What kind of oil does Popeyes use? I worked at one like 7 years ago. Smashburger, like Buffalo Wild Wings, fries its items in beef tallow, as stated in its ingredient lists. Beef tallow has a good amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and choline, a nutrient that impacts liver function, healthy brain development, muscle movement, nervous system, and metabolism [*]. Its also a great traditional fat, but not quite as amazing as beef tallow. Overcoming chronic health issues with diet changed my life. Just remove any solids, strain, and pour it into a ceramic or glass container. Stir occasionally, every hour or so, for 3-4 hours to prevent the suet from sticking to the bottom of the pot. Check out the Bumblebee Apothecary Shop here. Why are those the only options? Good quality oils, such as coconut oil and avocado oil, can also be good alternatives that supply you with a mix of healthy fats. With some deductive reasoning, KFCs website lists Chicken Fat as an ingredient of their gravy making it not suitable for those on a vegetarian or vegan diet. It's a shelf-stable product, so look for it in the same section as stocks and bullion. A: The first thing you notice about Popeyes is the marinade. Its peanut oil. Popeyes rice does in fact have pork content. Palm oil is rich in healthy fats, some vitamins, and antioxidants. What are the benefits of giving birth in UK? But the only thing that really matters is that its clean so first-use virgin vegetable oil is best. What oil does Wendy's use? Canola oil and peanut oil are other popular options.Best Oil for Frying. Tallow can be used at high temperatures without causing its chemical composition to change. Tallow is easy to afford, but the price depends somewhat on location. Zaxbys foods are fried in a blend of highly refined soybean oil. As you fry them they absorb lots of moisture, which results in fluffy texture on the inside but crisp on the outside. If youre feeling something fancy for a romantic night in or holiday celebration, then this beef tallow and smoked herb-crusted prime rib may be the move. Is Popeyes fries vegetarian? As mentioned above, tallow provides both saturated and monounsaturated fats. What kind of cooking grease does Popeyes use? Does Popeyes chicken fry food . Tallow is a mostly saturated animal fat, although it contains some unsaturated fats too. Yes, Wendys fries are vegan! When cooking at high heat such as roasting, frying and baking use it over oils like canola, corn and even virgin olive oil, which are prone to oxidizing at high temperatures and can contribute to problems such as formation of free radicals. Tallow is a rendered form of beef or mutton fat, primarily made up of triglycerides.. These ingredients in the Cajun seasoning include garlic, salt, onion, paprika, white pepper, red pepper and oregano, making them very vegan friendly. In the 1950s, researchers first began advocating for a lower-fat diet since animal fats were being linked to development of coronary heart disease. Pure beef tallow is shelf-stable, so it can sit on the counter at room temperature for days in an air-tight container. According to http://comsumerist.com "Popeyes uses in a combination of beef tallow, partially hydrogenated beef tallow, and partially hydrogenated soybean oil. What fryer oil does Popeyes use? If you are in a supermarket, look for tallow in the same aisle as stocks since it is shelf-stable. 8. Follow along as I share nourishing recipes, natural remedies, and DIY skincare and home products. Is There Msg In Costco Rotisserie Chicken. The only complete vegetarian food is Pork-free even though Popeyes gravy has Pork in it. Here are a few delicious ways to use and make beef tallow: What do you get when you combine beef fat, white wine, and tarragon and pour it over a 100% grass-fed and grass-finished steak? And for good reason it is delicious! Tallow! This can come from practically any kind of cutrump roast, steaks, ribs and even ground beef can all create beef tallow. Suet is another name for rendered beef fat. 14. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); Sometimes people use the term suet loosely, and use it to also refer to raw beef fat that hasnt been rendered. You can render tallow with the dry method, or the wet method. are clickable links to these studies. Though it can be part of a healthy diet, some people choose to limit it or use only sustainably grown palm oil due to the industrys environmental and human rights abuses. What type of grease does Popeyes use? It serves as a buffer for the razor against the skin while reducing friction and hydrating hair to help it stand up and cut more easily, providing for a closer shave with less irritation. Beef tallow isn't as easy to come by as lard in supermarkets and even specialty grocers, but many butcher shops will sell some to you. Food & Nutrition. } What oil does Popeyes fry their chicken in? This results in a lower trans fat level for Popeyes but a higher saturated fat count. