Proceso de extradicin de Nini Johana suga. [67], In 2012 the Gulf Clan also got into conflict with The Office of Envigado over the drug trade in Medelln. nini johana usuga. de julio de este ao a Estados Unidos por solicitud de la Corte para el Distrito Sur del de la Florida, que le adelantaba un. Proyectos TIC y estrategias para acortar brechas digitales en Bogot, La IA y el ChatGPT transformarn las prcticas de mercadeo con tecnologa, Guerra entre TikTok y la Unin Europea: la aplicacin fue prohibida en dispositivos oficiales, Sabas de los escritorios virtuales? Millonarios sigue avanzando en la Copa Libertadores, Medelln hizo la tarea y se meti en la tercera fase de la Copa Libertadores, Falleci Just Fontaine, el hombre de los trece goles, Golazo en el clsico! [56] In addition to the Colombian military killing El Soldado, the Colombian National Police confirmed the arrests of 13 members of Clan del Golfo's "Hroes del Caribe", which serves a cell of the cartel's Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, in Cartagena. "Fue extraditada a EEUU Nini Johana suga David, alias 'la Negra', hermana de alias 'Otoniel' y encargada de las finanzas del Clan del Golfo a partir del lavado de activos y los enlaces con carteles internacionales para el envo de cocana a distintos pases", indic la Polica Nacional por medio de un tuit, en el que adems se podan ver Tenemos la certeza de que el mximo cabecilla del Clan del Golfo y Chiquito Malo, segundo en la lnea criminal, dieron la orden, seal el general Vargas. 9. As mismo fue capturada Nini Johana suga David, hermana de Otoniel, acusada de ser la Financiera del clan, de la cual el Gobierno colombiano anunciara su extradicin. Nini Johana Usuga, who was extradited to the United States to face charges . Se alista extradicin de Nini Johanna suga, hermana de alias . Police blamed Rendn's organization for at least 3,000 homicides between 2007 and 2009. Tras fugarse de prisin, en Medelln, luego de falsificar unos documentos, fue puesta de nuevo a disposicin de la justicia en 2014, cuando fue condenada por concierto para delinquir, porte ilegal de armas de fuego, fuga de presos, falsedad en documento pblico y fraude procesal. Not all U.S. presidents are missed once they leave the White House. BOGOTA (Reuters) -Colombia on Friday extradited to the United States a sister of accused major drug cartel leader Dairo Antonio Usaga, known as Otoniel, to face drug trafficking charges, the national police said. La manera ms rapida para ponerte al da. Proceso de extradicin de Nini Johana suga. However, Meza, who served as third-in-command, was during a shootout with police on March 28, 2018. [16] However, the Clan del Golfo has also been distracted by a direct conflict with FARC dissidents. [56], On October 8, 2020, imprisoned former Clan del Golfo leader Jhony Fidel Cuello-Petro, alias Mocho, arrived in Houston after being extradited from Colombia. Tena la capacidad de enviar a travs de avionetas 10 toneladas de cocana al mes con destino a Mxico y Guatemala. It was Arroyave who convinced Rendn Herrera to come work for him. [30] The three remaining leaders remained free (alias Otoniel, Carlos Moreno, alias Nicols and Aristides Meza, alias El Indio). Bienes de 'Memo Fantasma' pasan al Fondo de Reparacin de Vctimas, Poltica de Tratamiento de Datos de CASA EDITORIAL EL TIEMPO S.A. According to the police, she was stashing money in her brother's . * COP $900 / mes durante los dos primeros meses. Lnea gratuita nacional: 018000 123 414 Bogot D.C., Colombia. Alias La Negra was responsible for giving a veneer of legality via the laundering of assets to the money derived from this criminal gangs drug trafficking, the statement added. COPYRIGHT 2023 EL TIEMPO Casa Editorial NIT. She also is alleged to have served as a liaison who coordinated the shipment of drugs from Colombia to other countries. From Urab, the DTO deployed go-fast boats loaded with cocaine to Central America or the Caribbean, with some estimates putting it at 10 to 20 boats per week. [12][13], One of the many groups made up of former mid-level paramilitary leaders, the Clan have caused homicide rates to skyrocket in Colombia's northern departments. The arrest of Urab regional leader Eduardo Ortiz Tuberquia, alias "El Indio," in May 2017 and the deaths of second-in-command, Roberto Vargas Gutirrez, alias "Gaviln," in September 2017 and military boss Luis Orlando Padierma, alias "Inglaterra," in November 2017 gave overall leader Dario Antonio suga David, alias "Otoniel", tenuous authority over the Gulf Clan, with regional leaders gaining more direct authority over their territories. [1][2] By August 2019, 16 members of the suga family had also been arrested in less than a six-year period. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Quin es Astrid Bibiana Rodrguez, la nueva MinDeporte? La extradicin de Dairo La mujer, que fue extraditada en julio. "[54] Perea was suspected of being involved in selective killings in the municipalities of Baha Solano, Nuqu, Jurad, as well as other townships and villages of the area. He then founded Los Urabeos a neo-paramilitary group that would come to be known as Clan del Golfo following the AUCs demobilization. The strike completely paralyzed several Colombian departments as shopkeepers and travellers were told to stay at home or face 'consequences'. [46][47][48] On May 27, 2020, the leader of the cartel's Carlos Vazquez fraction, identified as "Fabian," and seven of his associates were arrested. Queremos que encuentres las noticias que ms te interesan. [31][30] Inglaterra, who was the group's fifth in command,[33] was injured during this shootout as well[34] and later died in November 2017. Aunque el pedido fue negado por la fiscala, los acercamientos con el crtel continuaron. (De seguro le interesa leer:'Ivn Mrquez': se conocen nuevos detalles de su situacin en Venezuela)Los abogados sealaron que suga, en un "acuerdo de entendimiento", acord que el tribunal decidiera su condena con base en atenuantes como la entrega de propiedades e informacin sobre la ubicacin de otros bienes e inmuebles del 'clan del Golfo'.La mujer podra recibir una condena de 10 aos por colaboracin, "desechando la posibilidad de una condena a cadena perpetua porque la misma no se contempla en los acuerdos de extradicin y no es una pena que se imponga en Colombia", seal la defensa. Nini Johana Usuga, the sister of Clan del Golfo leader Dairo Antonio Usuga, who is known as Otoniel, was captured on Wednesday night in Sabaneta, a municipality close to Colombia's second city . La instruccin dada al general Fernando Murillo, director de la Dijn, es que de manera articulada con la Fiscala General de la Nacin, se le logren imputar a Otoniel los homicidios de nuestros policas ocurridos en los ltimos das en distintos lugares de Colombia. Ya puedes ver los ltimos contenidos de EL TIEMPO en tu bandeja de entrada. His brother Dario Antonio suga David alias "Otoniel", afterward succeeded him as head of the cartel. Rendn fled the Eastern Plains in June after a falling out with Arroyave. View the profiles of people named Nini Johana. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the worlds largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. These include zones with natural seaports along the Caribbean coast, or areas where coca base must be bought, like Caucasia or Taraz in Antioquia (InSight has also heard reports of an Urabeo cell in Medelln). Felicidades! Usuga es hermana del. Otoniel, 50 , was captured during operation Osiris in a rural area of Colombia 's Uraba region, located in Antioquia province. Este artculo etiquetado en: Colombia Clan del Golfo Trminos y condiciones However, the origins of the group can be traced elsewhere, in Colombia's Eastern Plains, where Daniel Rendn Herrera, better known as Don Mario, once handled finances for the paramilitary group Bloque Centauros. [1/3]Colombian National Police officers escort Nini Johana Usuga, alias 'La Negra', sister of 'Otoniel', top leader of the organized armed group Clan del Golfo, after her arrest in Sabaneta, Colombia March 18, 2021. Access unmatched financial data, news and content in a highly-customised workflow experience on desktop, web and mobile. 