Newhouse works in a plainly furnished office at 30 Journal Square in Jersey City. Nor did he impose any particular ideology or editorial line on his managers and editors, and for the most past, he maintained political neutrality. And in Syracuse, two rubber banders share credit for improvements to the morning Post-Standard and the afternoon Herald-Journal. I wrote two. The paper has the largest circulation of any in the group (464,000 daily, 697,000 Sunday). I never heard from her again. "A guy who had worked that long at a paper that good and had risen that high was going to make things happen in Syracuse," he says. Rep. Dan Newhouse, seen here on an Oct. 14 visit to Rattlesnake Mountain near the Tri-Cities, is among the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump ., the popular user-generated social news website, is one of Advance Internets properties. Whatever the outcome, thereis 90 years of richhistory here a publishing and cultural time capsule of sorts, reflecting changes in publishing and media generally over that period. ), PopHistoryDig .com, September 29, 2011. He had no choice however to report my U.S. Senate candidacy and even mentioned my complaints about Sen. Clinton as regards the Genocide in Tibet. In the 1980s, although no newspapers were acquired, some were consolidated, especially in cities where Newhouse owned both the morning and afternoon papers. Buys Portland Oregonian; Newhouse Adds Coast Paper to Chain for $5,000,000, New York Times, December 11, 1950. Thit b v sinh ng cp, thi thng c lm t s cao cp nht khu trc tip t c. Not one of them responded. The following year he set another industry record when he paid $54.2 million fortheCleveland Plain-Dealer. When I asked why, the silence at the other end of the line was proverbially deafening. Mark Dayton, an heir to the Dayton family fortune (his ancestors built the company that became Target stores) is a Democrat and the current governor of Minnesota. Demetrius Carolina of the Stapleton-based First Central Baptist Church. I sent Ms. Platt an e-mail stating that her coverage of Rev. His counterpart at the Post-Standard is Michael J. Connor, 41, whose career began at the Post-Standard in 1976. Edgar L. "Dooky" Chase III is a business law professor at Dillard University in New Orleans. Stephanie Clifford, Cond Nast Closes Gourmet and 3 Other Magazines, New York Times, October 5, 2009. Donald Trumps real net worth? Asked if there is a distinctive Donald Newhouse management style, David Starr, publisher at Springfield, answers, "I think the management style is no management style. Among these was Gentlemans Quarterly, or GQ,a mens fashion magazine dating to 1931. I have also advised the Advance of the papework-provable history of threats against me by Hillary Clinton, not to speak of all sort of criminal harassments me by surrogates of mega-fascist political extremists Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and Lenora Fulani, including the Staten Island-connected multiple offender and demagogue from Queens Geoffrey Blank. Donald Newhouse. We're decentralized. Newhouse voted against impeachment then, but voted in 2021 following the Jan. 6 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol. No response. Between 2007 and 2009 Newhouse had closed nearly a dozen magazines, among them: Jane, House & Garden, Mens Vogue, Golf for Women, Domino, Portfolio, Modern Bride, Elegant Bride, Gourmet, and Cookie. Newhouse magazines during the 2000s continued with their celebrity-centric and fashion offerings, as well as their socially-trendy reporting. The first new issue included some 290 pages with a short novel by Gabriel Garcia Mrquez, winner of the 1982 Nobel Prize for literature, and also articles by writer Gore Vidal and paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould. And under the Newhouse umbrella, Parade would only grow in the years ahead. And you don't see that in many American cities. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; When German bookseller Bertelsmann approached Newhouse with an interest in the company, negotiations began. Booth also owned Parade magazine, a popular Sunday supplement. To this day I still can't help but get to the office at 5, just about when you all will be getting home from this celebration, I guess. W and Womens Wear were fashion magazines, while Jane was oriented to the 18-to-34 year old market. He is married to Susan Newhouse. Ms. Lacy-Pendleton suggested that I write a ltter to the editor. A group of editors brainstormed at a retreat, ultimately settling on a look that Tiner calls an amalgam of the Dallas Morning News and the St. Paul Pioneer Press. The last time called, Ms. Boyd put me right through to Donald Newhouse. At the time, many worried for the fate of the magazines vaunted literary quality, which showcased some of the finest writers in America, might suffer under the