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); According to Consumer Reports, store-bought mashed scored "good" in the nutrition category based on calories, fat, saturated fat, sodium, sugars, iron, calcium, and fiberwith most products prepared with 2 percent milk, unsalted butter, and salt. Even though suet is popular, you can cook down fat from any part to make tallow, including the ribs, sirloins, or any other cut. If you render tallow using the wet method, the heat is more gentle and even, which leaves the tallow pretty much odorless. Lard usually refers to rendered pork fat. This results in a lower trans fat level for Popeye's but a higher saturated fat count. However, it has a drier, waxy texture and somewhat different taste than butter. Panda Express uses only 100% pure soybean oil in the preparation of recipes. Smashburger started in 2007 in Denver with the aim of becoming a better burger company. The taste of beef is in no way prominent. You must use either vegetable oil or lard or a mixture of the two this is the one negotiable part of the recipe. Is it OK to mix orange and green antifreeze. Its not as hard as you may think! Yes. Get the down low on how we flavor our fries. } ); FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS (+ $9.50 HANDLING), A high smoke point of 420 (meaning its good for higher heat cooking like frying), A soft texture similar to butter or coconut oil, Baking savory pies (pot pie with tallow is dangerous), As the fat source in casseroles (spread it on the bottom of a casserole dish), To drop a bit into a hot skillet before adding aromatics. Place all of your beef fat in a large 4-5 quart pot. Here are some of the nutrients found in tallow from 100% grass fed beef fat: You can enjoy these nutrients when you use tallow in cooking, or for skincare. Not finding a clear answer - on the website theres a page about palm oil but not sure if that means everything is fried in it or not. Get the best food tips and diet Many other fast food restaurants did, too, including Burger King, Wendys, Hardees, Arbys, Dairy Queen, Popeyes and Bobs Big Boy. Its inexpensive, easy to find at any store, has a neutral flavor and a high smoke point. Get my latest blog posts, videos, nourishing recipes, natural remedies, and DIY tutorials delivered right to your inbox! Theyre shipped right from the farm, individually cut in our stores, and then cooked in 100% sunflower oil. So assuming you get it from a good source that raised the cattle as nature intended, 100%. RELATED:5 Fast-Food Chains That Use Fresh-Cut Potatoes for Their Fries. 11. Grass-fed cattle tend to store more omega-3s, CLA and other beneficial compounds in their bodies compared to cows that are fed less healthy diets. Beef tallow is a rendered fat that is cooked down from a cut of meat from a cow. The dish features Cajun and creole seasonings along with bell pepper, onion, garlic, celery and cayennemaking it unusual in the quick-service business. One of the best points about beef tallow is the very economical price it has. 877.383.0051, THE ORDER MINIMUM IS 7 lbs + $75. And our chicken is dipped in an egg-and-flour batter before its fried. If you made your own tallow, you may want to keep it in the fridge and use it within a few weeks to prevent contamination. Try to turn the heat off as soon as the noise stops. Waffle-cut potatoes cooked in canola oil until crispy outside and tender inside. However, recently the restaurant chain has decided to lower the trans fats in some of their recipes. its replaced like every 2 weeks. . Overall, two restaurants are similarly priced and you can expect the same value from both, so were calling this one a tie. Beef tallow is also one of the main ingredients in pemmican, which is a sort of primal energy bar made from a concentrated mixture of fat and protein and first championed by the Native Americans. No, Kentucky Fried Chicken does not use peanut oil. Use beef tallow. It can also be the pure fat skimmed off the meat and melted into a liquid before settling back in a solid, more malleable substance. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one tablespoon of tallow has about: In terms of nutrient content, the highest-quality beef tallow comes from grass-fed cattle, as opposed to those conventionally raised on feedlots and fed grains. Therefore, the Cajun Fries at Popeye's are NOT vegan or vegetarian. While beef tallow, which is rendered fat leftover when beef is cooked,has been phased out of many restaurants as health food trends and veganism have ramped up in recent years, it used to be quite popular. Fat must be rendered from beef by cooking down and melting it off the meat. Beef tallow is malleable at room temperature, and you can substitute beef tallow in for any vegetable oil or animal fat, as long as youre okay with a little bit more beef flavor getting into whatever youre making. To mimic the chains original oil blend, which was mostly beef tallow, the oil is laced with chemical flavoring to replicate that mouthwatering smell. McDonalds says it uses a canola oil blend for deep frying. Purchasing high-quality tallow from grass-fed cattle/mutton is also important, since today many types sold in supermarkets come from conventionally raised cows that may be raised with use of hormones, antibiotics and so on. #4. A: The first thing you notice about Popeyes is the marinade. Today, I want to share with you my secrets to reduce sugar Daniel Fast: Benefits for Your Spiritual, Emotional and Physical Health, 15 Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut and Overall Health, 9 Proven Black Seed Oil Benefits that Boost Your Health, L-Glutamine Benefits Leaky Gut & Metabolism, Chia Seeds Benefits: The Omega-3, Protein-Packed Superfood, Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Weight Loss, Skin Health, Cholesterol & More, What Is a Marionberry? Once melted, and cooled, place the beef tallow into a glass mason jar while holding a candle wick in the center of the jar. 13 grams of fat (including 6.5 grams saturated fat and 5.5 grams of monounsaturated fat), 0 grams of carbs, protein, sugar or fiber. 15. EatThis.com is part of the AllRecipes Food Group. Its high smoke point the temperature at which the oil starts, well, smoking makes it suitable for high-temperature cooking like grilling, while its mild taste makes it versatile. Does KFC use peanut oil? It is a version of rapeseed oil that's been reproduced to be more palatable.) For long term storage, I recommend keeping tallow in the refrigerator or freezer. Get the best food tips and diet advice every single day, Now, you'll have the best and latest food and healthy eating news right in your inboxevery In this context, tallow is animal fat that conforms to certain technical criteria, including its melting point.Commercial tallow commonly contains fat derived from other animals, such as lard from pigs, or even from plant sources. Source of Vitamin A, D and E and Fatty Acids. Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen says supply-chain problems are making it tough to rid its fried chicken of monosodium glutamate, commonly known as MSG. Sometimes people call rendered fat from other animals tallow as well, such as bear tallow. This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. "Our French fries and onion rings are cooked in a blend of vegetable oil and beef tallow," the company states on its website. Does Popeyes have pork in their red beans and rice? Im going to be talking about beef tallow here. 10. Grassland Beef Tallow is often made from suet, but suet is a hard, crumbly fat taken from the kidney area of a sheep or cattle. Original Recipe Chicken Breaded with: Wheat Flour, Sodium Chloride and Anti-caking agent (Tricalcium Phosphate), Nonfat Dry Milk, Dried Egg Whites, Colonels Secret Original Recipe Seasoning. Thats sad. Lard is actually considered to be the original shortening, popular long before the creation of partially hydrolyzed vegetable oils and man-made trans fats. the spicy chicken patty is seasoned with a spicy mixture of bell peppers, hand breaded, pressed cooked in 100% peanut oil and served on a toasted and buttered bun, with a dill pickle. Like many other saturated fats, its solid at room temperature but melts into a liquid when heated. According to Sonia, they're using vegetable oil, but 5 days earlier Patti says beef tallow Popeyes' fries the way things are supposed to be fried, in LARD! What does Chick Fil A fry their chicken in? #5. You could use tallow for baking if you want to impart beef notes or earthiness into the baked good. Theyre fried in vegetable oil. Usually, I dont know where to begin! If you are vegetarian and dining at Smashburger, there are a few good options, like the Classic Smash Black Bean burger with all the fixin's, but you'll need to skip the SmashFries. Here's some tofu that says otherwise. Second this. Like most fried foods, McDonalds fries are cooked in vegetable oil. In addition, they use vegetable oil as well as "beef tallow." ( A beef pot pie with tallow crust- so much yes!) Popeyes' fries are not vegan. What does Popeyes marinate their chicken in for 12 hours? You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Beef tallow is so versatile. In fact, the chain was famously sued for not making it more apparent that the fries were cooked in beef tallow. Mastering different fats is key to