And Johnson is a starting outside cornerback. Is "The Big Green" really Dartmouth's mascot?
John Lyons led the Green to two more titles and another 22-game unbeaten streak. 247Sports Home; FB Rec. var currentheadline = document.getElementById("headline").innerText; May not be reprinted or used online without permission. The first intercollegiate game occurred on November 17, 1881, when Amherst traveled to Dartmouth. Future Hall of Fame inductee Bob Blackman took over as head coach and went on to compile a 104373 record and seven Ivy League titles. (Valley News - James M. Patterson) Copyright Valley News. +1-508-831-5000 |, 100 Institute Road | Worcester, MA | 01609-2280, Division III Strategic Positioning Platform, H.Carr Field at Alumni Stadium and Norcross Track. Valley News photographs James M. Patterson We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. The 2021 Football Schedule for the Dartmouth Big Green with box scores plus records, streaks, and rankings. Sep 16 (Sat) TBA . A member of Princeton's 1,000-point club, T.J. Bray '14 is the only player in program history with three recorded 100-assist seasons. Still, White expressed his confidence in the group that the Big Green will field on that side of the ball. Check out the detailed 2021-22 Dartmouth Big Green Roster and Stats for College Basketball at May not be reprinted or used online without permission. Print. Georgetown. { . The Dartmouth Big Green (9-18, 5-8 Ivy League) hope to stop a three . He knew he was doing better once he returned to full-speed training. Bair is the Big Greens lead running back, in an offense dominated by the run game. if (photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring) > -1) { Ivy League * vs. Columbia University. In 2019, he continued his pro career by signing with Germany's Bayern Munich in the Basketball Bundesliga, the top level of pro basketball in Germany, and was loaned in 2020 to Casademont Zaragoza in Spain's top . Staff Directory Members By Category/Department; Name Position Email Phone Twitter The Fighting Irish rallied to defeat FIU 4-3 and rode that momentum to a 7-4 victory over the Big Green to finish the weekend. History; Sep 23 (Sat) CAA * at. We have a lot of faith in all of our guys, regardless of grade, so Im excited to see those young guys step up, White said. Hed broken his fibula. Polls, Schedule & Results. Check out the detailed 1976-77 Dartmouth Big Green Roster and Stats for College Basketball at May not be reprinted or used online without permission. (); :
If so, where does it come from and what does it mean? Visit ESPN to view the Dartmouth Big Green team schedule for the current and previous seasons Send requests to (browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino|android|ipad|playbook|silk/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1 6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\ )|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\ m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\ (n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\ |cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\ |co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\ s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\ d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4 7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\ |_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\ 5|g\ mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\ (m|p|t)|hei\ |hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\ c|ht(c(\ | |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\ (20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\ |\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\ |kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\ [a w])|libw|lynx|m1\ w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\ cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\ | |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0 2]|n20[2 3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\ |on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\ ([1 8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\ 2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\ g|qa\ a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\ [2 7]|i\ )|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\ |oo|p\ )|sdk\/|se(c(\ |0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\ |shar|sie(\ |m)|sk\ 0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\ |v\ |v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\ |tdg\ |tel(i|m)|tim\ |t\ mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\ |m3|m5)|tx\ 9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0 3]|\ v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\ | )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\ |your|zeto|zte\ /i.test(a.substr(0,4)))check = true})(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera); While they were away from campus and the team, Dartmouths training staff didnt mind them working with outside specialists as long as they were on the same page with what the athletes were doing. The canceled season from the COVID-19 pandemic provided both players more time to complete their recoveries and to improve beyond their pre-injury capabilities. The 1978 Ivy League Player of the Year, Buddy Teevens, succeeded Yukica in 1987. //LBtag_id.innerHTML = ''; Army standout Andre Carter II will be on an NFL roster next season. The 2022 Dartmouth Big Green football team represented Dartmouth College in the 2022 NCAA Division I FCS football season as a member of the Ivy League. UMass Dartmouth Corsairs ( NCAA) (1985-present) Cressy Field is a multi-purpose stadium in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, with a seating capacity of 1,850. Jones's strength and size make him tough to stop, but consistency in his technique is an area to work on. Every Sports Reference Social Media Account, Site Last Updated: Saturday, March 4, 6:03AM. Regular Season. During that period, the Big Green secured eight conference championships, all of them outright except one shared with MIT in 1888.[7]. .