Newhouse cost-conscious management style. Trump has not yet posted to either account. But the nature of the Newhouse business was changing, as Fishman;s pieceexplained. Among them: G"Lethal Doses Radiation that Kills," published late in 1992, documented deadly mistakes made during radiation-therapy procedures in hospitals across America. Vanity Fair editor Tina Brown with Si Newhouse, 1990. Its a Tightly Private Show, But Theres No Hiding Wealth This Big, Fortune, August 17, 1987, p. 60. Party Affiliation: No Party Affiliation Registered to Vote In: Clay County, FL Voter Status: Inactive . amzn_assoc_title = "Related Reading"; Vanity Fairs circulation had jumped to 1.2 million by 1991. Sexy Celeb Magazine Covers, NY, September 10, 2010. One caveat: Some of these family fortunes are shared among dozens or even hundreds of people, so we were only able to track political donations of a subset of prominent members. It is a fact that, in early 2005 after I announced my candidacy as a Democrat for the U.S. Senate against the Republicrat Hillary Clinton I met for over an hour with Tom Wrobleski in his office conveniently located in the Staten Island Borough Hall. After decades of non-contention, Donald Newhouse writers are claiming major prizes a top environmental writing award for Mobile, an IRE first for Cleveland, Penney Missouri awards for Syracuse. I did so and I am again reporting that Tom Wrobleski should have his fare to the Olympic Games (no matter where the Games are played) paid by the Advance since he is a favorite for the Olympic gold medal in not responding to calls and e-mails. As we talked he read my article on his computer and complained that I was "trashing" his reporter. Othersbelievethe Newhouse empire will not only survive, butwillthrive, continuing to be a dominant cultural force andcontemporary story teller, setting trends in fashion, literature, and style as it goes. May 07, 2021 5:00 AM. The paper's sheer poundage beats the rival New York Times' on many Sundays. His purchase of the Omaha World-Herald, where Buffett lives, may have been one for the home town. Yet, hisMay 2012 acquisitionof Media Generals 63 newspapers in the southeast U.S. may suggest that local advertising revenue is alive and well, and possibly more. The New Yorker, Feb 25, 1985, featuring famous mascot, Eustace Tilley, about the time S. I. Newhouse acquired it. Some $10 million was invested in strengthening the magazine editorially. By early 2008, before the economy went south, the Newhouse empire had revenues of more than $7 billion with more than 20,000 employees. Bertelsmann wanted a foothold in the American publishing business, and in the end paid more than $1 billion for Random House $1.3 billion by one estimate. The author, Washington Post media writer Howard Kurtz, holds Hall chiefly responsible for diluting the Record's editorial quality. Maggie Mahar, All in the Family, Barrons, November 27, 1989. He hired an editorial cartoonist. Reporter Dee Lane was one of the staffers who labored to restore the paper's credibility on the story. Ned Martel, The Hope of Heft: In Tough Times, Vogues Fantasies and Huge Size Life Spirits And Forecasts, Washington Post, August 29, 2012, p. C-1. The IRS, however, said the amount due was more in the neighborhood of $600 million, plus $300 million more in penalties. Donald Newhouse, ?ince he came to Cleveland in 1992, Hall, 51, has broadened sports coverage, committing to greater emphasis on minorities, women and minor sports. Newhouse Acquires Booth Chain of Newspapers for $305 Million, New York Times, November 9, 1979. Nor does he wish to arrange a later interview. And so, it seems, is the Staten Island Advance. Its formula: Cover everything in great, if routine, detail. They remained married until her death in 2015 of primary progressive aphasia, the same rare disorder that afflicted his brother, Si Newhouse. He then focused on the idea of expanding newsstands in the region as a way to grow his newspaper newsstands at the St. George Ferry Terminal on Staten Island andothers throughout Manhattan, at LaGuardia and Newark airports, and at the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York city, which became the worlds largest and most lucrative newsstand. The artist, Barry Blitt, defended his work, saying the idea that the Obamas are branded as unpatriotic in certain sectors is preposterous. Elsewhere in the late-1980s Newhouse empire, Random House in 1988 added Crown Publishing to its growing group of imprints. Republican Rep. Dan Newhouse and Democrat Doug White will advance to the general election out of the top-two primary in Washington's 4th Congressional District, CNN projects. Thit b v sinh thng minh em n tri nghim ng cp, cho cuc sng tuyt vi. Killen believes the paper improved in the mid-1980s under Bill Hilliard, Rowe's predecessor. In 1992, after a mutant form of tuberculosis began