SoKeefe One-Shots by Smiles1001 142K 1.7K 34 He turned towards her side of the bed, snaked his arms around her waist, and slide his leg between hers, kissing the back of her neck lightly until she started to wake. Is this all for us? Sophie was still in shock at the sight of the spread. I never considered Gradys reaction. He turned around opening his eyes, just as the song reached the highest note. Do you think Sophie will like you more with those kinds of jokes? Ok, just get something you like, Ill probably like it too. He said, not looking up from the iPod. I wanted to set up something like in that movie we watched, but its not working at all, he explained, poking the spaghetti with a fork as if he hoped it would magically fix itself. Im worried Im becoming a bad influence on you.. ", "My Polyglot homework, or I was before I was rudely interrupted. He flushed redder than shed ever seen him blush before. People aren't who they say they are. Benji rolled his eyes and Aurnia slapped his arm. I can't believe we forgot to get some earlier! she called, her eyes wide. Yeah lets go, Keefe answered quickly, almost running out the door. It killed a little of Sophies good mood too. Just a bunch of SoKeefe one shots cause theyre too cute to not write about them. Why wouldnt everything be okay? I am sorry about the ultimatum. ", "Wow! Rated M because of stuff in the beginning. "Foster and the Fitzy!". Keefe rolled his eyes and smiled. Thanks for the 15 reads guys! The group walked toward the entrance of the airport. Fitz was saved from replying as Dex leapt onto the property. There was a slight pause in the conversation as they ate the pasta. Or is our status as Cognates finally important enough to pay attention to? Sophie could already tell this wasnt going to end well, but she had to at least try. Sophie finished quickly, and sat down on her bed, listening to music. Hey are you guys almost ready for the beach? She asked with a sigh. Of course. He pulled her into a hug and she melted into his arms. The drink cart pulled up beside Sophie, Keefe and Marellas seat, just as the famous pasta scene began. Now was the perfect time. Youre so lucky. Are you sure? Everyone all complained, but agreed that he needed rest in the end. But after several minutes of confused pondering, she decided not to think about it, instead focusing on picking out a dress she actually enjoyed. Each day I will post a new chapter. "Keefe, I have something to say to you," Sophie said, inhaling before she chickened out, " I. Second, she doesn't know if Marella is still her friend. But Sophie is struggling to keep up. Then I basically broke up with him for the second time. The next day, Sophie and Keefe sat together at breakfast, their friend group sprawled out over several tables at the hotels restaurant. And that ones Amaranthis, isnt it? Keefe pointed to another star, and Sophie saw that he was indeed correct. We kissed. She buried her face in her hands, not ready to face everyones reactions. He stopped laughing for a second, staring at her intently. Cool, Ive kind of always wanted to try this iPod thingy, He said with a grin. Find out what happens, tomorrow in Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic *this is my 1st fan fiction* please don't judge. Yeah, Im fine. "Sophie, stop stressing out. But if you say youre just friends, then okay. Cora continued, stopping only when Keefe walked up. Sophie felt a small twinge of jealousy in her stomach, but not as much as usual. You two are my best friends, and I want you to be happy. he finished, and looked at Sophie expectantly. Okay. Sophie said uncertainly and opened the door to Keefes room. ", Keefe snorted, shrugging his shoulders. The next day, neither of them spoke about how angry Grady was that morning when he walked in to wake Sophie and instead found her straddling Keefe in the chair, or how she had forgotten to finish the Polyglot homework that was due that day. Small boutiques and bigger chain stores were stationed on all sides. Im sure that Biana will be totally cool with it, but you should talk to her at some point. She and Keefe had been dating for three months now, and almost every day since then he had made it his personal mission to distract her whenever possible, especially when she was doing homework. Fitz took a little bit longer to reply. Are we okay? she asked them, I really do wanna stay friends, even if it is a little awkward at first. Dex only took a few seconds to reply, assuring Sophie that they would always be friends. For the last time, this is wonderful. We dont know how everybodys