Freshman Dartmouth, Mass. tag_id.innerHTML = ''; Send requests to Im just trying to go into it (like) any other Ivy League game. Find out more. function mobileAndTabletcheck() { The team was led by 22nd-year head coach Buddy Teevens and played its home games at Memorial Field . You knew who they were as people, that they were going to work hard and come back ready to go and prepared. Find out the latest on your favorite NCAAF teams on Download. Box Score; Recap; Box Score; Game Notes; Washington, D.C. . if (bMobile) Harvard Varsity Club Career Services.
Subscribe Today, Drivers feel snowed after plow truck hit-and-run totals vehicles, Residents will decide if Norwich Farm is granted property tax exemption, Town Meeting: 2 Selectboard seats up for grabs in Hartford, Hartford Seletboard takes library funding out of main budget, forces standalone vote, Valley News Recent Obituaries: All of Valley News's Recent Obituaries, Town Meeting: Randolph residents weigh new police department after Orange County sheriff cant fulfill contract, On the third anniversary of COVID in NH, hospitals say their struggles have in some ways gotten worse, Town Meeting: Windsor Selectboard candidates photo from Capitol riot raised at forum. Game #1. } The standard has been set here by Coach Teevens and the rest of the coaching staff, and we expect to compete for a championship every season, Howard said. Ivy League Admissions Statement. Check out the detailed 1970-71 Dartmouth Big Green Roster and Stats for College Basketball at { The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. Stay Connected with 247Sports.
Big-Sky; B-South; CAA; Ivy; MEAC; MVC; NEC . UPenn is now . '"; 02747-2300 But the COVID-19 pandemics emergence changed things. [5] He volunteered for World War I at the age of 41, and was replaced as coach by one of his former players, Clarence Spears. Around The Yard: Life As A Harvard Student-Athlete. Go; Season Record. Zack Bair, of Dartmouth, stretches out as Terron Mallory, of Sacred Heart, tackles him during Dartmouth's 41-3 win in Hanover, N.H., on Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021.
Last edited on 18 February 2023, at 20:52, List of Dartmouth Big Green football seasons, Eastern Intercollegiate Football Association, Category:Dartmouth Big Green football players, "The Story of Keggy the Keg: Dartmouth's Official Unofficial Mascot", "College Items, Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven [Conn.]), 19 Nov. 1881", Dartmouth Game by Game Results, 18811884, "UNH, Dartmouth football rivalry is study of streaks". In 1901, Dartmouth played their first game against their intrastate rivals, UNH. Running the ball, Zack Bair 22 will return for a fifth year, as well as senior running back Noah Roper 23, giving Howard plenty of weapons with which to attack opposing defenses. var check = false;
Cornerback Isaiah Johnson, who unknowingly suffered a hairline fracture during Dartmouths previous game against Colgate, felt his leg snap during warmups. I felt like a kid in a candy store, Johnson said.
Ticket Central, Quaker Audio Network presented by PNC Bank, Pottruck Center For Student-Athlete Success, Penn Athletics Wharton Leadership Academy. 22 Miami Downs Dartmouth, 9-7. When the seniors on this years team first joined the program in 2019, they were part of a 9-1 championship season, splitting the title with Yale University, also 9-1. (1989-91) in football at Dartmouth College and served as team captain in 1991 mother played ice hockey at Dartmouth grandfather, Keith Bobo, lettered three seasons (1971-73) in football at SMU and was a 12th-round selection of the Dallas Cowboys in the 1974 NFL Draft grandfather, David Hagerman, lettered . Main Navigation Menu. var photocredit = "'' 'Zack Bair, of Dartmouth, stretches out as Terron Mallory, of Sacred Heart, tackles him during Dartmouth\'s 41-3 win in Hanover, N.H., on Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021. Football Celebrates Senior Day With 50-0 Shutout of Fitchburg. Watch Video. Villanova Wildcats Men's. Roster and Stats. Quaker Notemeal . Support Athletics. Sports Reference Baseball; Football; Basketball; Hockey; Futebol; Blog; . W 35-13 .