distributing flavors evenly and achieving certain textures we all know and love. The use of tallow was hardly surprising for a company that processes so much beef, but when the fear of saturated gripped the nation and the chain was involved in the famous lawsuit where vegetarians felt misled, it changed the fat used to cook the famous frieswhich some people never got over. Came as a solid in a box. Which is healthier PB&J or grilled cheese. navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); CLA May Protect against Breast Tumors and Colon Cancer. The chain's fryers contain beef tallow, as confirmed by a rep for the restaurant. Add the tallow to a large pot and place over low heat. Vegetable oilVegetable oil is the best oil for deep frying. Popeyes Mashed Potatoes with gravy: the gravy is made with pork meat, salt, black pepper, and garlic. If you are at high risk of heart disease and have a history of high cholesterol, consider limiting your use of pure animal fats or at least getting your doctors advice. Tallow benefits (especially when sourced from organic, grass-fed cattle) can include supplying you with essential fatty acids, supporting your metabolism and body weight management, improving absorption of vitamins, supporting skin health, and fueling your brain with needed cholesterol/fat. Its shortening. You can watch El Pollo Loco take the piss out of KFC here. Many products at Popeyes are not halal because they use Pork in them. Beef tallow is used in an incredible number of ways, including: high-heat cooking, making fries, baking, as an ingredient in candles, making shortening, as an industrial lubricant, for biodiesel, medicine, rifle grease, and more. we used beef tallow shortening. I recently quit a month ago. Think of beef tallow as a supplementary ingredient you cook with just like any other fat like olive oil or bacon grease. Beef tallow is the rendered fat from a cow that's used for cooking, typically, but it also plays a role in making soap and candles. 5. eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com The chain uses a blend of oils to fry their chicken, which does not include lard. Its still packed with flavor from sweet pickle relish, dill pickle relish, and white vinegar. Most types of gravy are meat-based. I asked the manager at a Popeyes near me what is used to cook the fries, and he said beef lard. What ingredients are in Chick fil A fries? Although most people refer to only beef fat as tallow, technically other animal fats can also be called by the same name. And as it turns out, it fries some of its items in a blend of vegetable oil and beef fat. Are Chick-fil-A fries cooked in canola oil? This results in a . All it involves is sourcing some good beef fat, and rendering it down. if( 'moc.sihttae.www' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { Uses For Beef Tallow Beef tallow has been used mainly for cooking. According to Sonia, they're using vegetable oil, but 5 days earlier Patti says beef tallow Popeyes' fries the way things are supposed to be fried, in LARD! Long before olive oil, canola oil, or even coconut oil were in vogue, beef tallow was one of the first choices of cooks everywhere. 7. This results in a lower trans fat level for Popeye's but a higher saturated fat count. They match perfectly with any dipping sauce or on their own. If you want to buy tallow online, this is a good option. Instead, the fast-food chain uses canola oil and hydrogenated soybean oil. Popeyes uses a combination of beef tallow and partially hydrogenated beef tallow in their fryer oil. Good luck, and happy cooking! Popeye's is the clear winner here. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { In the U.S. and Canada, palm oil is an ingredient in a few products like cookies and oatmeal bars. Does Popeyes still use beef tallow? When theyre hot and crispy, the fries are great, but if theyve been sitting around for too long, wed recommend passing and getting your carbs in with the other sides. the spicy chicken patty is seasoned with a spicy mixture of bell peppers, hand breaded, pressed cooked in 100% peanut oiland served on a toasted and buttered bun, with a dill pickle. The feed given to industrially-raised cattle is specially formulated to maximize production at the lowest possible cost. See also How Do Female Ducks Get Pregnant? Instructions. Beef tallow has a wonderful, savory flavor. Frying oils range from various vegetable oils and even peanut oil, all the way to melted beef tallowthe latter of which makes the fries extra delicious. Were going to cover what beef tallow is, why you should consider using it more often, and what separates good tallow from bad beef tallow. One beloved fat is beef tallow. Its also a great way to reduce meat waste as well. Plain beef tallow doesn't have much