going to react, and I wouldnt want to ruin anyones vacation. Sophie answered, wishing the thought of telling everybody would stop sending shivers down her spine. Sophie should have been angry with him for making her worry like that, but she was too relieved to even think about it. Besides, it was getting a little chilled without my second layer, so it worked out.. #butwerecongnates Somewhere in her peripheral vision she saw Biana giving them a thumbs up. Dont worry, its totally safe. We were so surprised, we didnt think to take out our cameras until it was too late. If I can survive you being with Wonderboy, I think I can handle a little Team-Foster-Keefe, he answered. Dex snickered and whispered back, I brought balding serums. Sophie barely resisted the urge to groan and hit him over the head with a suitcase. But arent you going to be cold? she inquired, not letting him change the subject. She shifted her eyes over to where Fitz and Biana were sitting. If anything, Im glad you finally stood up for yourself. It's hard to describe, Ill just show you, He pulled out a small black box out of the bags, handing it to Sophie. Hi! Dyou remember what I told you when you first said you were unmatchable?. Hey, guys, Sophie mumbled, face turning fiery red. Sophie? Cora said, waving her hand in front of her face, Earth to Sophie, Huh? And you already know Fitz and Biana of course. Sophie pointed to each person in turn. Something just felt off, and I finally figured out what it was, she explained, Wheres Keefe?. But it only took a second for Keefe to break the silence, his tone serious. Keefes grip had been clamped shut around her arm with a grip of iron since the descent had had been announced. Sophie and Keefes mood on their walk back to their friends felt completely different now than when they had first left to talk. Dex was tinkering, Linh was watching a movie about mermaids, and Tam was asleep, a few girls openly staring at him as he snored. It wasn't your fault- really, Keefe said when she looked away, It was really mine and Fitzs, we could've made the choice to not let it come between us. Realizing she didnt even know the girls name, she gave a quick wave, motioning for her to sit near them. Tam was comforting Linh, but Sophie knew he was just as scared as his sister. Ive been coming here every year since I was a kid, and it never gets old, Cora remarked, settling down next to her newfound friends. It definitely wasn't, the words were barely audible but they made all the difference. The group strolled down the main shopping center near the hotel. What do we want to tell people about us? he asked, sounding serious for once, After all, theyre not as oblivious as you, so theyre bound to know somethings up.. She was too excited he was actually ALIVE, to feel anything but relief and joy. Because she doesnt, Fitz said with narrowed eyes. Oh Yeah, youre right. And however much I want to, I cant just give you some custard bursts and a half thought out apology. Were friends. Wasnt it?, With that, he looked up at Sophie, and she couldnt help but agree. Suddenly it came to her. Looking closer, Sophie found that the gem, tucked securely in a lattice of silver bands, was also a diamond. It doesnt get much better than that. It doesn't have anything to do with him, but he seems to think its his choice. She was done letting him sweet talk her into giving him another chance. She was currently sitting at her vanity, getting her hair fixed up by Biana and Linh while Marella, Edaline, and Vertina (yes, she still kept Vertina) did her makeup. May 20, 2021; promedica flower hospital npi; inventory management decisions ppt . She sat up, wondering where he could have gone. Do you want something else? he inquired, noticing her staring at his plate. Benji asked. Marella lay on the bed next to her, taking a nap after having gotten ready to go. (yes, i know bri just posted a wedding oneshot, but this isn't like the one she posted, this is completly different. I guess so. Sophie sighed, unconsciously snuggling Keefe more in the process. She felt her heart flutter like a thousand butterflies had been released all at once. Sophie jokingly smiled as she started eating one side of the spaghetti. Bye! Sophie flustered and sprinted off down the beach, leaving her friends in the distance. For now, they didn't exist. Sophie let out a sigh. She wished this hadn't happened. She felt her heart flutter, the same way it usually did for Fitz. She was too excited he was actually ALIVE, to feel anything but relief and joy. These are some KOTLC One-shot! Off to the