The Hurricanes hammered a pair of three-run homers and held on to defeat Dartmouth, 9-7 . Southland road opponents for Texas A&M-Commerce include UIW on Oct. 14, HCU on Oct. 28, Lamar on Nov. 4, and Northwestern State on Nov. 18. (); :
HANOVER When Dartmouth College football faced the University of Pennsylvania at Franklin Field in 2019, two Big Green players stepped on the field for the . Now, those seniors are the leaders of a young team with many new faces, according to head coach Buddy Teevens 79, and are looking to complete the three-peat.
Student Assistants: Ryan Trongone 23 and Jack Charpentier 25 For a full list of former players, see Category:Dartmouth Big Green football players. Sayin finds Casilli for the touchdown and the Quakers jump ahead by seven!#FightOnPenn x #BEGREAT Johnson and Bair both knew the importance of every day while recovering from serious injuries. at. See top plays & highlights of the best high school sports
Official Site of Dartmouth College Varsity Athletics. Name POS HT WT Class Birthplace; Dylan Cadwallader 10. var sellablestring = "COPYRIGHT VALLEY NEWS"; //var LBtag_id = document.getElementById('buylinkLBzackbairisaiahjohnsondartmouthfeature-st-vn-100121,ph01'); In 1935, he led them to their first victory over Yale, 146. Paul Kenneth Harrison (c. 1949 - March 4, 2019) was an American football and basketball coach and athletic director.He was the first coach in UMass Dartmouth history as he coached there for their first five seasons. (); :
Fr. vs Yale.
Overall 3-7; PCT.300 . We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. Teevens spent five years at Dartmouth and captured two conference championships. The Big Green finished the 2021 season with a record of 91, 61 Ivy League play to win the Ivy championship with Princeton. Baseball Baseball: Twitter Baseball: Instagram Baseball: Schedule Baseball . White, also named to Phil Steeles first team preseason All-Ivy roster, returns at linebacker after a strong 2021 campaign along with Shane Cokes 23 on the defensive line and Quinten Arello 23 in the secondary. W, 29-9. vs Bucknell. Dartmouth. He went to hyperbaric chambers and did whatever he needed to do or went wherever he needed to go to rebuild his strength and movement. From 1911 to 1916, Frank "the Iron Major" Cavanaugh, led the Green to a 4293 record. In March 2020, the Ivy League shut down all athletic competition due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including football. Goalposts were erected on the green where they stood for several months, before being removed for the 1877 commencement. Our reasoning for presenting offensive logos. Media by Associated Press: The Final Four logo is seen on the Wilson basketball during a First Four game in the NCAA men's college basketball tournament between Texas A&M-Corpus Christi and Texas Southern. 2022 Football Schedule. Watching the film, Jones relies on his size to move defenders off the ball. Assistant Coaches:Matt Kelly (Offensive Coordinator), Galen Holmes (Defensive Line/Special Teams Coordinator), Sam Casey (Defensive Coordinator), Mike Kelly (Offensive Line), Turner Geenty (Running Backs), Drew Luongo (Wide Receivers) and Matt Moran The official 2022 Football schedule for the . This Saturday, Dartmouth football will take the field at home against Valparaiso University to kick off its 2022 season.
HANOVER, N.H. - Katina Christensen, Boo Dewitt, and Catherine Erb combined for 10 goals as the Dartmouth women's lacrosse team defeated Bryant, 15-13, in non-conference action on Wednesday at Scully-Fahey Field. In 1925, the Green finished 80, and two of that team's players, Swede Oberlander and Myles Lane, were later inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. 1H Moneyline. The position is responsible for managing all aspects of social media and producing digital content for . Seth Tow can be reached at All rights reserved. Durham, N.H. Wildcat Stadium. He also coached basketball for Massasoit Community College along with being the athletic directors for Martha's Vineyard Regional High School, Framingham High School, and .
WLAX Kicks Off Five-Game Road Trip At #16 Johns Hopkins Saturday. Baseball Baseball: Facebook Baseball: Twitter Baseball: Instagram Baseball: Schedule Baseball: Roster Baseball: News Basketball Basketball: Facebook Basketball: Twitter Basketball: Instagram Basketball: Schedule Basketball: Roster Basketball: News Cross Country Cross Country: Facebook Cross Country . He also found the end zone 15 times, accounting for over 70% of the Big Greens rushing touchdowns as a team. When they started practicing for the first time Johnson in April for spring workouts and Bair in August for preseason it was memorable. In 1941, Blaik left to coach the Army team at West Point, whom he led to two consecutive national championships. History; Durham, N.H. Wildcat Stadium. Dartmouth, Mass. The Green, who had lost the first 18 meetings by a combined margin of 552 points to 18, upset the Crimson, 110. The team was led by 22nd-year head coach Buddy Teevens and played its home games at Memorial Field. White suffered a minor meniscus tear in the preseason that will sideline him until the start of Ivy League play against the University of Pennsylvania. Support the
FB Recruiting Home; . //LBtag_id.innerHTML = ''; Howard had a breakout campaign last year splitting snaps with Derek Kyler 21, now a redshirt senior at the University of Pittsburgh. aScriptAttributes = [ Spears attained a 2191 record with the Green, and went on to further success at West Virginia and Minnesota, among others.