45 # 26 - 33 - Telfonos (+57)(601) 2200700. Tu inscripcin ha sido exitosa. [57] On October 15, 2020, one of two Clan del Golfo members who killed a man at a car wash located in the Yal department in Antioquia was killed by the members of the Colombian National Army, while the other was captured. [42], In March 2020, Marihuano was revealed to be living in the Darin Jungle in cabins he built himself. Estn divididas las disidencias por la 'paz total'? Corte Suprema revoca orden de arresto contra el presidente Ivn Duque. The program by Vice attempted to expose the strong connection and extremely lucrative partnership the Clan reportedly shares with the Albanian mafia in their massive cocaine pipeline to the markets in Europe, particularly in London. [40] Main Clan del Golfo leader Rubn D. Melndez, alias Porrn, and Clan del Golfo weapons supplier and alleged FARC associate Martn Boyaco were among those arrested as well. BOGOTA, March 18 (Reuters) - Colombian police have captured the sister of the leader of Clan del Golfo, the country's largest drug-trafficking group, with assistance from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, after a court in Florida requested her extradition, a senior official said on Thursday. "[66], On January 5, 2012, the organization launched an armed strike in much of northern Colombia to protest the killing of their leader 'Giovanni'. Though extradition was abolished in 1991 in Colombia, Congress restored it just six years later. By. The 39-year-old Nini Johana Usuga David, alias "La Negra," is accused of belonging to a transnational drug-trafficking organization and also of "bolstering the illicit revenues" that the Clan del Golfo - Colombia's most powerful criminal outfit - received from the drug trade, that law enforcement agency added. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. It is based in the Urab region of Antioquia, and is involved in the Colombian armed conflict. [1][2] However, by the time she was re-arrested on March 17, 2021, Nini Johana was once again managing the Clan del Golfo's illicit finances resulting from narco-trafficking and money laundering. Colombia's Prosecutor General's Office, the Medellin 's Judicial Services Center and the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (INPEC) have begun investigating the case of Nini Johana Usuga David, alias "la Negra," after it was believed that she and three other detainees belonging to what is now the most powerful drug-trafficking [49][46] On May 29, 2020, the Carlos Vazquez fraction's weapons supplier Jhon Olmedo Ramirez, alias "Guajiro," was captured along with 9,000 rifle cartridges, a van, 10 suppliers of long-range weapons and 2 cell phones. 860.001.022-7 . De acuerdo con la informacin conocida desde La Florida, 'la Negra' acept en especifco el cargo deconspiracin para distribuir cocana, considerado un delito federal. [40] According to the Colombian Navy, those arrested are alleged to have been responsible for smuggling more than 13 tons of cocaine into Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama during 19 drug trafficking operations. Colombia had offered a reward of up to 3 billion pesos (about $800,000) for information concerning Otoniel's whereabouts, while the U.S. government had put up a reward of $5 million for help locating him. In 2001, the Castaos sold one of their armed groups, later known as Bloque Centauros, to another warlord, Miguel Arroyave, allegedly for US$7 million. Dairo Antonio suga David Colombia don capture Otoniel, di most wanted drug trafficker and leader of di kontri largest criminal gang. They include Carlos Mario Usuga David, brother of Otoniel and the then-finance chief of the Clan del Golfo; and three of the gang leaders cousins: Luis Angel Usuga Murillo, Alexander Montoya Usuga and Harlison Usuga Usuga. [40], Between January and August 2019, Colombian police reported 339 captures and nine members killed in Public Force operations, in addition, the seizure of 12.6 tons of cocaine hydrochloride which, according to the authorities, leads to close the fence over the heir to a structure that spread throughout the country. *Este no es un correo electrnico vlido. Guarda mi nombre, correo electrnico y web en este navegador para la prxima vez que comente. [55] Among those detained were local leaders thought to be responsible for a recent wave of violence. Otoniel, who was captured last October, was extradited