side was a carton of some kind of sparkling beverage. Im kinda dumb like that sometimes. Fitz stepped forward, staring into Sophies eyes intensely. They broke apart as Keefe carried her over to sit on the bed. Yes, yes I can. "Keefe!" Sophie exclaimed hugging him,and not caring about how close she was to his body. Sophie retaliated by lightly shoving him off the path, forcing him to grab her shoulder for balance. I want to make sure youve truly thought through what that means. Love you all, Out With The Old, In With The New Part 2- (Option 1). High above them, a crescent moon glowed, illuminating the water. He had gotten a stack of waffles, piled high with fruit and whipped cream. Youre better at human constellations than I am. Keefe held his hands up in mock defeat, but he was struggling not to laugh. Honestly, itll probably be in some field next to the airport. is badger collectibles legit; sony cd player keeps ejecting disc; visa gift card check balance Menu Toggle. Sophie turned around and exclaimed, Ella! Its a human style thing, I don't know I haven't been here in Hawaii like 10 years, Sophie stuttered Thanks for the jacket shirt thing though, she said softly. Sophie stuffed the rest of the things she needed into her suitcase and dragged it off her bed. Biana and Fitz glittered into view on the soft grassy lawn of Havenfield. Biana asked. Are you sure its safe? Biana whispered to Sophie, looking doubtfully at the gateway. OMG! That makes sense, should we go do that now? She asked, cringing at the thought of the conversation. Seems pretty suspicious to me.. I wanted to make sure it was accurate to the movie, Keefe answered matter-of-factly as Sophie let out a laugh. Walking closer, Sophie noticed the one large green suitcase hiding behind the mountain of shimmering teal. These are my friends, Keefe, Dex, Marella, Linh and Tam. Sophie twirled a strand of spaghetti onto her fork. It's going to be the best wedding ever!" The one where we, yknow Sophie started talking to Dex, figuring this would be the least embarrassing way to spill the news. Ive said it before and Ill say it again. Sophie felt the guilt radiating off of her in waves, and she was sure Keefe could feel it too. thank you and enjoy!!). This was so sweet of you.. Sophie twined her arms around his neck and leaned in closer to him, until she was almost engulfed into his embrace. The stars twinkled above them, the ocean crashed beside them, and she could hear music softly whispering in the distance. You were so helpful when I tried to find my biological parents. Biana gestured to the stack of dresses on one of the changing room chairs. "Oh hey." Sophie said once she got over the element of surprise. Seriously Keefe you really need to keep the near death experiences to a minimum. She was sick and tired of Fitz acting this way, and she needed him to know that. Together, the eight of them walked over to the cliffside, held hands, and jumped. Why do humans wear button down shirts as jackets over other shirts? Gathering all their chosen outfits, the girls went to the front of the store to check out. Sophie yelped into his mouth as he picked her up easily. Sandor and their other bodyguards wouldve been just a little too conspicuous. How could I forget you? She grabbed Ella out of Keefes hand and ran outside, leaving Keefe standing in the middle of the room. But as long as we can be together, I dont care at all what the world thinks. Sophie pulled Keefe aside once again as the group continued back to the hotel to discuss what to do that day. Oh, its fine, she assured him, pausing to thank the waiter as her food arrived. He patted her shoulder as he started away again. Keefe reached over their makeshift table, identical to the one from the movie scene he had not so subtly recreated. You sound unhappy. She was about to translate the last phrase onto the paper when two warm hands suddenly covered her eyes. Hey I only packed what I needed and what Sophie needed. He didn't mind that she was messing up his hair. Soooo.. Keefe said after a nervous and awkward silence. Sorry Fitz, but youre too late. "Have you even been to a wedding before?" At least Keefe was stuck . I don't know how you can stand to be even friends with me, Sophie said softly, her gaze shifting to her shoes. Keefe had gotten her the same ring as him. She thought about it, and listed off things in her head. Keefe its okay. You do realize none of us believe you, right? Marella said, So just tell us. Before she could change her mind, she shoved her face towards his. She's been known too, ah, cause 'problems' with