter, Mary's oldest son. For a Parent. The chairman, as he was known to us, was a great leader. We all assume that Oscar said it. In a small town dominated by a larger competitor whose publisher was also the Chamber of Commerce president, many would have spoken more of discretion than of valor. By 1953, Johnson moved into management and thus transforming himself into CEO and Johnsons Insurance into a nation-wide empire, stretching from the east to west coasts of Canada. Washington, D.C. March 16, 2012. He died this past week, at age 95+. Fortunately, members of our industry, under the leadership of Bo Jones, Publisher of The Washington Post, banded together and helped persuade President Clinton to veto this insidious bill. Gregory Moss, a former English teacher of mine, was unlike any other man. Administration & Leadership Brain-Based Learning Blended Learning Classroom Management Culturally Responsive Teaching Differentiated Instruction English Language Learners New Teachers Online Learning Student Engagement Teacher Wellness Topics A-Z Grade Levels Pre-K K-2 Primary 3-5 Upper Elementary 6-8 Middle School 9-12 High School About Us In addition to the editors I named, there was Lenoir Chambers of the Norfolk Virginian Pilot; Sylvan Meyer of Gainesville Georgia and the Miami News; Coleman Harwell and John Seigenthaler of the Nashville Tennessean; C.A. And he said that the fight for the First Amendment at the Stars and Stripes was a daily fight. There were no interruptions, except at noon when his secretary, Lillian Brenner, would deliver a hot dog from a sandwich shop across the street, kept warm in a silver service. Can you imagine any other, never mind Attorney General, in the last thirty years talking like that? During all this, no only did Creed not waiver, he actually seemed happy. And they struggled fearlessly to hasten the end. This post is derived from my comments provided at his ceremony). Thurgood Marshall. Last year, in an all but secret proceeding, Congress passed the Intelligence Authorization Act, which, had it become law, would have criminalized all unauthorized disclosures of classified information. Whether it is in our marriages, our personal and professional relationships, our workplace, or our worship space, love is what propels successful leaders like Mike to constantly be and do their best in service to others.