in May to New York City, where he faces charges that include participating in an international conspiracy to manufacture and distribute cocaine, knowing and intending that the narcotics would be illegally imported into the United States.. [60] Four Colombians and one Honduran on the submarine which contained the cocaine hydrochloride were arrested as well. Ante esta extradicin el ministro de Defensa, Diego Molano, escribi que esta medida libera a Colombia de las acciones criminales del Clan del Golfo. La inteligencia artificial podra mejorar el sistema de salud en Colombia? "[18] On October 8, 2020, it was revealed that El Soldado was killed in the course of military operations in the Antioquia region of Lower Cacua. Nini Johana suga David, tambin conocida como la Negra, lleg a un acuerdo con la justicia de Estados Unidos y acept los cargos por narcotrfico. ( FOTOS COLPRENSA) ? Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks. [55], On June 23, 2020, the Colombian National Police revealed in a national radio broadcast that shortly before the arrest of Tllez, a former member of the rival Los Rastrojos criminal group Marlon Gregorio Celis Caballero, alias 'Loquillo' or 'Felipe', was named "as the new leader of the Gulf Clan. In less than six years, Otoniel has seen at least 16 relatives captured, usually in joint police and military operations. Se trata de Nini Johana suga David, hermana de Otoniel y conocida por el alias de La Negra. Contacto: La hermana de Dario. [50] On May 28, 2020, notorious Gulf Clan hitman Yelson Andres Mes Perez, alias "Yeisito," and also the woman arrested with him were jailed. MADRID, 17 (EUROPA PRESS) Nini Johana suga, alias 'La Negra', ha sido puesta bajo libertad condicional en Estados Unidos y ser deportada a Colombia, despus de que en diciembre de 2022 aceptara los cargos por narcotrfico y lavado de dinero que se le imputaban. [54] On June 13, 2020, it was revealed that 26 Clan del Golfo members were arrested in Santa Marta. Join Facebook to connect with Nini Johana and others you may know. Requerida por una corte de Florida, haba sido capturada en 2021. Nini Johana suga David "La Negra", hermana del n arcotraficante Dairo Antonio suga David, mejor conocido como "Otoniel, exlder del Clan del Golfo, fue extraditada por Colombia a Estados. [40] Porrn was arrested on March 13, 2021, while Boyaco, who was believed to have provide financing to the Clan del Golfo by supplying weapons to FARC dissident leader Ivn Mordisco, was arrested on March 11, 2021. [25] In a surprising display of strength, the Gulf Clan organized a series of coordinated strikes protesting his deaths in northern Antioquia, handing out fliers which referred to the group's former name, the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces. Es hijo de una humilde familia campesina compuesta por su padre Juan de Dios Usuga Orrego y su recin fallecida madre Ana Celsa David. Al parecer, este dinero iba a ser utilizado en ese entonces para la compra de salones de belleza, gimnasios, centros de esttica en Antioquia. La Negra, es requerida en extradicin por la Corte del Distrito Sur de la Florida, Estados Unidos, por narcotrfico. Sign up to receive the latest updates from U.S News & World Report and our trusted partners and sponsors. Suscrbete y disfruta de mltiples beneficios Fue extraditada a #EEUU Nini Johana suga David, alias 'la Negra', hermana de alias 'Otoniel'. Disfruta al mximo el contenido de EL TIEMPO DIGITAL de forma ilimitada. [27][28], According to a November 2021 InsightCrime report, the Clan reportedly has a strong presence in the Colombian departments of Antioquia, Crdoba and Sucre, a moderate presence in the departments of Cauca, Valle del Cauca, Choc, Nario, Bolvar, Atlntico, Magdalena, Norte de Santander and a low or minimal presence in the departments of Cesar, Santander, Boyac, La Guajira, Risaralda, Casanare, Meta and Vichada. [69], In April and May of 2022, the Gulf Clan held an armed strike in much of rural Northern Colombia after their leader Dairo Antonio suga was extradited to the United States.