her 'clumsiness', in CONTAINS SPOILERS Sophie Foster is confused. As Sophie ran to greet them, she noticed the sparkly teal suitcases, there had to be at least ten. Im sorry. Adorable Sokeefe Fanfic Series. "No worries Foster. Have fun. He started to walk away, and Sophie had to jog to keep pace with him. Even though she felt bad about being so harsh, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. This is just a ton of short stories of SoKeefe so yeah. Keefe nodded sleepily, snuggling closer into her warm touch against the cool of the night air. Keefe swiftly nodded as people looked away again. Which one would really care for her? They said goodbye to Cora, planning to meet up for dinner. Keefe eventually stood up, grabbed her wrists, and looked her dead in the eyes. I guess my clumsiness spread to my brain, Sophie muttered as Keefe laughed. Luckily, Elwin came in and told everyone that Keefe needed to rest. Sophie suspected hed be in for amucheasier discussion than she was. But when her sanity is shattered under the mental weight of he. Maybe hell warm up to the idea? Keefe asked hopefully. ! Sophie exclaimed a little too loudly. He started, turning around, then grimaced when he saw it was Sophie. #quarantine I need to pack everything else., Anything to get us out the door faster. Well, are we waiting for something or are we going? Keefe declared. Just then, Keefe sauntered over to the group, holding a very full looking shopping bag. Biana scowled, elbowing Fitz and knocking him back a step and into the suitcases. Promise never to do that again, it was torture waiting to publish this story that I had written literally days before you guys even hit ten reads. But its totally different. keefoster sophiefoster keeperofthelostcities +16 more # 5 Twirling-SoKeefe by evangeline 245 0 6 All of these characters and settings belong to Shannon Messenger! Sophie was not looking forward to this conversation again. Even in the hot midday sun, she still managed to look effortlessly perfect. I got everything together by myself, but I couldnt have gotten away for so long without Dexs help. Sophie sucked in a sharp breath. And those ones over there, to the left, those are Lupus-. also all these characters belong to Shannon Messenger the author of kotlc so yeah :) The cover art is Not mine. Syrup and whipped cream dribbled down her chin slightly. She decided to pack light for this trip, Fitz remarked with a grin. Her friends are lying to her and she doesn't know the whole truth. sokeefe cuddling fanfiction. Why did you choose mine? she asked. Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic @bookreader209 Sophie is dealing with a TON of emotional drama. Something Sophie just couldnt put her finger on. Wow. Ok I agree. I cant believe its already so late Sophie remarked, looking up at the night sky. Elwin reluctantly let Sophie stay with Keefe. That is what happened, really. Sophie tried one last time to convince her friends, but they werent having any of it. As they passed a colorful booth, Cora squealed in excitement. + He was her friend, teasing and joking with her. No, she said, stopping him from leaving, It was fair of you to bring that up after I brought up Dex.. Good for you. Biana took Sophies hand and walked her back to their group of friends. I'm a little cold, Sophie shivered, I didn't even know that was possible in Kauai. Just friends, nothing more. After leaving the hotel, they had walked down to the beach, which was now significantly emptier than it had been when they had left several hours ago. I have to put in the work to actually start trying to be better. Thats so awesome! Linh exclaimed, and Biana, Marella and Cora all agreed, each one of them congratulating Sophie and Keefe. It really was. Quickly, Sophie changed out of her beach clothes and into the flowy red dress. #sokeefe Chapter 2 ( spoiler: SOME SERIOUS SO-KEEFE SNUGGLES) "Keefe!", Fitz and Sophie cried in unison. With that, Sophie walked away, ignoring the strange looks from everyone else in the restaurant. You alright there?, Ummm Not really. She admitted with a sigh. Subtle gold embroidery climbed the neckline and hem. Keefe. Sophie followed him, a small smile tickling her face as they headed to the beach. As a friend, she added, and Keefe chuckled. Hi. She knew Keefe would feel the change in her mood and know exactly why she was feeling that way. I'm glad you did. Do boyfriends and girlfriends lean on each other? She took a deep breath, gathering strength for the next few minutes. She felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.