flavor. Responsibly sourcing palm oil The commitment to contribute to the production of certified sustainable palm oil is part of Popeyes ambition to support deforestation-free supply chains. The corn on the cob, mac and cheese, and biscuits are also meat-free. What is the best oil to make French fries? Does Popeyes fries use lard? Popeyes Or KFCWhich Is Better For You? Popeye's uses a proprietary blend of beef fat, partially hydrogenated beef tallow, and hydrogenated vegetable oils soybean oil, whereas Chick-Fil-A uses peanut oil. Do Popeyes Use Lard? Grass fed beef tallow is rich in so many beneficial nutrients. For me, cooking is more than a standard chore around the house. Aside from the rice, two of the key ingredients in the cajun rice are bacon and pork fat. single } It's best to keep it in the fridge when not using to prevent accidental oxidization, though it's not necessary. Popeyes goal is to source palm oil (both directly sourced and for all branded food products with greater than 1% palm oil or palm kernel oil as an ingredient) which is RSPO Mass Balance certified or covered by RSPO certification for its entire menu globally, per the brands Palm Oil Sourcing Policy. That one restaurant has grown into a multi-billion business, which is owned by Restaurant Brands International. If you want the short answer: Vegetable oil is the best oil for frying. 2. Theres some evidence demonstrating that CLA also has anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting properties, possibly even fighting growth of tumors, as does the fatty acid oleic acid. on diningwithoutsoy.com, View Ever since our founder Truett Cathy created the Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich, weve been cooking our hand-breaded chicken exclusively in fully refined, heat-processed peanut oil. The chainwhich started as a humble hot dog stand in 1963 now has over 60 locations mainly in the midwest, but with some in Southern California, Arizona, Texas, and Florida. According to the Quora feed "What oil does Popeyes use to fry their chicken?", it appears that all the fried products at Popeye's use beef tallow. So, Popeyes has been frying with partially hydrogenated beef tallow (mixed with regular beef tallow) for years and years now. Turn the burner on medium-low heat. You can also buy raw beef fat for rendering yourself. The taste of beef is in no way prominent. Heat the beef fat in a large pot. My greatest interest in life is cooking. Fast forward to the present day, and beef tallow is making a scientifically supported comeback. Popeyes fried chicken The Louisiana-inspired fried chicken chain relies on partially hydrogenated oils to make its chicken breasts and onion rings good and crispy. advice every day. You can also use canola or safflower oil. This means opening yourself up to having unhealthy seed oils and fats mixed in with your beef tallow. If made with herbs or spices, the beef tallow will take on aromas and flavors from those ingredients, but it's still a more mild way of flavoring a dish. Some popular uses for tallow include making: Look for organic tallow sourced from grass-fed cows at a local farmers market or health food store. Other fatty acids, including oleic acid, palmitoleic acid, Helping increase skins flexibility and ability to heal, Supporting the protective barrier function of skin, Mexican recipes, like fried plantains and tamales, Fried pork, chicken and other fried meats, Fried vegetables, latkes and veggie fritters. Beef tallow is rendered fat from ruminants, a fantastically versatile product, is usually shelf stable and is used for everything from frying to making candles. The Popeyes Chicken Sandwich comes in at a total of $3.99 for classic and spicy. Tallows appearance and texture are described as being similar to butters, since its solid and beige/white color when cooled. Its all been seasoned and allowed to sit for at least 12 hours to add maximum flavor. Popeyes Mashed Potatoes vegetarian: You can get vegetarian mashed potatoes at Popeyes if you ask for them. The type of saturated fat found in tallow is believed to have a mostly neutral effect on blood cholesterol levels, or the ability to raise good HDL cholesterol, meaning that consuming it in moderate amounts shouldnt increase your risk for cardiovascular disease. Beef Tallow Recipes Try beef tallow in lieu of lard, butter, or suet. As mentioned, commercial tallow can be a bit of a mixed bag, and you are likely to get a blend of different fats and oils instead of pure beef tallow. Rendering tallow is a simple process, but there are a few things to know to make sure it turns out well. Shortening (All of Popeyes fried items are prepared in the following shortening. Does Popeyes use beef fat? They are made without any animal products. What ingredients are in Chick fil A fries? Grass-fed beef fat can be a great source of oleic acid, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and other fatty acids that are thought to be good for increasing good cholesterol levels and supporting cognitive/brain health and a strong metabolism. 