killing prisoners, the Post-Standard investigated the medical care given New York state inmates. In early 1983, Newhouse also made a major move with the re-launch of Vanity Fair as a glossy celebrity magazine focused on literature, the arts, politics and popular culture. Si who died in 2017 had a net worth of $13 Billion. Wrobleski then reverted to his Dick Cheney impersonation and stopped communicating entirely. CREDIT: House TV-AP Lang in drag, meant as a controversial statement. Rumors circulated that Si Newhouse might decide to take the barely-surviving magazine and fold it into The New Yorker. Details may include related records, political party, location, and more. He usually kept the existing management and editors and was reluctant to upset the status quo, believing the papers should remain local institutions run by people in those communities. Donald long oversaw the. Newhouse did. Advertising pages were also up in 1991, to about 1,440 pages. [4] Donald Newhouse is Jewish, and was listed on the Jerusalem Post's list of the world's 50 richest Jews in 2010. Vogue magazine cover with Hillary Clinton, December 1998, a tough time for the First Lady. Deirdre Carmody, Tina Brown to Take Over at The New Yorker, New York Times, July 1, 1992. Actor Hugh Grant on the cover of Vanity Fair, Italy (Feb 2010), one of more than100 international Newhouse editions. Maier's book, "Donald Newhouse: All the Glitter, Power and Glory of America's Richest Media Empire and the Secretive Man Behind It," is essentially a hostile biography of Si Newhouse, Donald's older brother. Asia Pacific +65 6212 1000. Page 1 of 9,554,641. ", The New Orleans Times-Picayune stunned?Louisiana in 1993 with "Together Apart: The Myth of Race." Milton Moskowitz, Michael Katz & Robert Levering, Newhouse, Every- bodys Business: A Field Guide to the 400 Leading Companies in America, New York: Doubleday/Currency, 1990, pp. "Everything [had been] wire copy," Tiner says. Allegations were made that Newhouse management had paid The Press owner to go out of business, and in 1985, a grand jury began an anti-trust investigation into the Newhouse role, but charges were never filed. Hall's performance at his next paper, the Record in Bergen County, New Jersey, was the subject of several critical pages in the 1993 book "Media Circus." The issue boosted Vanity Fair newsstand sales by 100,000 copies. With Sams passing, his two sons began running the company S.I., Jr., known as Si, would head up the companys magazine operations, and Donald Newhouse would run the newspapers. While some students of Newhouse's history raise doubts about whether the trend will last, whether it is deeper than a quest for prizes, this much is clear: These are different papers than they were. To Hall's credit, the Plain Dealer has undertaken several high-profile investigations. And that change helped draw in even bigger players like Disney and Murdoch. Still, newspapers continued to be the cash cow for Newhouse, generating the largest revenue stream for the company through the mid-1990s, usually north of $1.5 billion annually. In a sad coincidence, the same disease struck her brother-in-law S.I. [9], Newhouse married Susan Marley in 1955, just after she had graduated from Wellesley College. Two New Yorker covers in 2010 hit BPs Gulf of Mexio oil spill one from the June 7, 2010 issue that showed a man in a suit testifying before a Congressional-like panel of oil-saturated marine animals, and five weeks later, offering a visual play on Escher-like imagery, titled After Escher: Gulf Sky and Water, by artist Bob Staake, which reportedly lit up the blogosphere, as Staake cleverly modified the original Escher to include oil-drenched Gulf wildlife, with a pelican at the top and a turtle at the bottom. Other insiders can only guess. However, the courts later found in favor of the Newhouse family. I then talked to Balsamini by phone. Four of those cover shots, which featured celebrity authors and actors, are shown here at right from top left: novelist Philip Roth, September 1983; writer and playwrightSusan Sontag, October 1983; European writer, Francine du Plessix Gray, November 1983; andcomedian-in-disguise, Woody Allen, December 1983. Last Update: 6 December 2020 The reason has been with us since the start of our newspaper group. Newhouse Jr . He answers his own phone. N. R. Kleinfield, The Media Business; Heads Have a History of Rolling at Newhouse, New York Times, November 2, 1989. One advantage in their favor, however, may be thetop-shelf nature of the Newhouse magazines and their premium-brand content,offering strong appeal to upscale consumers and advertisers. He, for instance, goes monthly with his father to Cleveland, but also works with Starr on oversight of the Washington bureau. Wireds were down by almost 60 percent. The It's a tightly private show, but there's no hiding wealth this big. Lane, for