[11][12], Dartmouth played its first season of football as a member of the Ivy League in 1956. PS/G: 75.1 (101st of 181) Opening draw is scheduled for 12 p.m. Join us for a March Madness Webinar on Tuesday, March 7 at 8pm ET. The Dartmouth Big Green football team represents Dartmouth College in NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) college football competition as a member of the Ivy League. Tim Park appeared in the 200 free B . The official 2023 Football schedule for the University of New Hampshire Wildcats. [16] The Big Green failed to claim their third consecutive Ivy League title in 2022, posting a 3-7 record which saw them finish 6th in the Ivy League, their worst record since 2009. Dartmouth Big Green Women's. Advanced Gamelogs. The official 2022 Football Roster for the . [5], From 1887 to 1898,[citation needed] Dartmouth competed against schools such as MIT, Amherst, and Williams as a member of the Triangular Football League. Modified: 9/30/2021 11:11:09 PM. }, Zack Bair, of Dartmouth, stretches out as Terron Mallory, of Sacred Heart, tackles him during Dartmouth's 41-3 win in Hanover, N.H., on Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021. But there wasnt one specific moment he realized hed recovered. Although Howard put up gaudy numbers despite defenses knowing to expect the run when he was the one under center, Teevens expects the added versatility to be a benefit to the offense. Facing a 5-1 deficit, Dartmouth scored two goals midway through the third period to make it a two-goal game, but the . Subscribe now to access Harvard vs. Dartmouth predictions and more: - Best Bets. Johnson was confident he wouldve been ready to go if Dartmouth played in 2020.
(); :
Johnson suffered a season-ending injury in 2019. The official 2022 Football Roster for the . Seven Owls Named To MASCAC Fall Sportsmanship Team November 30, 2022. CORAL GABLES, Fla. It was only a matter of time. The official 2022 Football schedule for the University of Pennsylvania Quakers. 7. Blackman also had his first All-American player in Donald McKinnon, class of 1963, who anchored a strong defense that allowed only six points in its first five games. The 2022 Dartmouth Big Green football team represented Dartmouth College in the 2022 NCAA Division I FCS football season as a member of the Ivy League. Live Results. [10], Earl "Red" Blaik became head coach in 1934 and posted a 45154 mark in his seven seasons.
Me and my dad built a gym in my house, Johnson said.
But, at the end of the day, it comes down to us and how we play. W Basketball. [5][6] The Elis teams did not return to Hanover until 1971. On November 24, the teams met in Springfield, Massachusetts for a rematch on Thanksgiving Day, and the scoreless game ended prematurely in a tie because of snow. Offense. Send requests to Send requests to ??