6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e. None of this we-pretend-to-be-healthy-but-really-crazy-bad-for-you soybean oil. In industry, tallow is not strictly defined as beef or mutton fat. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Chick-Fil-A fries theirs in peanut oil, whereas Popeye's reportedly uses a proprietary blend of beef tallow, partially hydrogenated beef tallow, and partially hydrogenated soybean oil. Health ramifications aside, some people miss these old-school cooking methods, while vegetarians and vegans have to comb through nutritional information on fast-food websites to make sure they're able to have the one side that's usually vegetarian. I do a side by side test to see if . The company has said it does not use any beef ingredients in its Indian products. To make your very own Popeyes fries, youll be using russet potatoes. For example, McDonalds cooked their fries in tallow for decades before finally switching to vegetable oil in the 90s [*]. It can help give crusts, pastries, fried foods and baked goods a crumbly texture. Unlike some coleslaw recipes, Popeyes Coleslaw dressing does not have any buttermilk or lemon juice. So this is not a closed loop. Does Popeyes use pork oil? Its an ingredient that Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy vouched for ever since he invented his famed Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich, says Worrell. The buttery, slightly sweet flavor is perfect with the salty, spicy chicken. Popeye's Breasts are the saltiest choice, with 1330 mg of sodium (nearly a day's worth) throughout every 440 calories. Tallow is beef fat that has been rendered down into a more stable form. Lets explore beef tallow uses. As long as tallow is properly rendered, it is very shelf stable. Popeyes gravy does contain pork. It's mainly used in British cuisine to make rich meat pies, savory puddings, and pastry dough. Grind the fat or cut it up into very small pieces (or ask the butcher to do this for you). Youll sometimes see beef tallow used as a sort of fancy butter to dip bread into as well, but tallow in cooking circles has largely been replaced by vegetable oils and other meat fats such as lard. Popeyes fries are not technically fried in lard. Want to hear more about our fry ingredients? You will hear crackling noises while it cooks. In fact, big-name fast-food restaurants such as McDonald's, Burger King, Popeye's and Wendy's all used to use this fat to cook their French fries and onion rings. Beef tallow also comes from all over the animal's body and proves creamier and easier to work with than suet. Tallow is a term that refers to rendered animal fat, usually from ruminant animals, like cattle and deer. Chicken on the Run, which became Popeyes, opened its doors in 1972. Leaf fat has the most beneficial nutrients compared to fat from other areas, or trim fat. Simply purchase your choice of beef tallow, melt it down and allow it to cool for a few minutes, but be sure the tallow does not harden completely. Why is tallow good for your skin? Using tallow benefits fat loss because it is rich in conjugated linoleic acid. Another benefit of consuming natural fats is for cognitive health, since a high percentage of your brain is made up of cholesterol and fat. Portillo's is famous for its Chicago-style hot dogs, Italian beef sandwiches, chopped salad, cheese fries, and homemade desserts. Too low a temperature will result in greasy chicken. There are no soggy spots to ruin your chicken-eating experience. In this video I'll try another how to cook steak experiment with steaks cooked in a cast iron skillet using clarified butter (Ghee) vs Wagyu Beef Tallow (liq. I work at popeyes in Ontario, we use canola/palm shortening, i was a cook at popeyes for 2 years. With the long hours, low pay, and occasionally rude customer, it doesnt come as a surprise that some Popeyes employees quit on the spot. Get the best food tips and diet advice All but one of these have swapped the tallow out for supposedly healthier oils in recent years. Shortening. The main thing to focus on is making sure the jar it's in is sealed properly. That said, most health authorities still recommend that you consume tallow and other animal fats in moderation or small amounts and that you include unsaturated fats in your diet as well. the spicy chicken patty is seasoned with a spicy mixture of bell peppers, hand breaded, pressed cooked in 100% peanut oiland served on a toasted and buttered bun, with a dill pickle.