[70]. Last edited on 17 December 2022, at 17:08, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Maritime drug trafficking in Latin America, "Autoridades en Colombia no dan respiro a la cpula de los Urabeos", "Arrested: Illegal quarantine party reveals Colombian druglord's hideout", "El hermano de alias Giovany es el nuevo jefe de los Urabeos", "The Albanian Mafia's International Cocaine Empire", "Incautan una tonelada de cocana de Los Urabeos en La Guajira", "Excomandante de las Fuerzas Militares sera parte de tentculo del Clan del golfo", "Coronel (r) Gonzlez del Ro, a prisin mientras es investigado por nexo con narcos? The Clan del Golfo (English: The Gulf Clan), also known as Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia AGC) and formerly called Los Urabeos and Clan suga, is a prominent Colombian neo-paramilitary group and currently the country's largest drug cartel. Arezzo is a bargain hunter's paradise.Every first Sunday of the month and the Saturday before, piazza Grande, the city's main square, is packed with over 500 stalls, spilling out onto the side streets and alleyways. [41] The cartel was also estimated to have been reduced to having only 1,500 armed men. Otoniel se declar culpable de narcotrfico ante la justicia de Estados Unidos, Rechazan definitivamente sometimiento de Otoniel en la JEP, Busca es un oportunismo poltico: MinInterior sobre peticin de Otoniel, Clan del Golfo quema al menos 45 vehculos durante paro armado, Ivn Duque: Nadie est por encima del estado colombiano, Av. Clan del Golfo has some 1,600 fighters and is involved in the production and trafficking of cocaine, as well as illegal mining. Sanciones hasta de 900.000 pesos por no usar el tapabocas en TransMilenio, Trasplantes de rganos en Colombia aument en 2022, Reforma salud: 25 congresistas piden que sea tramitada por ley estatutaria, Germn Vargas Lleras radic contrarreforma a la salud propuesta por Cambio Radical. The Gulf Clan has recruited accomplices at the highest level of the military hierarchy, such as generals and colonels. Build the strongest argument relying on authoritative content, attorney-editor expertise, and industry defining technology. Juan Guillermo Cuadrado marc su primer tanto del ao, DANE: desempleo en Colombia subi en enero y se ubic en 13,7%, Atentos! The Gulf Clan may yet prove themselves capable of expanding their operations beyond the Caribbean coast and northern Colombia if they are not derailed by their war with the Rastrojos. Bogot D.C., Colombia. Nini Johana suga David firm un preacuerdo con la justicia de Estados Unidos en el que se compromete a aportar informacin y entregar bienes que hayan sido adquiridos con dineros ilcitos. He pleaded not guilty to the charges in federal court in New York. Sabemos que te gusta estar siempre informado. Browse an unrivalled portfolio of real-time and historical market data and insights from worldwide sources and experts. Nini Johana Usuga David (C), from the Clan del Golfo, has been extradited to the US Credit: EPA. [37] In October 2018, it was reported that as a result of the deaths and arrests of these three senior leaders within a year of either each other, the Gulf Clan saw a major reorganization in its leadership, with Giovanis vila Villadiego, alias "Chiquito Malo," reportedly the main person in charge of maritime trafficking routes to the United States and Europe; Nelson Daro Hurtado Simanca, alias "Marihuano," in command of the Central Urab Bloc (Bloque Central Urab) and some 700 men in the Caribbean sub-region; and other commanders of regional blocs. A travs de su cuenta de Twitter, el presidente de la Repblica, Ivn Duque Mrquez, confirm este martes que ya firm la resolucin de extradicin de Nini Johana suga David: hermana de Dairo Antonio suga David, quien fuera mximo cabecilla del 'Clan del Golfo' y quien ya se encuentra recluido en una crcel de Estados Unidos. More cocaine is coming out of Colombia than at the height of Pablo Escobar's power Credit: Getty. de julio de este ao a Estados Unidos por solicitud de la Corte para el Distrito Sur del de la Florida, que le adelantaba un proceso por trfico de drogas, sealada de manejar las rentas criminales del 'clan del Golfo' por el trfico y produccin de cocana. Rendn's men soon began clashing with the Paisas, then a rural, armed wing of the Oficina. Under Rendn's supervision, the