Head coach Buddy Teevens said both are naturally viewed as leaders now, because of their seniority and the hardships they endured. :
He said he started to feel good again about a year after the injury but still felt some pain while running and cutting. Live Stats; History; Hanover, N.H. Hanover, N.H. Live Stats; History; Nov 18 (Sat) TBA . Send requests to With Kyler now graduated, Howards role is expected to change to see him used more in the traditional passing game as well as continuing to take advantage of his talents as a runner. Print; Grid; Text; Choose A Location: Go; Season. Senior Perspectives. 100 Institute Road | Worcester, MA | 01609-2280
We have tools and resources that can help you use sports data. The Corsairs 2020 season was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the game, running back Zack Bair tore two ligaments in his knee and suffered MCL damage as well. Seasons: 93 (1881 to 1981) Record (W-L-T): 502-258-35 Conferences: Ivy, Ind Conf. Hide/Show Additional Information For Dartmouth - October 22, 2022. From 1901 to 1909, Dartmouth compiled a 5897 record under several different head coaches. For those two gentlemen, there was never a doubt that they were working, because you knew their character, Brown said. 02747-2300. var sellablestring = "COPYRIGHT VALLEY NEWS"; 2/24/2023 10:06:00 PM. Other experienced players in fifth-year Bobby Jefferson 22 and Sam Koscho 23 sustained season-ending injuries. Get the latest news and information for the Dartmouth Big Green. CANTON, N.Y. - The Dartmouth men's ice hockey team fell to St. Lawrence, 2-0, in ECAC Hockey action on Saturday evening at Appleton Arena, bringing the regular season to a close.The Big Green move to 5-23-1, 4-17-1 while the Saints improve to 17-17-0, 12-10-. After undergoing surgeries and for Bair, giving the MCL time to heal on its own they donned crutches, casts and later walking boots. Box Score; Recap; New Haven, Conn. Yale Bowl, Class of 1954 Field. 1964-65. 247Sports . The Big Greens first test of the season comes at home this Saturday against the Crusaders, a matchup Dartmouth won 28-18 last season. 2021 UMass Dartmouth Corsairs football team, Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference, 2021 Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference football standings, "UMass Dartmouth Statement on MASCAC Fall Sports Cancellation Announcement",, UMass Dartmouth Corsairs football seasons, Pages using CFB schedule with named parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, ^ NCAA Division III playoff participant, (13:36) HUS Tucker Buzzell 70 Yd Interception, Aaron Paradis Kick (, (10:09) UMD Mike Vincent 3 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca Kick (, (9:35) UMD Diondre Ellis 6 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (11:19) HUS Anthony Walker 10 Yd Pass, Aaron Paradis Kick (, (1:48) UMD Antonio Brown 39 Yd Pass, Dante Aviles-Santos 2PT Conversion (, (13:25) UMD Mike Vincent 41 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (13:04) DEC David Curry 61 Yd Run, Mason Dill Kick (, (11:54) UMD Antonio Brown 55 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (8:11) UMD Douglas Machado 78 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (11:22) UMD Dante Aviles-Santos 1 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (1:58) DEC Jordan Mason 24 Yd Pass, Mason Dill Kick (, (0:10) UMD Thomas Zednik 14 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (13:48) DEC Ki'sean Bullard 44 Yd Pass, Quintus Reid 2PT Conversion (, (11:27) UMD Douglas Machado 9 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (8:10) DEC Quintus Reid 13 Yd Pass, Mason Dill Kick (, (4:06) UMD Marvens Jean 2 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (1:17) UMD Luis Gonzalez 40 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (13:47) UMD Douglas Machado 57 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca Kick (, (3:44) FSU Cole Moretti 42 Yd Fumble Recovery, Matthew Farley Kick (, (0:06) FSU Kareem Coleman 14 Yd Pass, Matthew Farley Kick (, (9:47) FSU Marcus McBean Jr. 21 Yd Run, Matthew Farley Kick (, (2:15) FSU Matthew Farley 23 Yd Field Goal (, (7:40) FSU Elijah Nichols 15 Yd Pass, Matthew Farley Kick (, (1:15) FSU Devaun Ford 3 Yd Run, Matthew