her part, used to complain that Oregonian editors seemed afraid of investigative journalism. [2] His mother, Mitzi Epstein, was an arts patron and philanthropist[3] who grew up in an upper middle class family on the Upper West Side, the daughter of a silk tie importer. In any case, by the close of the decade, Newhouse was the nations the No. Wrobleski's story, appearing with a front page lead on August 27, 2005, was filled with willful errors and was as slanted as some of the stuff that appears about Tibet in the Communist Chinese media. The paper recently began using full color, for instance, but only in advance feature sections and on Sunday's page one. Not too long after that I got a communication from Wrobleski asking for an interview. David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week's biggest issues on Wall Street. Donald Newhouse, 65, has ultimate authority for newspapers in 22 cities across America. Today, as of September 2012, Advance Publications is run at the corporate level by Sams two sons S.I. Revenues for the Newhouse newspaper group plummeted 26 percent in 2009, to $1.3 billion, according to Ad Age. "What'll be interesting is what they do next.". Newhouse was also then a part owner of the Discovery cable TV channel. She introduced color and photographygiving the magazine a more modern layout with less type on each page. I've never stalked anyone and, if Gotbaum were the last woman on earth and I was desperate, I would do everything possible to revert to celibacy. In February 1975 he had acquired 25 percent of the stock in the Booth Newspaper group, a chain of eight small newspapers all within 200 miles of Detroit, Michigan. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "thpohidill-20"; She asked me for an e-mail to her; I sent it to her. The Springfield Union-News in Massachusetts runs an average of 200 open columns per day, and with a circulation of 108,000 maintains an editorial staff of 204. In 1980 Newhouse also sold five television stations to the Times Mirror Company for $82 million. On the web, Advance Internet operates more than 100 websites, most of which serve and extend the companys print and cable operations. There is no central command post at Newhouse. SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) Most of the Republican county leaders in U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse's congressional district on Monday called for the lawmaker to resign for being one of 10 GOP members of the House to vote for the impeachment of former President Donald Trump. Click for copy. For Cleveland's Plain Dealer, the major opening of 1994 wasn't Jacobs Field, the Indians' new baseball park. ", Deborah Howell, from Washington, D.C., echoes Donald Newhouse's notion that the change is coincidental. "I don't look at [the Star-Ledger] as a wall poster," he says. As I've written previously, an easy grader in journalism school would have charitably given Wrobleski a C+. An unsigned article published in the magazine during the management change questioned whether the new ownership would result in erosion of The New Yorkers long tradition of editorial independence. And a few weeks later Newhouse made a $40 million bid for the paper, which appeared to be accepted. Newhouse biography, says of Rowe, "She has an enormous task to turn that into a modern, effective newpaper. I did. Reflects change since 5 pm ET of prior trading day. Circulation there had fallen by nine percent to 223,000 copies and newsroom staff cuts of 40 percent followed. The paper that wooed and won Sandy Rowe had a proud history. Trend-watchers have a term for adults who move back to their hometowns after success in bigger places: rubber banders. Rachel Sklar writing in the Huffington Post, noted: presumably the New Yorker readership is sophisticated enough to get the joke, but she worried about those who might use the handy illustration to continue to spread the very scare tactics and misinformation depicted. Pye doesn't want to sacrifice news hole and flexibility for fancy packaging. al. Donald Newhouse, Indeed, the status of the Star-Ledger is a major question in Newhouse's future. They need the courage to say, 'That's not news.' He published pictures of the royalty for the separate black and white Mardi Gras balls on the same page, "and the world didn't come to an end. Of the 50 richest families, 28 mainly donate to Republicans and only seven contribute mainly to Democrats. With the three mostly fashion additions, Newhouse now had control of more fashion advertising revenue than any of its rivals worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually. I skim the paper now in 10, where before I would have to take 20 minutes to read it.". His prediction? Newhouse reportedly offered $650 million in the Disney/Fairchild magazine deal, outbidding the Hearst Corporation, a big rival in the magazine business.