Centauros became one of the wealthiest factions within the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombian (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia AUC). a Nini Johana suga, hermana de 'Otoniel')De igual forma, el tribunal podra imponerle una multa, el pago de entre 5 y 10 millones de dlares,cifra a evaluar de acuerdo a los bienes que entrege a las autoridades norteamericanas. Recuerda que para ver tus temas en todos tus dispositivos, debes actualizar la App de El Tiempo. Usuga es hermana del. A esta hora se adelantan los trmites en el. Clan del golfo. Besides Otoniel and his sister, Colombian authorities have arrested several other members of the Usuga David family. Nini Johana suga David, tambin conocida como la Negra, lleg a un acuerdo con la justicia de Estados Unidos y acept los cargos por narcotrfico. - novedades del sector automotriz, - toda la informacin para padres, - consulte antes de comprar, - videos de entretenimiento, - carreras profesionales, 'Alto, soy 'Otoniel', no me maten': detalles inditos de su captura), 'Ivn Mrquez': se conocen nuevos detalles de su situacin en Venezuela), Extraditan a EE. Quin es Aurora Vergara, nueva ministra de Educacin? 45 # 26 - 33 - Telfonos (+57)(601) 2200700. Dozens of his lieutenants were also captured and killed during an operation in 2016. Aqu tambin puedes encontrar "Mis Noticias" y seguir los temas que elegiste en la APP. As the AUC blocs were officially demobilized, this new paramilitary groups called themselves Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces or Don Mario's Black Eagles in an attempt to legitimize their actions.[21][22]. On April 15, 2009, a team of 200 police commandos captured Rendn on a farm in rural Urab. Usuga es hermana del . [63] In December 2020, the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Zapata Garzn "for materially assisting the international narcotics trafficking activities of the Clan del Golfo. Bogota, Jul 1 (EFE).- Colombian authorities on Friday extradited the sister of the alleged leader of the Clan del Golfo crime gang to the United States, where she is wanted for laundering proceeds from drug trafficking, the National Police said in a statement. [7][15], In June 2020, the Colombian National Police revealed that former Los Rastrojos member Marlon Gregorio Celis Caballero, alias 'Loquillo or Felipe', had become the new leader of the Clan del Golfo by April 2020. O crea una cuenta. It is currently one of the more ambitious and ruthless of Colombia's drug trafficking organizations (DTOs). The most comprehensive solution to manage all your complex and ever-expanding tax and compliance needs. Drug trafficking and the war on drugs are major contributors to Colombia's armed conflict, according to a report this week from the country's truth commission, which was established as part of a 2016 peace deal with the now demobilized FARC guerrillas. Segn las investigaciones, se ha desarrollado como una estructura familiar que, luego de la detencin de Daniel Rendn Herrera, alias Don Mario, qued bajo el mando de Otoniel. *Debe aceptar los Trminos, Condiciones y Polticas. BOGOT Las autoridades colombianas confirmaron el mircoles que fue encontrado sin vida uno de los principales cabecillas que quedaron al mando del crtel [23][24], On January 1, 2012, Juan de Dios Usuga-David, alias "Giovany," was killed in a police raid on a ranch in the Choc department. The current front-runner for the 2024 GOP nomination cycled through familiar grievances and portrayed himself as the only person who could save the country from a doom-and-gloom future. [56] At this time, it was also revealed that military operations which had been carried out in the Colombian regions of Antioquia, Atlntico, Crdoba and Sucre had significantly diminished the influence of the Clan del Golfo. Hoy alias La negra, hermana de Otoniel, pagar por delitos de narcotrfico desde una crcel en Estados Unidos. Colombia 's armed forces have captured Dairo Antonio Usuga, known as Otoniel, in the biggest blow to drug trafficking in the Andean country since the death of Pablo Escobar, President Ivan Duque said on Saturday. Military and police authorities from more than 40 countries worked to capture 169 tonnes of cocaine and 41 tonnes of marijuana during the ninth phase of the international anti-narcotics Orion campaign, Colombia's Defense Minister Diego Molano said later on Friday. -Estn divididas las disidencias por la 'paz total'?