Farley Kick (, (14:48) UMD Luis Gonzalez 20 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca Kick (, (8:39) FSU Nicolas Goffredo 22 Yd Run, Matthew Farley Kick (, (3:57) UMD Marvens Jean 3 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca Kick (, (11:42) UMD Luis Gonzalez 6 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (4:02) UMD Douglas Machado 25 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (3:08) UMD Luis Gonzalez 3 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (0:21) UMD Marvens Jean 62 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca Kick (, (9:41) WSU Dylan Hall 1 Yd Pass, Kyle Wall Kick (, (8:04) UMD Douglas Machado 39 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (0:22) UMD Easten Coleman 12 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca Kick (, (9:51) UMD Jayln Aponte 16 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca Kick (, (1:48) UMD Richarno Hylton 27 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca Kick (, (6:06) UMD Luis Gonzalez 1 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (14:57) UMD Douglas Machado 10 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca Kick (, (10:53) WCSU Mack Driver 3 Yd Run, Anthony Weidtman Kick (, (7:25) WCSU Mack Driver 17 Yd Run, Anthony Weidtman Kick (, (2:32) WCSU Chad Blaszky 16 Yd Run, Anthony Weidtman Kick (, (8:22) WCSU Mack Driver 18 Yd Run, Anthony Weidtman PAT Failed (, (6:36) WCSU Julian Ferguson 15 Yd Pass, Anthony Weidtman Kick (, (2:43) UMD Dante Aviles-Santos 2 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (4:21) UMD Luis Gonzalez 2 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (10:26) MMA George Lampros 20 Yd Field Goal (, (0:56) UMD Dante Aviles-Santos 3 Yd Pass, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (5:25) UMD Antonio Brown 49 Yd Pass, Antonio Brown Pass (, (3:40) MMA Jonah Mitchell 33 Yd Pass, George Lampros Kick (, (7:46) UMD Marvens Jean 6 Yd Run, Douglas Chicca PAT Failed (, (10:21) UMD Marvens Jean 31 Yd Pass, Aviles-Santos Pass Intercepted (, (10:21) WSU Cameron Danahy 98 PAT Interception Return (, (14:43) WSU Christian Julian 75 Yd Punt Return, Anthony Cintron Run 2PT Conversion (, (0:19) WSU Anthony Cintron 24 Yd Pass, Shane Clark Run 2PT Conversion Failed (, (11:38) UMD Dante Aviles-Santos 13 Yd Run, Matt Gacioch Pass 2PT Failed (, (7:56) UMD Luis Gonzales 73 Yd Run, Keenan Little Pass 2PT Conversion (, (4:36) UMD Antonio Brown 40 Yd Pass, Dante Aviles-Santos Pass 2PT Conversion Failed (, (3:38) UMD Dante Aviles-Santos 24 Yd Run, Thomas Zednik Pass 2PT Conversion (, (10:45) UMD Luis Gonzalez 7 Yd Run, PAT Failed (, (7:17) UMD Dante Aviles-Santos 14 Yd Run, PAT Failed (, (0:42) UMD Luis Gonzalez 15 Yd Pass, PAT Failed (, (5:45) UMD Marvens Jean 33 Yd Run, Thomas Zednik Pass 2PT Conversion (, (8:58) UMD Richarno Hylton 51 Yd Run, PAT Failed (, (9:19) BSU Adam Couch 1 Yd Run, Thomas Fay PAT Failed (, (5:32) UMD Douglas Machado 42 Yd Pass, Luis Gonzalez Run 2PT Conversion (, (3:06) BSU Adam Couch 33 Yd Run, Thomas Fay PAT Failed (, (14:40) UMD Keenan Little 2 Yd Pass, Marvens Jean Run 2PT Conversion Failed (, (2:49) BSU Adam Couch 25 Yd Run, T.J. Hairston Pass 2PT Conversion (, (9:43) UMD Marvens Jean 7 Yd Pass, Marvens Jean Run 2PT Conversion Failed (, (13:58) UMD Douglas Machado 18 Yd Pass, Dante Aviles-Santos Run 2PT Conversion Failed (, (8:21) UMD Dante Aviles-Santos 4 Yd Run, Thomas Zednik Pass 2PT Conversion (, (11:18) UMD Douglas Machado 5 Yd Pass, PAT Failed (, (9:29) UMD Marvens Jean 9 Yd Pass, PAT Failed (, (11:21) UMD Luis Gonzalez 1 Yd Run, Keenan Little Pass 2PT Conversion (, (0:15) PSU Manny Sanchez 3 Yd Run, Dan Carey Kick (, (11:56) UMD Dante Aviles-Santos 3 Yd Run, Luis Gonzalez Run 2PT Conversion (, (5:36) UMD Antonio Brown 43 Yd Pass, Thomas Zednik Pass 2PT Conversion (, (0:25) ASC Dawson Fontaine 0 Yd Field Goal (, (2:48) UMD Keenan Little 22 Yd Pass, PAT Failed (, (12:53) ASC Roman Napoleon 13 Yd Pass, PAT Failed (, (10:14) UMD Tyler Gmyr 0 Yd Pass, PAT Failed (, (7:21) UMD Dante Aviles-Santos 5 Yd Run, PAT Failed (, (5:10) ASC Jake Palmer 2 Yd Run, Dawson Fontaine Kick (, (10:15) UMD Winston DeLeon 8 Yd Pass, Mike Vincent Pass 2PT Conversion (, This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 04:29.