-Bienes de 'Memo Fantasma' pasan al Fondo de Reparacin de VctimasEn Twitter: @JusticiaET. But the Centauros soon began clashing with a rival paramilitary group, the Peasant Self-Defense Forces of Casanare (Autodefensas Campesinas del Casanare ACC). It is one of the main perpetrators of selective assassinations of community and social leaders, leftist political activists and forced displacement of people. Informaciones recaudadas por la Polica Nacional indican que Nini Johana suga David, alias La Negra, hermana del mximo cabecilla del Clan del Golfo, Otoniel, era la encargada de manejar las finanzas ilcitas producto del narcotrfico y una de las integrantes de la agrupacin criminal de su mayor confianza. (Por contexto, lo invitamos a leer:'Alto, soy 'Otoniel', no me maten': detalles inditos de su captura). [63] Colombian National Police Major General Fernando Murillo Orrego, head of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Interpol (DIJIN), "Zapata Garzn ran a narco-trafficking and money laundering organization associated with the Clan del Golfo" The DIJIN also released a statement revealing that Zapata Garzn shared routes for drug trafficking to Europe and the United States with the Clan del Golfo, through shell companies, investments, and real estate and personal properties in 17 Departments of Colombia. [30], The top command deploys teams of trained, armed men to rural areas vital for drug-trafficking operations. [39] Cuarentano was also revealed to have been in charge of the cartel's trafficking routes and oversaw Chiquito Malo's trafficking as well. The five-week long clamp down on the Urabeos group, which has since 2009 been commanded by the Usuga brothers clan, has resulted in a severe blow to the structure of the criminal organization, . [56] Prior to his death El Soldado was serving as the leader of the Julio Csar Vargas substructure of the Clan del Golfo. REUTERS/Luisa GonzalezReuters. MADRID, 17 Feb. (EUROPA PRESS) - Nini Johana suga, alias 'La Negra', ha sido puesta bajo libertad condicional en Estados Unidos y ser deportada a Colombia, despus de que en diciembre de 2022. Cunto costara la remodelacin y el acabado de una Vivienda VIS? Con Infobae, repasa su rica historia y se refiere al susto relacionado a su salud que debi atravesar en 2021, El primo del narcotraficante y paramilitar Don Mario se entreg a la justicia, La historia criminal de alias Siopas: de guerrillero raso de las Farc a cabecilla del clan del Golfo, Ministerio de Educacin promocion becas de postgrado en Estados Unidos, Indepaz: pese a las acciones del Gobierno nacional, el asesinato de lderes sociales no se detiene, Segunda gran derrota del gobierno Petro en el Congreso: Cmara tumba artculo vital de la reforma poltica, Informalidad en Colombia se redujo en octubre, pero sigue cerca del 60 % del total de la poblacin nacional. "[59], On October 28, 2020, it was reported that the Colombian and Panamanian security forces seized more than two tons of cocaine hydrochloride belonging to the Clan del Golfo. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. A la hermana del capo 'Otoniel' la sealan de manejar las finanzas de la familia suga David y del 'clan del Golfo'.De hecho, la primera vez que la capturaron, en 2013,llevaba 23.000 millones de pesos en efectivo, al parecer para pagar la nmina de los integrantes de la red criminal.En 2014 se fug pero fue recapturada y condenada a 9 aos de crcel por concierto para delinquir agravado, lavado de activos; fabricacin, trfico, porte o tenencia de armas de fuego, accesorios, partes o municiones; enriquecimiento ilcito de particulares; fuga de presos; falsedad material en documento pblico; uso de documento pblico falso y fraude procesal. 2, he was more of a regional leader in the Colombian areas of Riosucio, Jurad, Ungua and Acand than an international trafficker, extending only as far as the Panama border, and is the leader of close to 1,000 members of the cartel's Colombian armed forces.